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All Your Replays Are Belong To Us! - The Gameplay Feedback Thread

Started by IR U IM B IL E, October 08, 2010, 08:41:53 PM

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Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: [â,,¢Âªv] Phoenix Lenny on October 14, 2010, 11:36:59 PM

Discuss bitches!!!

I think the U2 thing isn't gonna matter that much. One thing I noticed is you are always backing yourself into the corner. I would have tried to keep Gief at bay with the Knee as a anti air threat and just thrown him on blocked Banishing Fists. Also square jump HK works surprisingly well at the right distance.

So yeah Knee, HP, Jump HK and Yoga fire are all solid against Geif.


I like this thread.  Interesting discussions will ensue.  Here are my thoughts on my replay and some of the comments:

- I don't think that you guys need to point out that I don't want to get cornered by Gief, and that I should keep him zoned away.  I appreciate the feedback re that, but I sort of already know that.  It's fairly obvious that my game plan wasn't to rush him down and mix him up with my mad Sim combos.  I'm more interested in what happened, and the mistakes I made that lead to that plan not coming off.  For example, I obviously get too predictable with my standing fierce, and I am not using my other pokes like cr. jab and cr. strong enough.  Also, I use far st. roundhouse a fair bit pre-emptively, but I think I should have used it reactionary, as the hit stun on it is pretty kaka.  I also do alot of just random backwards jumps, that while they are useful against loads of the cast, seem like a shit thing to do against gief as he just tanks his way forward taking up the extra ground that I give him by jumping back.

- Zangief's jump forward beats Sim's knee anti air at certain ranges, so sometimes I won't use it to anti-air him for that reason.

- If I IAT out of the corner, gief can just lariat me and he gets free crossup to mix me up, so if I end up in the corner I think i should just block and hope lol.  I tried jumping roundhouse, but that doesn't work as Kevin shows me lol.

- I can understand people saying there is merit in using U2 against gief, but I think that U1 is really useful as well.  Jumping back in the corner and randomly doing U2 in hope that he is going to do a lariat is not a solid strategy imo.  Gief can just wait till you are low enough to lariat anyway.  U1 lets me create space and when I am given a little room and reset the match basically, whereas U2 provides me with big damage if I have somehow managed to already reset the match after I have taken the damage.  Also, U2 leaves you in a really stink position after you land it as well.  I'm not entirely sure that one is better than the other, given that to get Ultra I have to be getting bashed in the face, by which time gief is all over me and I can use neither anyway lol.

- IAT out of the corner doesn't work against gief mason, cause he can lariat which means you don't get the air reset.  You also end up having to block a crossup right after and a happy happy joy joy gief mixup.

For me the biggest problem I had in the match after I get around my shitty nerves in the first game (lol), is the fact that I can't just use my usual block strings to push gief out, as I am terrified of lariat up close.  Because of this I just get muscled into the corner over and over again.  It also makes me think that I can't keep gief at bay once I get to mid-range, so I try to reset the spacing with backwards jumps and backdashing, but gief just takes the extra ground I give him and I end up in the same position, except now I'm closer to the corner.  The biggest thing I took away from this game was that I need to go into training mode and find out what I can use to hold my ground better at mid range to make gief have to work more at that range.  When I have him at full screen, I do fine.  WHen I have him at mid-range I am weak which gets him up close.  Once gief is up close the match is over unless gief makes a mistake, as I cant close short string etc to push him back out.  I honestly think that for me to win this match I need to hold my mid range ground and force gief to work hard to get in so that I can wittle him down more and frustrate him into taking dumb risks like bad jumpins and random EX green hands, which I can punish with throw to reset spacing.

Washu fullah's fink?

