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AvT Wellington LAN January 2011 - Cash prizes!

Started by Sparzx, November 07, 2010, 05:19:36 PM

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Quote from: geneterror on November 08, 2010, 12:49:34 PM
Yes I need to organise getting at least one dual modded stick but I have no Xbox yet so it hasn't been a problem as there are always sticks I can use at Giga.

If you get stuck, it's most likely you could borrow one of mine to take down. Just bring it back in the same condition is all i ask. :)
Xbox Gamertag is ZERO's, not capital "O"s ~~ CaptainH00K


Quote from: geneterror on November 08, 2010, 12:49:34 PM
Considering going to Welly for this but even if I do will probably on show up for SSF4 and then bail as Suzannah and I have been looking for an excuse to go to Wellington again but she won't want to sit around a LAN all weekend.

Question regarding sticks. I only play on sticks, I can't even get my head around playing pad as I have always owned a stick and/or played in arcades. In your FAQ it says you have to bring your own gear but mines all PS3 and this is on Xbox so I can't. Any chance there will be sticks provided by the organisers or something?
If I can't use my PS3 gear and there are no sticks provided by the organisers it's pointless me thinking of entering.

Yes I need to organise getting at least one dual modded stick but I have no Xbox yet so it hasn't been a problem as there are always sticks I can use at Giga.

The stick issue would be a concern for me also, for identical reasons more or less.

Also Mason, if they get the attention of Tekken players either by TZ.com or Timezone, you will have a VERY hard time winning Tekken 6, so at least that would be worth entering while yeah, SSF4 if noone comes down from Auckland haha I can't imagine there being much real competition.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



I gots two dual mod PCBs in that order so putting one into my stick is one, perhaps I could on sell the 2nd to someone else (Chuckk?) to make two...
I know Fang has a few Xbox sticks, Barnstorm? Rug Dr? BBOY?

People are usually pretty generous with lending them, I'll offer mine up for use whether I play or not.


Graeme and you others that I trust. I don't mind you guys using my TE for the tournament. I'm sure we could get 2 sticks easy.


The Tekken arcade scene is pretty dead in Wellington, there are about 4/5 players left and even then some of them only play using their free games. I think there'd only be 2 people willing to pay the $50 entry fee.

EDIT: This is the thread to hit up http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/forums/showthread.php?s=fe82691a089913b8c9bf32cbdb754df1&postid=4296307#post4296307


Man, why is wellington FG scene in decline, everywhere else seems to be doing pretty well...

Not enough coffee machines in the arcades?
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Cheers Kim, I'll post there  :D

@Fluxcore -  I thought Wellington was a huge hub for gamers. Maybe it's just Halo and CoD players haha.

If need be, I can see what I can arrange in terms of sticks. I'm more than happy to bend over backwards for gamers to attend an event.  :P


mmm I am hoping to see some competition in the SSF4 tourny. Would love to go :>
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Update on numbers as requested :)

Been a bit hard since our community is mainly Halo / Call of Duty players

Tekken 6:
Carrot Bum
Ya Mum007
Slaughtr Destny

Super Street Fighter IV:

We would LOVE to see you all there, myself especially (you'll probably see me running around non-stop like I was at xLAN :P)
We don't need payments through at the time of sign-up, so if you're planning on coming but paying in December, just sign up ASAP so I can work timetables :D

P.s. Mason, you said you're coming, sign up, ya goose! xD


OK guys payments close in 12 days so better hurry up and get in. Currently looking at flights but if anyone wants to drive down we could have like a big NZism van or something, that'd be pretty cool.

And you guys already in Welly should sign up. Could probably get a 3s setup going if you guys wanna play that. I'll definitely have HF, HDR and MVC2 on my hard drive.


An update on the gamers entered for Tekken and SSFIV.
We've got 70 people signed up for the event in total, and have announced sponsorships from Demon Energy, Viewsonic, Jack Links Beef Jerky, GameConsole, and On3Network.

Tekken 6 (11):
- Slaughtr Destny
- Yamum007
- Carrot Bum
- Pablo
- Viper
- Paradox
- William101
- Dobo
- Massi4h
- NZ Tainted

SSFIV (3):
- Carrot Bum
- Rudeism
- Massi4h

As a last minute push, if you're wanting to enter to just play Tekken or SSFIV - I can do a NZism special of $30 for you guys. :)



I've got about 7 boxes of jerky sitting here, and everyone gets some in their gamerpacks! ;D

Gamerpacks btw, are the little bundle of goodness that you get when you sign-in on the day.
Currently including:
- AvT Lanyard
- Gamerpass (like the xLAN ones with your gamertag on them)
- Event booklet (You might have seen the ones I did for Halo at xLAN - But these are A5, 24 page, full colour, and document all the pool schdules, timetables, brackets, etc)
- A copy of the Dec/Jan GameConsole magazine
- A free 3 month subscription to GameConsole magazine
- A small AvT Sticker (Might have seen these around at xLAN too on our xboxs)
- A reminder of where you're allocated to sit + seating diagram
- Anddddd a lollipop!


Quick question, are there tvs/consoles/games provided by the organisers if one does not have a 360?

Sorry if this has been answered already. Cheers


Hypothetically, if somebody was to want to enter a pretty small Street fighter bracket, and is not sure if he will make it there or not.
How disappointed would you guys be if I hadn't signed up by the end of December? I don't wanna bring gear just potentially rock up with my own shit and compete whenever the games are.

Mason, still entertaining the idea of driving down, or flying for sure ?