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New Dude.

Started by Snakey, September 01, 2010, 07:55:42 PM

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Quote from: Daz-GT_V11 on September 03, 2010, 01:00:23 PM
Where's the match I can be interested - thanks

Your Brian's good.... good poking, nice set-ups and an all rounder.
I know some cats that you'll have a good match with. And if your willing, this 1 particular dude I know whos' steve is actually really good.
We practically have a fighting spree on Sundays with four games in particular. SSF4, BlazBlue, Tekken and Snk vs Capcom 2.
I'm pretty sure he'd like a match with a majority of the guys in this forum with SSF4. He lives and breathes anything to do with capcom. And I live and breathe anything to do with Snk and Namco. Thus Snk vs Capcom 2.

You Uni guys have probably met him before anyways.
Every man has a plan.........Until he gets hit.


Quote from: Snakey on September 03, 2010, 11:41:14 PM
Your Brian's good.... good poking, nice set-ups and an all rounder.
I know some cats that you'll have a good match with. And if your willing, this 1 particular dude I know whos' steve is actually really good.
We practically have a fighting spree on Sundays with four games in particular. SSF4, BlazBlue, Tekken and Snk vs Capcom 2.
I'm pretty sure he'd like a match with a majority of the guys in this forum with SSF4. He lives and breathes anything to do with capcom. And I live and breathe anything to do with Snk and Namco. Thus Snk vs Capcom 2.

You Uni guys have probably met him before anyways.

Man I love playing CVS2.  be keen as hell to rock  that shit!

Gotta get my paint the fence going again.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Quote from: Snakey on September 01, 2010, 09:30:31 PM
You must be a regular there haha... sure thing, if I've finished work early, which is most likely.

Did u go Yifan Yesterday?......
I was there ....playing 98 UM the most ..and yes i did play MVC2....try to do the Ken Infinite like VDO...

Al gud next week maybe i will pass by same time again.. 8)
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!