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Lag thread continue

Started by zos'la, May 21, 2010, 11:23:09 AM

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Since Allan locked the thread and I dislike the way he use his power to do so because it was a DISCUSSION.

"OZhadou EVO APAC tournament will be using 360s with BenQ monitors"
This is what we used on the day, and EVERYONE said there was a problem and yes we had a BENQ monitor.

"If Andy or someone else wants to run some non-NZism bullshit tournament pandering to whatever whims you guys have, he can. You guys can play underwater, upside down, with 100frame lag monitors if you want."

This comment pisses me off.
When I do agree with lagless setups though the rest of the fuckign world play in a slightly lag setup and I am stating the obvious, but you stating my name as to host some stupid fucked up tournament with lag and shit is fucking retarded. I fucking strive to help this community to improve when you stayed in your shit hole complaining about SF4 being BULLSHIT and not continueing to help out. Sure there were problems here and there but these shit can't be avoided, AT LEAST i tried rather than sit back and talk shit. Ontop of this you ALWAYS nearly put negative comments when you're not even competing nor involved?
Seriously get a fucking grip.

If you want lock this post to, or even better DELETE IT, but I will keep posting how you blatantly target me.

Here is his previous comments:

I can tell you right now that the OZhadou EVO APAC tournament will be using 360s with BenQ monitors, specifically to minimise input delay. I would estimate this setup would have 0 frames input delay, with the odd frame being 1 frame out.

In fact from what I understand all the OzHadou events use these setups.

So no, it's certainly not 'meaningless' or in isolation from the entire rest of the world. I would imagine any PROPER arcade setup would have no input delay (and no I do not count Yifan's as a proper setup).

I get the feeling if certain players played with their monitors turned on their sides I'd start getting requests that tournaments be ran like that.

NZism will always strive for the BEST setups possible (read: lowest latency). If we can achieve this at the nationals, we will.

If Andy or someone else wants to run some non-NZism bullshit tournament pandering to whatever whims you guys have, he can. You guys can play underwater, upside down, with 100frame lag monitors if you want.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


You're the one who runs your own events and wants lag. Therefore it's not incredibly unlikely that you'll run a tournament using whatever criteria you want, you've done it before. And yes I would consider it a bullshit tournament, so I feel my comment is entirely justified.

There's no discussion here, just a personal attack. Thread closed.
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