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The Zombie Apocalypse Thread

Started by Lennysaurus, November 03, 2010, 05:48:01 PM

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Quote from: Squares on November 22, 2010, 12:05:01 PM
The staircase down to Yifan's would be a funny choke point for the zombies. They would just fall and most likely crack a skull or something on the way down.

There wouldn't be a point going to yifans anyway. There would be no power.

samurai black

could just dig a big hole and let the zombies fall in.

or have like a moat and drawbridge :o :o :o


Bro just cover yourself in coleslaw. Zombies gonna be like XXL coleslaw? Aww helllll nawww
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.


samurai black

yeah, but will the explosive cancer the coleslaw produces be worth the zombie immunity?



"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."


[NIUE] weazzyefff

That movie Zombieland was pretty good. That guy had some pretty good rules. I especially like the double tap one. Also that bitch in dat movie would get a hyper tapped by the weazal.

Also Bill Murray had a good plan aswell.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!