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Post-release Super Street Fighter 4

Started by fluxcore, May 20, 2010, 08:07:15 AM

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Quote from: moose! on September 11, 2010, 10:45:25 AM
Catsuit Cammy: yes!
Do rag Ryu: no!


The defense argues that it's a nice change for Ryu, as opposed to his other crappy alts.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Yeah there are some really appropriate ones this time. Zangief finally gets his cossack outfit. The Adon one is pretty cool too.


Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Version Has Changed Considerably; Expect Announcements at Tokyo Game Show

The latest post on Capcom's official Super Street Fighter 4 developer blog has some exciting information pertaining to both the console and arcade versions of the game.

First of all, the alternate costumes that producer Yoshinori Ono has been tantalizing us via Twitter all this week will be shown at Tokyo Game Show next week.  They will be shown running on actual arcade hardware.  It seems likely that we will also get more specific details such as pricing and release timeframe as well.

Before TGS, however, Super Street Fighter 4 will be getting a second location test in Japan, this time in Osaka. The blog doesn't confirm the presence of new characters in this version, but it does say that the game has changed considerably from the last location test version.

Finally, the blog entry also states that Capcom will be announcing future developments for the console version of Super Street Fighter 4 at the show.  This may be referencing the new alternate costumes, but perhaps some announcements related to the arcade version changes are possible.

Source: Iplaywinner.

*cough Hakan buffs cough*


balance changes yeah, hope they give gen his mk hands combo back.


Super Street Fighter 4's arcade location test in Japan has gotten underway. It's now official that Yun and Yang have joined the rest of the cast â€" and new balance changes have been reported.

Here's a breakdown of what's known so far from WildfireZer0. Note, these changes aren't official yet, as this is just a location test and a lot can and will be changed in the future.

• Yun's Super is the infamous Genei Jin from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.

• Zangief's EX Green Hand no longer knocks down.

• Hakan's Oil Shower stacks, i.e. it can be applied multiple times with the effects adding to the duration his oil stays on. Also, he has a Kick follow up to Oil. He can reportedly combo Standing Light Kick into Oil.

• Yang and Yun have their Third Strike target combos.

• Yun apparently feels sluggish, like Makoto in SSF4.

• Seth's Jumping Hard Punch is gone... it wasn't clear what exactly this was replaced with.

• The distance Blanka flies away after a blocked Beast Roll has been cut in half.

• Ryu and Akuma's Air Hurricane Kicks are no longer as effective for escaping bad situations.

• Juri's Kick Fireball seems easier to combo with now.

• Hakan's 360 command grab with Kick can be canceled. This is where he runs in place and if you let go of the button he attempted to jump towards his opponent and grab them.

• E. Honda's Ultra 2 Oicho Throw has had its command changed from a 720 rotation to a 2x half-circle back motion.
Also, a report came in from Reno of Versus City stating that Ingrid, who's appeared in Capcom Fighting Evolution and Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX, was also in the new arcade location test, although several people have written in to say that this was false.

More information will be added to this story as it comes in.

Thanks also to Jlb95 for contributing to this article.

****Up or i'll scratch yo face with my stubby little arms!


zangief ex green hand doesn't knock down any more??? if that's true then that's gay as hell, nerfing the damage was fine enough but now the ex green hand doesn't knock the opponents down??? gaaaay ???
abel ultra 2 = the most hated among the community


good change imo, makes zangief more like zangief. He'll obviously need some other buffs to make up for it though.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Yeah I'm pretty gutted about the zangief crap. He has has a hard enough time getting in in the first place. I wonder what frames they'll give it on hit. How is he actually going to get knockdowns now? Sweep? SPD doesn't much of a good mixup and he now loses the cr.jab to EX hand buffer in usefulness.

Seths jumping fierce :( I don't know why scrubs complain about it so much, people have actually called it broken but there's nothing wrong with it. It's a good move for him. Nerfing tatsu runaway is fair enough I guess. Blanka balls are now going to be completely punishable pretty much. That's quite funny. Imo there were enough punishes and the most complaints were probably from onliners. It's not that hard to react to a blanka ball just short off half screen.

Hondas U2 was fine, no need to give it baby inputs. It's not like you have any setups that that motion would be needed to pull it off.

Also buff Sakura please lol. Fix the tiny hitbox on her cross up mk and maybe speed up her forward dash by 1 or 2 frames and speed up her U2.


