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MvC3 tips/tricks/helpful things

Started by LN, February 15, 2011, 09:15:52 AM

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Yeah that was one of the things I was trying to work out with snapbacks and stuff. Before I was claiming that you could double snapback relaunch infinite cause I could keep juggling the assist if their point was still on screen. But what that video didn't get is that it's got nothing to do with OTGs or wallbounces, from the SRK Hyper Guide it says that as soon as the point character leaves (dies/gets snapped) then you have 4 seconds to hit the assist until they become completely invulnerable and leave, no matter what you're hitting them with.

So you really wanna prepare some double snap combos and know what your best options are to hit them with in those 4 seconds. Kinda like cc's in A2 maybe?

Also a tip for storm players, if you tag an assist with hail storm, you can land another one (and as many as you want) on them before they exit. Takes 3 to kill Sent, possibly 2 if you x factor after the first. Basically a free kill as most point characters won't have a punish or even if they do won't be expecting it.

And thanks redtie, that fly tip sounds mean. I'll try it next time I can (haven't had time to even play :( don't even have Shuma yet). Probably will make my sent unfly -> double jump combos come out often now :D.

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

redtie with the nice tip there......hmmmmm

also that thing mason you were saying about the hailstorm thing, isnt that similar to hulks tsunami wave thing that he has.

could you possibly be able to do that with typhoons on assists? maybe help build meter and kill a nigga assist?
The New Generation Clockw0rk


Possibly, but it lets their point character come and attack you. 2/3 hail storms guarantees you're gonna kill the assist unless they have say gravity squeeze or dante's level 3 or one of the many other supers that punishes hail storm. For instance with hulk you're not gonna keep getting free gamma waves while the opponent just watches you hit their assist. If you get them in a corner you can keep spamming tatsu with akuma and then use assists when their point character is blocking so they can't pushblock you out, then bam end with air super and you should be able to kill an assist quite easily.


Anyone tested the instant unlfy with other characters yet? Might have to try it out later on.

Working on a new team. Deadpool, Doom, Robot. Play it keep away or rush down? I have a fair idea about assists. Might use missiles and rocket punch for OTG. (It does otg right?)

samurai black


Yea it OTG's. But Doom and Deadpool dont need another OTG really between katanarama and dooms s.H. Might as well keep drones, but youve got doom missiles so its probably not necessary.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

[8-----D] Toots

go plasma beam sent drones for bullshit keepaway.


Haha. Also a good plan. All of dooms assists are awesome. Rocks is arguably his worst one, but it still kicks ass.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.




Quote from: originaljulz on March 19, 2011, 05:53:48 PM
Rocks is ballin

Tru dat, which shows how strong all his assists are when Bill feels rocks is the worse.
<PSN> Kriselda


Lol Plasma Beam is the last one eh? I never use it. Rocks, Missiles, or gtfo.


They all have different uses. And theyre all awesome at what theyre supposed to do. In redtie's new team, missiles or beam is a better choice than rocks. Play it keepaway imo. Keepaway deadpool will make everyone hate you, but you will love yourself for doing it.

People dont play him annoying enough though. Jump back M bullets in the air controls an OBSCENE amount of space, but i barely see it used. Call a ground assist like sent drones or plasma beam, and you basically own the screen. With good timing they can super jump out, but H ground bullets will catch them half the time if you telegraph their super jump well. Pineapple is good. Use pineapple lots. Don't try to land a combo. If you land one, then fuckin A. But trying to land one shouldnt be a high priority. Youre not Richard Umehala, so don't try to be.

Doom is awesome. I could write a novel about Doom. Actually fuck it, I'm gonna write a novel about Doom. I hear cunts saying hes pretty shit on point. Fuck them. Theyre retards with small cocks. Doom can do everything. EVERYTHING. He can play at all ranges, and do it well. His walk speed is fucking horrendous, and in general his movement is a tad awkward, and thats where people start to think hes crap. Once you get used to it though, its actually pretty decent. Takes longer to get used to than using say Magneto etc. though, so be prepared to put some time into just running around with him and getting a feel for it. His dash is fucking quick. Jump cancelling it gives you a surprisingly fast high/low mixup with a square jump j.M, or a triangle jump c.L. Do one or two first to see how theyre blocking. (high or low? are they pushblocking properly?) Find the hole and use it to enter them forcefully. Be wary of air throws. Characters like viper and amaterasu will get really retarded air throws on you just because people like to spam tri jumps and hold forward and C. You can't beat this air to air. Don't try. Even teching them is difficult with doom, since you dont jump in with fierce. You'll only tech them if youre TRYING to tech them and if you're putting that much effort into it, you might as well try to counter them instead of just going for a tech. Sneaky trick here, f.H on the ground works surprisingly well if you do it nice and early.

Doom's got combos too. Doom's got rad combos. Doom's got combos that carry you from one side of the screen to the corner. Did i mention Doom's pressure becomes godlike in the corner? No? Well it sure as shit does. Its really hard to get out of the corner when Doom has you there unless you random him out with a super.

Mid range is probably his least effective area, but he still has some potent tools. J.H (LASER YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) is really strong at this range. Unless they have a frying pan or a crack pipe, you can dominate the sky at this range. Give him the sent assist and laugh as they try to counter you. Dont laugh too hard though. Youll eat a super.

Long range Doom is realy simple, but really effective. L air photon shot is really good here. Super jump up and fire one of thse puppies off, then airdash after it for some pressure. If youre content staying at range, airdash straight down and fireoff a H plasma beam. H plasma beam is safe on block, and does 75, 000 chip damage. Thats fuckin heaps. Furthermore, if you HIT with one (135,000 damage) you can throw out another one, and they cannot do ANYTHING about it. Thats 210,000 damage just because you accidentally tagged them with a random beam at full screen. Watch the lulz as they try to punish you or escape after being hit by the first one and they end up eating another plasma beam. At this point, just keep firing them until they block. Once they block, you need to keep your eyes open. Most people will try to super jump. A good bet here is a ground photon shot. (kills scrubby teleports too) Just be wary that if theyre expecting this, youre gonna get a super in the face. Even Doom doesn't like a super in the face.

Doom is a really rewarding character to learn. He takes more effort than a lot of the cast, but hes worth the time. Really versatile character. Jack of all trades really, but that makes him sound worse than he is. Hes awesome until you make a mistake. Then he becomes a really fat punching bag. Be methodical. You need to know exactly what to do in every situation.
eg. "Did they block plasma beam?" Yes. "Have they just been downbacking the whole match?" No. "Do the have meter?" No. Ok. I should do a photon shot and see what happens. Rinse and repeat, but with different questions/answers/results obviously

As for Sent, Im not gonna say anything. Its sent. You need 3 buttons and one combo.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Oh yea, If someone is NOT pushblocking you and youre using Doom, you get like CharlieSheen% more mixup potential thanks to his dash cancellable normals.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Don't forget his godlike crouching light :P


Quote from: originaljulz on March 20, 2011, 12:38:59 AM
Don't forget his godlike crouching light :P

I live for crouching light!  The best anti-air in the game, hands down, ask the pros like Birry and Toots  ;D
<PSN> Kriselda