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Street Fighter 4

Started by fluxcore, October 18, 2007, 07:54:23 AM

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[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

The New Generation Clockw0rk


Sagat is cool for being an ass with. My only other alternative is mashing KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK with Chun Li.

XBAWKs hat guy playing SF4 quite a bit later in the night. Kinda owned his Zangeif with Sagat after he gave me seconds, but I gave him the match since I was planning on leaving.

Then my friend beat him a good number of times with Guile in Guile VS Ryu matches.

What kinda annoyed me was XBAWKs hat guy choosing Sagat after I cheesed him with Sagat... He must've eaten Tiger Uppercut 10000000 times during my LP, LP, LP, TIGER UPPERCUT lamefest... Tiger knee > Tiger shot... seriously...

El Taco is cool. And his facials in his super is cool.
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

Quote from: !DIABLO GTR! on August 22, 2008, 11:03:23 PM

He must've eaten Tiger Uppercut 10000000 times during my LP, LP, LP, TIGER UPPERCUT lamefest

:D lol
The New Generation Clockw0rk


Abels combo is too difficult. I choose to take up sagat or c.viper, despite her being low tier.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


No u wrong Rufus is harder :-[ :-[ :-[
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!


Rufus is the most newbie-friendly character besides ryu/ken/sagat according to EVERY website ive read.

I like the way rufus plays, i just hate the way he looks. C.Viper is supposedly the most difficult character to use. I would like to keep playing abel, but too many people at yifans play him now, and his lack of anti air is painful for someone like me who is perpetually useless.

Rufus is top tier, along with gief and bison apparently. Sagat/blanka shortly after, with abel in 3rd. Fuerte is at the bottom, with C.viper a little bit higher, and everyone else in the middle somewhere at the moment.

I think i will take up viper. The difficulty factor never stopped me learning anakaris in mvc2.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Sagat is a noob character? No wonder I wasn't getting my ass kicked as badly as I thought I would when I first started playing. But it's not my fault that they didn't include DeeJay...  :)

Was passing by Gamesman in Sylvia Park mall when I came across some Street Fighter Anniversary Edition PS2 controls for $20 each.


PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA


Just finish work , today Sunday i join Hue , Moto , Simon  and the other HK dude dono wot his name (T_T)...playing SF4 i lost again using Rufus..Hue your rufus canceling way better than me and certain time u did guard break on me(fireball punch with rufus ) i think block or maybe i didnt block properly. Then came along Simon old school player with his friend .

I went playing MVC2 with Alan after that . U know where is MVC2 machine was so far away. when u stand up u can see 1st player is Asian gang and the other side player two is Kiwi gang lol so funny they so serious...but overall is good match professional and pros VS.....apperently Moto got win with Sagat..tiget shot ya...again :-[ :-[ :-[ ;D ;D
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!

samurai black

Quote from: !DIABLO GTR! on August 24, 2008, 02:55:00 PM
Was passing by Gamesman in Sylvia Park mall when I came across some Street Fighter Anniversary Edition PS2 controls for $20 each.



my mate works there, she was gonna hook me up with some of them. i was kinda tempted to get one, simply for collections sake, but the artwork on the stick isnt even that nice. the box art is nicer. and since they're nubytech, you know they'll be fucking shite for games.


No wonder it was selling for only $20...  :)

El Taco seems to be going well. Bloody hard to use properly... 236236+all kicks is farkin' cool as a whiff punisher...  :)
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA


Akuma is now out at yifans.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Akuma Same Tighter shorter pan than Ryu......they getting poor...nothing to eat just sleep on da street waiting 4 prossss....... ;D ;D ;D

By da time they is final supa saiyan stage i don't they wear anything lol
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!

samurai black

at least akuma has jandals.


Akuma is bloody annoying...

Bloody scrawny asian uni kid at Yifans being a waiter with Ryu. I couldn't do anything except wait and cancel runs with EL Taco to bait him into a shoryuken whiff. It's a shame you can't run with f,f like in Guilty Gear, otherwise bating him would've been easier...
Giving him seconds was the biggest mistake as he killed me in all the other rounds. I guess I can't expect all the new kids to know the seconds rule ;D

And Steve's Balrog is nuts. I get totally owned by him... The round doesn't even last 10 seconds...  ::)
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA

samurai black

was he the guy with the glasses and white and blue jacket? cause he beat my ass too, with his super safe turtle queen ryu. chun li can't bloody rush.

and the prick doesn't even give round :(