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Stick feel - 'dunedin style' vs contemporary

Started by jimmy, January 01, 2011, 02:01:53 PM

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Just after some opinions on what it's like adjusting to a short stick with large ball compared to long stick small ball (the type I've been using in dunedin since FOREVER, ie probably 20+ years) and what the tension on them is like. If you have ever played on the SF3 cabinet that was at timezone you should know the ones I'm talking about.

I've failed spectacularly at adjusting to a pad, and now I have this paranoid fear of splashing out hundreds of dollars on a ps3 stick only to hate the setup...
'Mains' Dudley


There is no knowledge that is not power


Well I got me two of those, so I'm all set. Only downside is the hair sometimes messes up my execution.
'Mains' Dudley


Quote from: jimmy on January 01, 2011, 05:02:17 PM
Well I got me two of those, so I'm all set. Only downside is the hair sometimes messes up my execution.

Sounds like you have the same problem weazzy does where youre trying to do the motions with your tongue.

Playing with a japanese style stick coming from a dunedin/US style stick WILL give you issues, but once youve practiced on it for a week or so, you will prefer it overall I think. They are MUCH better than the sticks youre used to, and TBH, the fact that you failed at adjusting to a PAD is actually a good thing. It tells me your brain rejects inferior control setups.

Tension wise, US sticks tend to be a lot stiffer I find. Japanese sticks generally move around more freely. This will feel pretty weird at first. If you ultimately decide you prefer the stick to be stiffer (as it sounds like you do) then its a cheap and easy enough job to replace the spring in the stick with one that will give you similar tension to what youre used to.

A stick is MUCH better than a pad in the long run, and i would suggest getting one, especially since you already prefer sticks to pad anyway. Practice your ass off with it. You will definitely prefer it to pad. BUT, since youve been using that 'dunedin style' setup for 20+ years, you might still feel a little awkward. (A FUCKTON less than trying to play on a pad though.) If this is still the case after a couple of weeks, buy a screwdriver and a stiffer spring, and get your mod on. I would be 90% confident that IF you had any tension issues, this would sort you out. Some people DO prefer more tension in their sticks. Captain Munta is a good example. He uses a madcatz SE with either a modded sanwa or seimitsu stick (not sure) that has the spring of doom in it, and limp wristed nancyboys such as myself hate that shit, (Its like churning fucking butter) but he loves it. Must be something to do with being from the south island.

Hope that helps a bit.


Stick rapes pad in the ass.

1) Buy one
2) Practice
3) Decide what you like
4) Mod stick (if necessary)
5) Smash cunts at fighting games.

Step 5 can also be repeated between any of steps 1-4, depending on personal situation.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I found a hori stick in nz. ;D definitely pricey but ill save money on those counselling sessions due to my soul sucking displays of non-skill on the pad...
'Mains' Dudley


Quote from: LN on January 01, 2011, 04:39:08 PM
Ladies love the large ball!

They love the long stick actually. LN doesn't know his ladies  :P

The Self-proclaimed Christchurch Hyper Fighting 2011 Champion


So wait, you're saying the men like the large balls?

There is no knowledge that is not power


My first stick I built was an ugly as sin nz style mca stick. For cvs2 practice :)

I used to put two springs in my sanwa modded SE to make my stick stiffer. That and vaiagra!........…


Seriously though made the Transision slightly easier. Everyone else hated using the stick though. And I had get used to normal jap sticks since everyone else uses them.

Once you get used to a jap stick an nz style old school mca feels like hand rape.
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


Yeah I have been using a hori for a week now. nice and nimble it is. bit soft somtimes and I'm actually slower on flicking between standing block and ducking block than usual ??? Just feels longer on the stick to travel for some reason.
'Mains' Dudley


I suppose you'll eventually get use to it, but I still prefer MCA for certain things, or certain things in certain games. For instance, personally, I find charging easier on MCA sticks, but most importantly I find parrying a lot easier. This probably just comes down to playing on MCA a lot and being comfortable with the stiffness, no homo, but still very frustrating when playing on an Japanese stick and eating a bunch of shit I'd normally parry.

The best thing you can do in my opinion is fully embrace your new Jap style stick, and don't play on an MCA stick, or play as little as possible as you can now. Nothing is made easier by going back and forth between the two, this is my probably my most frustrating issue with playing 3rd Strike at Timezone then trying to practice or play casuals at home, or travel somewhere to play.

On the plus side, regardless of how you're going with the new stick, at least Jap buttons are a billion times better than anything Timezone has to offer.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



Yeah the buttons are so sensitive! I've had to completely change the way I rest my hands because I keep hitting kicks by accident. I used to grip the mca sticks in a semi-wineglass, tight grip and use most of my fingers to push it around, now I just generally have my hand next to the jap stick and flick at it or roll my hand around the ball :o
'Mains' Dudley


My TE stick of 1 year old goes clunkety clunk..fukt ballbearings or sumthng? I blame it on the kids mashing it stupid..wea can i order another stick/buttons from?
-work to live not live to work-><>


Something might just be loose. If you come to Ranbats on Saturday next week, someone can probably have a look.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: [NIUE] BIRRY WONG on April 11, 2011, 09:07:25 AM
Something might just be loose. If you come to Ranbats on Saturday next week, someone can probably have a look.
i mite have to play doctor ropata and pull out the butter knife and give my TE surgery, horiori stylez.
-work to live not live to work-><>


yeah bring it to ranbats, I'll remember to bring my alan keys so we can open it up.