Hmmm... Yun has Genei Jin as a super but feels sluggish? I'm very curious to see how he goes. TC into super then long corner combo into Youhou (assuming its one of his ultras) into a combo ender (assuming it can be done like 3s) could either give a shit ton of damage or not worth using up a whole super and ultra meter...

Nice to see Hakan getting some buffs. I'm not sure if it'll be enough to get him out of the bottom of the tier list though.  Also what was wrong with Seth's J.HP? Juri's fireball was easy enough to combo into imo. Blanka players are gonna feel the pain from that nerf, it looks like its gonna be so much easier to punish ball after block now.

I hope they give Makoto a huge buff. Fuck it, they should just exclusively give her parry for screwing her over in SSF4  ;D

The Self-proclaimed Christchurch Hyper Fighting 2011 Champion


OBJECTION!!!  The defense presents the following!

As long as EX green hand leaves him at equal or plus frames on hit it'll be fine I reckon.  I agree with Alan in saying that it'll make him more Zangiefy. Be interesting to know what they add to him to compensate.  Reckon they should give him his awesome cr. feirce from the alpha games.

Seth Jump Feirce is a weird one though.  Wonder what they replaced it with.

Interested in some more in depth info on the Hakan buffs.

Also who gives a fuck about the Blanka Ball changes.  If you were doing random balls and people were blocking them you're probably a scrub anyway lol.  Might change a couple of his matches, but most people could punish it with something anway.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Your honour!  The defense would like to present the following new evidence taken from the front page of SRK!

5:38PM PST-Yun's Genei Jin is his super. No word yet on his Ultras. (Anonymous Location Tester)
5:44PM PST-Ingrid is nowhere to be seen. (Anonymous Location Tester)
5:57PM PST-Yun feels stiff like Makoto does, but has his target combos (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:02PM PST-Yang also has his 3s target combos (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:18PM PST-Hakan's oil now stacks and he has a Kick follow-up to Oil. He can reportedly combo standing light kick into Oil.(Anonymous Location Tester)
6:27PM PST-Hakan's kick followup might be on Oil Slide. Waiting for confirmation, this was worded oddly.(Anonymous Location Tester)
6:43PM PST-Zangeif's EX Green Hand no longer causes knockdown. (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:44PM PST-Blocked Blanka Ball distance is halved. (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:45PM PST-Ryu and Akuma's Air hurricane kicks are not good for escaping anymore. (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:46PM PST-Juri's kick fireball combos more naturally (not sure what this means)(Anonymous Location Tester)
6:47PM PST-Something drastic has been done to Seth's jumping Hard Punch. It may be removed, waiting for more info. 2nd source confirms it has been removed. (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:51PM PST-Hakan can cancel 360K move now, reportedly with a crouch. (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:55PM PST-Honda U2 motion seems to have changed to HCBx2 (Anonymous Location Tester)
6:57PM PST-Hakan Slide Kick follow up seems to be auto oilup. (Anonymous Location Tester)
7:02PM PST-Zangeif jab SPD range seems bigger, but the source says it could be eyes playing tricks (Anonymous Location Tester)
7:09PM PST-Multiple sources saw a Yun Genei Jin combo do near 50%, so it is looking like a very strong super.(Anonymous Location Tester)

[Notes from SRK Forums after the break]

Elstob from the SRK forums says he was at the location test and reported the following -

"- All Yun's specials are in there. Including Palm and Command Grab.
- Divekick is great, exactly like Rufus'
- His overhead (Toward and MK, can crossup a downed opponent).
- Ultra 1 looks like a few punches, then a Balrog Ultra 2 foot/ground stomp then a Makoto Ultra 1 punch into the air
- Ultra 2 was a few hits, then a Gen leg hurricane into the air, footstomps on their back back to the ground.
- Shoulder seemed to have worse range than you'd hope.
- Dragon Kicks seemed to trade quite a bit.

- Yang's command dash was in and crossed up like Ibukis.
- EX Slashs looked like a great move, crazy fast.
- Super was Seiei Enbu
- Ultra 1 was a fancy ass version of Gens Punch Ultra 1, (it looked f'in cool though)."

From Azrael on the SRK Forums:

U1 You Hou, U2 Sorai Rengeki. Super is Genei Jin
U1 is 4-hit, last hit is a launcher. If the first hit connects cleanly, will go into animation. If not, Yun does the other attacks anyway. Very similar to Makoto's U2. Can follow up U1 with Zesshou (lunge punch), or GJ combos. Only if GJ is activated before U1. I tried to activate afterwards, could not get anything to connect in time. Short range, does not hit on any FADC'd moved.

