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AUS EVO APAC qualifier results

Started by zos'la, May 10, 2010, 08:24:36 AM

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And that was our asian news reporter Hebretto coming in live from Australia...
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


So maybe i'm blind but I hadn't seen any mention of the final APAC result
so here is what I found

1. Daigo Umehara (JPN)
2. Humanbomb (NSW)
3. ToXY (VIC)
4. naruga (VIC)
5. robsux (NSW)
5. wizbore (NSW)
7. dk (NSW)
7. Gankatron (NZ)
9. bbbenson (NSW)
9. Combomaniac (SA)
9. JackSmash (NZ)
9. Ricky (WA)
13. Ero_Oyaji (VIC)
13. kientan (NSW)
13. TannedTitties (QLD)
13. zosla (NZ)
17. Crazy FreeRider (NSW)
17. Genxa (NSW)
17. Jim (QLD)
17. Somniac (VIC)
17. vindk8 (NSW)

Good effort NZers

Bracket info etc here

Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


oh there is another thread which had the links so everyone was looking there!!! but I guess it shoul be here asl wel :)
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.