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PS3 SE Fightstick Custom Artwork Full Sanwa Parts trade

Started by CptMunta, September 14, 2010, 09:09:05 AM

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BUILD ONE!!! building is always the best way lol, man i still need to finish this off hah, costs about $200 with paewang and full sanwa.


Quote from: electric on September 15, 2010, 08:25:13 AM
You can also get a 360 Fight Pad munta and dual mod your PS3 stick with that - it's what I did, and I had no troubles (except for having my buttons not work because I plugged them in wrong lol)

I bought one recently off Trade Me for $55 - if you can find one while you're overseas, I'm sure it'll be worth it

Was it this mod:


Do you have 2 cables coming out of your stick? The cable storage would be perfect then. Store the cable you aren't using :)

Rooroze I'd have to wait till I'm back in nz to give you a solid answer. Pretty scared of breaking my te since I haven't soldered since 6th Form in high school :D is it a crazy mission?
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


In the tech forum there's a sticky which has a link to a dual mod diagram that uses a switch so you don't even need two cables. Way better.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: Rorooze on September 15, 2010, 09:44:41 AM
yep it's a madcatz one :o this one http://www.madcatz.com/productinfo.asp?page=247&GSProd=4700&GSCat=97&CategoryImg=Xbox_360_Controllers

pm me if you're keen on it

If munta ain't keen on this, I definately would be! Does it feel like a ps2 pad?? I can't even dp on a 360 pad atm lol

Apologies for the slight thread jack


"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


Quote from: CptMunta on September 15, 2010, 07:04:58 PM
Rooroze I'd have to wait till I'm back in nz to give you a solid answer. Pretty scared of breaking my te since I haven't soldered since 6th Form in high school :D is it a crazy mission?

Sweet man no worries he's in no rush really but he ain't using the pad so may as well sell it. TBH I've never used it before but people say it's like a sega saturn pad which was meant to be the business for 2d fighters :o


No worries Rorooze :) but give redtie first dibs on it since he needs it more and is chch. He may even resell it to me if I'm lucky when he gets a x360 stick one day. :)

Also redtie you still got that soul caliber ps2 stick or is it nicks? A lend of it would be awesome unless your using it. You guys can borrow my se for a bit till I dual mod my te  if you like. We can swap next mashup I'm at if your keen.

Electric, that link seems way better will attempt the mish when we get back and can justify the cash after a new laptop and new stick lol :D
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


@Rorooze, pm me a price on the pad  8)

@Munta, yup I'll bring it for you at the next mashups!


Quote from: Rorooze on September 15, 2010, 11:12:17 PM
Sweet man no worries he's in no rush really but he ain't using the pad so may as well sell it. TBH I've never used it before but people say it's like a sega saturn pad which was meant to be the business for 2d fighters :o

That is the truth! I had a Sega Saturn back in the day and I remember thinking damn, this is the perfect pad for SF....

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