U2 is a punch rush, if the final hit connects cleanly Yun goes into animation where he rides the opponent in the air like a skateboard, then kicks them down to the ground. Similar to Fei Long's U1. Does not combo from any FADC's. Short range.

Genei Jin - shadows, cancel recovery on all moves, everything juggles. Was able to get 40-50% off GJ combos mid-screen, 50-60% in the corner. Can be super-cancelled off Tetsu Zankou (shoulder check).

Kobokushi (palm move) - Jab is a fake, Strong/Fierce change the distance at which the opponent flies away. EX Nishou Kyaku (up kicks) will probably be good anti-air. Ultras do not combo off MK launcher.

U1 Raishin Mahhaken, U2 Tenshin Senkyuu, Super Seiei Enbu

U1 Yang throws out a single attack - if it connects cleanly, animation follows. If not, the ultra ends there - similar to Makoto's U1. Animation is sort of like Gen/Guy's, but with Yang style. Close range.

U2 Yang rolls forward and goes up in the air with his rising kick. If Yang connects cleanly on the ground with the roll portion, animation kicks in. If not, Yun goes up in the air with kicks - looks like Yun's Nishou Kyaku. U2 will pass under fireballs. Seems to have some tracking properties - if U2 started while opponent is in the air, Yang will rise up with kicks where the opponent is for non-animation damage. Combos off FADC/MK Launcher for non-animation damage.

SE - Works similar to 3S. Doesn't seem nearly as useful as Yun's GJ of course.

Ryu, Akuma:
If tatsu done in air at or before jump arc peak, becomes floaty and goes nowhere. Can no longer escape corner with air tatsu. Crossup tatsu still works.

EX Tatsu can be blocked low. More recovery on jab SRK. Can follow up jab SRK AA with EX Hadouken, just like Ryu.

No apparent changes noticed, except sweep doesn't seem to deal as much stun.

Damage down, Sonic Boom does not build super meter.

Damage down, U2 now HCBx2 motion. May be harder to combo into Hundred Hands.

U2 now charge motion, way more recovery

Range on U2 increased, recovery also increased. EX Green Hand doesn't knock down.

Dhalsim J.FP gone.

Normals easier to combo, but tiger-knee Canon Strike no longer possible. Can still Canon Strike normally, EX can still be tiger-kneed.

EX Hayate armor break, slightly faster walk speed, axe kicks more like 3S.

EX Ducking added - no armor. Moves the same distance as RH Ducking but recovers almost instantly. Crouch roundhouse different - faster? Not sure how but it is definitely different. J.RH knocks down air to air.

Blocked Blanka Ball now recoils at half the distance, much easier to punish."

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Hahaha these changes are hilarious.

$10 says they also nerfed Abel and Fuerte's U2's. XD
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


OMFG Lenny those character changes are terrible.
:( @ Cammy, Gief, Bison, GUILE.
Lets make Guile keep up with Sagat in a fireball war. Now lets make him not build any meter so he loses.

Cammy pretty much loses to d/b. IA Cannon Strike was something to beat the crouch techs, now she got nothing.

[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

like i said in chat these changes wont be final , i mean why do a aa srk with ken and then a non knockdown low damage ex firewball ......
hed just ex srk after the a.a srk and do more damage and get the knockdown .

ex tatsu can be blocked low , well thats a buff cos it leaves ken at plus 2 on block instead of going over the top of a blocked oppnent and getting a crouching fierce in the balls .
these sound like kaka to the uman dizzle
"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "


Rofl at sonic boom special move not building meter? Sounds more like a bug than an intended change, it's just that rediculous lol.

Loving the Mak improvements tho, always thought hayate should of had armour breaks.


The defense presents the following statement:

Yah the Bison, Guile, and Cammy ones seem lol.  But I guess we'll have to give it some time and see what else there is.  As we all know from fairly recent experience, you can't really judge it till it drops.

What would absolutely suck balls is if they decidded not to release these changes as DLC for console till waaaaaay after the arcade release.

Quote from: B1ackstar Ninja
link=topic=1203.msg46424#msg46424 date=1284176999

ex tatsu can be blocked low , well thats a buff cos it leaves ken at plus 2 on block instead of going over the top of a blocked oppnent and getting a crouching fierce in the balls .


NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero