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The 'What are you playing right now?' Thread

Started by redtie, April 12, 2010, 07:25:08 PM

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Haha Yeah I'm currently playing FFXIII too and I'm up to chapter 7 I think? Yeah I'm pretty much mashed on x throughout all my battles too. FFXIII probably has the most annoying set of chars out of all the Final Fantasies I've played. I pains me that my best char atm is the most annoying for me... Which is Hope. His constant bitching about Snow and blah blah Operation Nora makes me wish I could attack my on party members like previous games.

But yeah like you said it's a Final Fantasy game so I'll keep playing until I've finished it. And' it is indeed a very pretty game... Even on my CRT lol

The Self-proclaimed Christchurch Hyper Fighting 2011 Champion


Paradigms add SLIGHTLY more depth to the gameplay. The only fun part of them though, is thinking up different decks to use.

My god. The characters. Vanille makes me want to slice off my ears and burn them. She's only lucky she got a cute character design. And she gets away with that barely. Hope gets over it eventually but still is annoying as fuck when he's constantly going on about Snow. Snow is just a massive cliche and has no depth to his character whatsoever. I didn't initially like Lightning (mostly before I played the game) but a few chapters in I started warming up to her for some reason, and I kinda like her now. Comment on Youtube made me laugh too. "Lightning went COMMANDO? I'd RAVAGER."

Again, the main theme makes me want to cry with it's awesomely composed awesomeness (specifically the first opening note, and at 1:03). And the battle theme is good too. I like FFVII's battle theme because of it's like, hard rifty kinda tune which I always thought battle themes had to be like. But when the string melody comes up in FFXIII's (you must know the bit I'm talking about) I jizz my pants.


That game is AWFUL. Suzannah and I stopped half way through and just never picked it up again. The story was shit so I don't care that I don't know what happened and I have better things with my life to do than play shit games for the sake of finishing them.

I can't believe they are making XIII-2.
KOW 2011


Man, Final Fantasy needs to do a mean page turn and make a main character that's just one hell of a badass.  Like a massive black dude with a robot leg, and a robot arm.  And he's always smoking a massive cigar, and instead of a gay sword thats too big for him he'd have a machine gun that pops out of his chest and shoots little bombs with a yellow angry face on the front of them.  Also, he would be bald, no gayass spikey green/blue/red/yellow hair.  And the finishing touch, a massive scar down the side of his face that makes his face a constant frown, and also makes his eye like that milky white colour with no pupil.  His name would be "Ace Powers".

The villain would be an evil shark that grew arms and legs after having toxic waste from a navy frigate dumped on him.  He then rose through the criminal underworld killing everyone until he held the drug trade of "Ivalice".  Kids and shit start buying his drugs and Ace Power's daughter dies cause she becomes and addict at the age of 7.  He vows to take down "Sharklor" for his daughter.

Along the way he meets up with "Tatanya" a stripper/assasin that falls for him, even though he spends the whole time calling her a bitch and telling her to shutup.  When he's low on health she has a limit break that she brings him a sammich and gets his health back, and then he backhands her back off the screen and carries on smashing dudes.  For her weapon she has blades that come out of her shoes and she kicks fools with them and stabs them.

The game would be on Kinect, and instead of like random battles etc, you punch, kick, make stabbing motions, and pelvic thrust toward the screen for combat.  Everytime an enemy dies, they they explode.  Also, you could punch/kick/shoot/stab/etc anyone on the screen at any time.  Don't like the price that vendor is selling a phoenix down for? WHAMO!!!!  WTF 1000 gil to stay at this inn?  FUCKIN BANG!!!!  Shit would be cash.  Also to access the save game menu you kick Tatanya in the guts 8 times.

Now that would be an awesome FF game.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


FF13 sucks. Stop playing it. I did finished it though. But never went back to beat all the 'extra' stuff, too much of a grind for a game that is complete rubbish.

Go get an emulator for PS1 and play a real FF game instead imo


Fuck off go play FF6 on Nintendo. That's the real talk Final Fantasy
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



I've really gone off JRPG's in recent years.

I think in general the stories are pretty good, but the character's really grind on me.  Hence Sharklor, Tatanya and Ace Powers.  But I guess it's what is popular over there so I can understand them having that sort of preference.

Playing tons of puzzle quest atm.  I like that game.  I keep running my phone battery dry playing it hahaha.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


The first Puzzle Quest was awesome. not feeling the second one as much.
KOW 2011

samurai black

if puzzle quest is the same on DS, then fuck that game.


Decided, 'im bored, ill go rent bioshock'.

Been sitting on the "Please wait...now installing bioshock" screen for about 10 minutes listening to elevator music. This game is NOT selling for me atm.

Hah. As soon as i finished typing it finished.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Hahaha i loved the 2nd one have'nt played the first one cos my vid shop sux don't have it.

I like killing the daddy's and stealing their daughters (irl). And then killing the daughters.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Man i got that starwars unleashed 2. I was so exited for this game cos the first one was boss. I fuckin clocked it and was sooooo surprised how shit it was. It's like a demo of the game. I max leveled in about 3 hours. Clocked it in about 6. Shittiest sequel ever. You don't even get off the spaceship the whole game. Scenery and enemies so boring. How the fuck could people even put these sort of games on the shelves.

Also clocked Army of two 2 with a mate. man, game developers still don't get it. We want co-op on all the FPS's. And there still has to be that element of competing. LIke keep all our stats and shit seperate. Fuck.

I am gonna go get deadspace 2 out tomorow. Can't wait, the first one was instant classic.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Lol Weazy. I actually like the Army of Two games. I mean, besides the fact that they're shittily made games, the co-op aspect is what makes them fun. Playing through with a mate is fun as.  You can kinda feel like you're Rios and Salem, just two merc buddies fucking shit up.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: originaljulz on January 29, 2011, 12:44:29 AM
Lol Weazy. I actually like the Army of Two games. I mean, besides the fact that they're shittily made games, the co-op aspect is what makes them fun. Playing through with a mate is fun as.  You can kinda feel like you're Rios and Salem, just two merc buddies fucking shit up.

Yer bro, i think it's bad. They should do it for every FPS. But they should keep their stats and shit seperate. I remember there was this game back on ps1 that you got exp points and could upgrade your guy and shit. But it was seperate. So killing guys before your mate could kill them was way more satisfying when you kept unlocking the mean guns while the other lazy cunt had shit guns.

In army of two. I was getting 100 kills to my mates 20. He was laughing cos he was running around picking up all the money.

Need more co-op games this gen i reckon. But keep stats seperate and tally up a score at the end of each mission or have things you can only unlock by killing and putting in work. Offline too. None of this online shit. Heaps of games got it online where having it offline woulda made it a beast game.

Nobody wants to play co-op with me anyway cos i rage at them like i'm in a real war and they are slowing me down.

Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: [NIUE] weazzyefff on January 29, 2011, 01:31:15 AM
Need more co-op games this gen i reckon.
Have you played Borderlands bro, it supports up to 4 players. It's an FPS but you level up like an RPG/Diablo and there are HEAPS of mean guns.
KOW 2011