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MVC3 Pre-release thread

Started by xpunch, April 08, 2010, 09:31:37 PM

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[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: Eddy_COMBO on December 22, 2010, 02:54:50 PM
I just hope Strider is in. I know Wesker is there but I still would like Strider in  :(

Anyway the dudes at the marvel site posted some alternate colours for Ironman, Wolvie, She Hulk, Spidey and Mag-F@#king-neto lol. They look sweet as.

They deconfirmed Strider bro.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: [NYC] weazzyefff on December 22, 2010, 04:54:57 PM
They deconfirmed Strider bro.

Sad My number one Player is not in MVC3... :'( :'( :'( :'(
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: Ngati Kahungunu Champ on December 22, 2010, 03:57:57 PM
He gets his hand blasted off by Cyclpops, (who gets one of his eyes ripped uot by Wolvie).  Um, dunno why he doesn't heal it back though.
Maybe cos his flesh heals back and shit but not his antire limb? Cos there's no exoskeleton there? Not enough bourbino's ya reckon?

He get's shot in the head and shit but the skull is still intact. So yer maybe cos no exoskeleton after his whole hand got blast off.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Why does he need exoskeleton to regenerate though? His mutant ability is regen, and the exoskeleton was just given to him later?

I know it's stupid to use the shitty Origins movie as an example, but if he can regenerate his fucking brains, then he should be able to regen a comparatively simple hand.

samurai black

Quote from: originaljulz on December 22, 2010, 03:13:11 PM
How does Wolverine in Age of Apocalypse lose a hand?

Wouldn't he just... Regenerate?

this is back when wolverines healing factor wasn't retarded and it had its limits. gunshots would take hours to heal, not seconds. nowadays he can regen from a nuke.

originally it was deadpool with the accelerated healing factor and head regrowth ability.


LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!

samurai black

this is supposed to be from the mvc3 CE. scans of the comic that it comes with.

which has taskmaster.


guess he's in?

[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

also has pics of galactus whos supposed to be the final boss

looks like the leaked list was spot on then
"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "

[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

  # The only remaining stage is Metro City. There are 8 altogether (in addition to the final boss’ stage). #mvc3
  # The remaining Capcom characters are Hsien-Ko, Haggar and Akuma. #mvc3
  # The remaining Marvel characters are Phoenix, Sentinel and Taskmaster. #mvc3
  # Akuma and Taskmaster are hidden characters. #mvc3
  # Galactus is the final boss. #mvc3
  # There will be 2 DLC stages. #mvc3
  # There will be downloadable characters in addition to Jill and Shuma-Gorath, but not many. Set realistic expectations. #mvc3
  # Frank was removed from the game over the summer for technical reasons. The silhouettes were never meant to fool anybody… he WAS in. #mvc3
  # Hsien-Ko and Phoenix will be revealed at Jump Festa this weekend. #mvc3
  # Haggar, Sentinel, and the Metro City stage will be revealed in January. #mvc3
  # Akuma and Taskmaster will be revealed in February. #mvc3
  # The creative deadline was in September. Frank was pulled about two months prior, and there was no time to add a new character in his place. (cont’d) The workload was too heavy as it was. Capcom had to make the decision to pull a Marvel character to even the roster out. (cont’d) Shuma-Gorath was removed from the game to even the sides, and the decision was made to offer him as DLC.
  # There are no rivals per se, but the roster was created with counterparts in mind. This leads to style balances between the two parties.
  # Fun fact: Juggernaut was intended to be Haggar’s counterpart â€" brown-clad, hulking characters. Juggernaut was canned and replaced with Sent.
  # Juggernaut and other such characters were replaced early in development. There was never any actual development done on Juggernaut. #mvc3
  # I was asked about this â€" Jean Grey’s official name in the game is Phoenix. Not sure if that hurts Phoenix Wright’s chances as DLC. #mvc3
  # Speaking of DLC, I’m told that a lot (all?) has already been planned, but nearly everybody is in the dark about it at this point in time.
  # Don’t expect DLC news until well into next year. #mvc3
  # “I Wanna Take You For a Ride” plays during the end credits. #mvc3
  # Fun fact: Viewtiful Joe tags in Hsien-Ko as “Lei-Lei” and Akuma as “Gouki.” #mvc3
  # Stage details: “Metro City” â€" slums with several run-down buildings; NPCs fighting in the background #mvc3
  # I was asked this â€" I am not affiliated with Lupinko, but what I have seen from him is totally legit. And no, I do not work FOR Capcom.
  # Mega Man was one of the first characters ruled out â€" offers nothing unique, says devs. Arthur was added to fill his shoes. #mvc3
  # Akuma has some tricks up his sleeve, but nothing substantial. Mostly visual. In the game because of his MvC history as first crossover char. [Editor's note - he appeared has a hidden playable character in X-Men Children of the Atom.]
  # Episode 3 trailer finally coming VERY soon. Sooner than you might think! #mvc3
  # Yes, there will be select DLC costumes for some chars. Only a handful. These will be “model swaps” as opposed to the in-game texture swaps.
  # Haha, not sure WHO is getting DLC costumes. Too early. If I had to guess it would be people with significant looks like Spencer & Jill.
  # Fun fact: In earliest stages of roster consideration, Capcom was going to include a giant character per side, but decided that was too TvC.
  # Funny that the game’s top series (SF & X-Men) don’t have stages. #mvc3
  # Fun fact: Next time you see S-Kill, thank him for bringing Storm and Sentinel back. #mvc
  # The final character select screen is more or less the same as the one you’ve been seeing, design-wise. Hasn’t been re-done like some think.
  # No moving cutscenes in Arcade. Just still images done in a “gritty” style. Don’t expect a full-fledged cinematic experience. Very basic.
  # For those asking â€" my Twitter BG is for fun. Darkstalkers and Final Fight are among my favorite Capcom series. Looks mysterious though, eh?
  # Lots coming at Jump Festa. First new playable build in a while. #mvc3
  # New playable build, Hsien-Ko & Phoenix reveals, new trailer. #mvc3 #jumpfesta
"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "


Sad no Strider   :'(
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!


Sounds about right from that other really reliable rumour list. Yay akuma lol. Who knows he could be real interesting now with everyone having an air dash. Give him a quick dive kick and keep his tatsu assist. And bam my X-23 and Wesker will be doing mixups for days. Also MSS is lol. I can imagine Sent being so much worse than MVC2 though.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Oh man giant chars woulda been cool. And they should have really little chars too.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

The New Generation Clockw0rk


interesting to see if phoenix wright does get included, after capcom denying it the whole time