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[Melbourne: AUS] Shadowloo Showdown: Dec 11-12th: More Info Soon

Started by EXC355UM, November 16, 2010, 03:10:33 AM

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shoutouts to 2dgod mago-sama lol:

He is very skilled with the alcohol lol, Tokido is drinnking anything you offer him an quickly needs to be tricked into water lol, Tokido is free dizzy but Mago is very skilled HAIIIIIIIII lol. he is the man and he agree2 deliver mesage to Nemo for me, arigato yo.

I must go sleep now, early start 2moro for team tournament, very cheap nice stick for sale in australia, I show youguys at ranbats or something, only cost me$150 but better than Madcatz TE lol. Much better. I will show you, cheap imports I have contact details if you guys like more than r2 TE lol.


Good shit skull, only thing that really matters is that you had an awesome time :) always good to network.
There is no knowledge that is not power


good job skull, throw the details for the stick my way keen as, sounds like an amazing experience.


Fuck, awesome Thomas. And never thought I'd see you post in a funnier way than Andy. :D


Fucking mean Skull! But I think I'd rather drink with Team Niue  and Team [B 1 82] :D

Also, Biggest apologies for being a salty dickhead wanker loser! Do I get the present now?   ;D

EDIT: Shot bro for still rocking the Movember! I hope you got footage of yourself doing the haka.... or AT LEAST teaching Mago, Tokido and Gamerbee the haka lol

The Self-proclaimed Christchurch Hyper Fighting 2011 Champion

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Haha damn, sounds like you had a mean time Thomas. I wanna hear about the hype mm's.

Cool photo with Mago, looks like you guys known each other for ages lol. Not as cool as a photo with Brodsta though hahahahaha.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!

[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "


Yeah man glad to see you on it. Grrrr wtf were you doing you had him twice. Where was the blender in round 2 and in round 3 you shoulda just blocked his ultra and punished with yours... Anyway shot for being on stream and playing like a beast.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Shot skull! Missed the stream but no shame being knocked out by top players :) cool to hear you partied too! Man sounds like good times. Missed the stream but be keen to check a replay though. I'd offer to put the footage together (3 Green Bones Skull edition ;) ) I'd probably fuck it up since I wasn't there.

Be cool to read/see your travel log when you upload it :)
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


I got blown up on stream lol, sorry guys but now I can die happy. Mason you are right man I hadn't played a Blanka in so long I completely forgot about fucking reversal ultra option after block Blanka ball lol... was thinking of unescapable chip damage and Abel breathless only.


Skullator vs Somniax (Nationally disliked, turtle slow Bison, not like weazzy or brodsta at all)
Round 1, I do potentially the most clutch chip damage final second Time out SSFIV has ever seen, and it was salty. I have movie, perfect moment, hole room blows up towards end I think and mago and gamerbee were laughing their ass off as I yelled TURTLE, HAIIIII , KAME, HAIIIIIII lol, I really really really blew somniax up due to a personal grudge, but found out that alot of Oz players dislike him too.
We are good now, but I needed to do it all to break his game and he fimbled big time due to it.
We are talking Kuroda vs Jwong third strike time out hype lol. Felt good to deal with my minor problems with him directly and in my own unique way.

You guys see the Ryu player who beat Mago and Gamerbee had to clean up in the 2v3?
I clutch that Ryu out, the video will speak for itself, Mago say Arigato yo ;] what a bro, so glad I had his back like that lol.

Plenty of GG's with Mago too, but I will not upload any of those.
Mago show me personally the Sakonoko piano lol, very kind of him. I have funny video of special match Mago vs random Aussies, concept being that it is not street fighter match, you just pick your character, attempt any combo, and then show and try to land as many times as you can out of 5. Then Mago try and whoever lands it the most without "Fimbling it" wins lol.
I will attempt to upload and edit both these vids today or tomorrow, no promises time is tight and work again tuesday lol.

I will slowly piece together a full topic maybe completed this coming weekend, appreciate the offer Munta will hand over any raw footage that you deem useful. I have faith in your ability to do a good job of it, as everything you touch turns to gold. Everyone loves 3 green bars man, there is a blog run by Aussie called beingascrub which had me for a 1 hour podcast interview thing and I give major props to your work there bro, 3gb and ranbats, and he compliments the shit out of you too if I recall correctly due to him loving your work.
Mainly speak of Chun and NZ small community, I can't really remember it all but it should be good when its done.

Many stories to tell lol, so many, we will get there eventually.
Oh and apologies for no Direct shout out to Nzism when I was asked, I immediately recognized my mistake for that and told them to say NZism on the stream lol. Sorry my mind has been on matchups and Chun all weekend.



Sounds like you had a great time following the Melb crew.

Good effort Tom  :)


Quote from: JackSmash on December 21, 2010, 02:41:00 AM
Sounds like you had a great time following the Melb crew.

Good effort Tom  :)

Yeah man it was such a blast. The next Shadowloo Showdown is roughly scheduled in for mid 2011, would be cool if some people were keen to head over for the next one!
Pretty sure I'll be heading back again lol.

Managed to get you and Mason a nice gift each while over there ;]

Getting ready to post the picture part of my trip in the post tournament discussion topic.
Vids to come later.