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Maybe as you post a vid of yourself you should also take the time to say what your gameplan was, etc in order to avoid hear people saying things that you already know. Since they don't know what your gameplan or anything was if you just say 'discuss, bitches' :P
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on October 16, 2010, 07:20:47 AM
Maybe as you post a vid of yourself you should also take the time to say what your gameplan was, etc in order to avoid hear people saying things that you already know. Since they don't know what your gameplan or anything was if you just say 'discuss, bitches' :P

I guess so.  That paragraph wasn't worded that well I guess, but I reckon we all know that sim gief match = sim stay away make sim happy, gief get in make gief happy.  I guess for new players reading this it would be useful though.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I haven't really played Dhalsim a lot but what about standing short at mid range to push him out or make him jump. I see the Japanese use it a lot, would it go under the lariats hitbox if they tried to punish you sticking out a limb?
KOW 2011


just had a quick look, nothing wrong with U1 in this match up, both ultras have their uses depends which one you're more comfortable with. nothing wrong with the overuse of st. fierce either lenny the only problem was you were predictable with it and not baiting out lariats with DB+jab and punishing the lariat. also at the beginning of every round you were either backdashing or jumping back immediately giving up ground maybe you could just walk back and react if you think kevin is gonna lariat or something or you could throw a light or medium poke and push him back to create more distance between you just to mix it up. and is EX BF punishable on block with B+MKxxFlame just curious because you were throwing him as a punish. and just try and familliarise yourself with zangiefs Banishing flat range so you know what distance you can punish it with because in the second round he was using it to make ground and it looked punishable but you jumped back, must have just been nerves. hope this helps and post back if something i posted is wrong just trying to think of what i do but i havn't faced a decent zangief before.

****Up or i'll scratch yo face with my stubby little arms!


Quote from: Flash on October 16, 2010, 12:30:13 PM
just had a quick look, nothing wrong with U1 in this match up, both ultras have their uses depends which one you're more comfortable with. nothing wrong with the overuse of st. fierce either lenny the only problem was you were predictable with it and not baiting out lariats with DB+jab and punishing the lariat. also at the beginning of every round you were either backdashing or jumping back immediately giving up ground maybe you could just walk back and react if you think kevin is gonna lariat or something or you could throw a light or medium poke and push him back to create more distance between you just to mix it up. and is EX BF punishable on block with B+MKxxFlame just curious because you were throwing him as a punish. and just try and familliarise yourself with zangiefs Banishing flat range so you know what distance you can punish it with because in the second round he was using it to make ground and it looked punishable but you jumped back, must have just been nerves. hope this helps and post back if something i posted is wrong just trying to think of what i do but i havn't faced a decent zangief before.

Yeah I think that you're on the money with that stuff there.  The matches where I stand my ground from the start of the round definitely set me up better for the round.

I was thinking about how I punish the the green hands as well, I was using the throw cause it basically resets me at fullscreen, whereas b+forward xx Yoga Flame lets him quick recover and then he is pretty close.  After the throw I kinda feel like Sim is guaranteed to tag gief with a couple of long range pokes so it makes up the damage that I would have lost.  I think though If I have super I would definitely punish with b+forward xx flame xx super though.

Yah I totally needed to bait out lariat and punish more though.  I think I just let him spin around for free too much.

Cheers flash, that was really useful.  And yeah, nerves hard bro lol.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Anyone got anymore?

Man I need to hurry up and fix my stupid XBOX.  Itching to play some.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


when your cornered you jump alot usually back, would neutral or jump forward into lk drill be better you will still get punished but at least you will be out of the corner taking away some of zangiefs OS because right now your jumping and either doing fierce or roundhouse and getting lariat and landing back in the corner. What do you think i might be way off with this.

****Up or i'll scratch yo face with my stubby little arms!


Quote from: Flash on October 20, 2010, 06:16:20 PM
when your cornered you jump alot usually back, would neutral or jump forward into lk drill be better you will still get punished but at least you will be out of the corner taking away some of zangiefs OS because right now your jumping and either doing fierce or roundhouse and getting lariat and landing back in the corner. What do you think i might be way off with this.

lol when I said anymore, I meant anymore videos for us all to dissect.  All good though bro.

I actually had tried something in training mode about coming down on giefs lariat in the corner with jump roundhouse, which worked in training mode, but failed in that game haha.  I guess I shouldn't really jump back at all against gief TBH.  Netural or forward jump short drill would prolly be pretty decent I spose.  I vaguely remember reading somewhere that he can EX green hand you and then get SPD or something along those lines.

Alot of those jumps were my brain asploding as well I think.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I have a few games that I wanna record but I was hoping someone else would upload a clip....
"...there's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens."


I would have had clips from ranbuts but FUUUU UK electric plug socket thing >_<