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Garou: MOTW

Started by fluxcore, September 21, 2008, 06:21:23 PM

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Just saw a post on super blog turbo today about Garou, which is a game I hear lots of good stuff about, but truthfully have never played (despite liking SNK games).

Any way, the blog post has a couple of match vids which make Garou look like the best game in the universe... check them out here http://superblogturbo.blogspot.com/2008/09/underrated-and-misunderstood-garou-mark.html

Might have to start learning it... as a bonus, Gato skills transfer from/to KoFXI!
Terry looks actually like an interesting character in this, I hate him in everything else.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


I have played it a little in GGPO, and its pretty sweet - one of the better SNK fighters.  Play Asia have got the japanese version for a dead reasonable $40 ish http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-40-77-3-49-en-15-garou-70-1xyl.html
All who oppose me will be destroyed.  Maybe.


Probably the only SNK game I've played properly with the exception of Samurai Showdown Tenka.

Gato was cool.
PS3 - WipEout HD Fury, Tekken 6
PS2 - Beatmania IIDX GOLD, Beatmania IIDX DJ Troopers
Arcade - Tekken 6 BR, DJ Max Technika, ITG2, DDR Supernova 2
PC: Red Alert 3, Tom Clancy's End War, DOTA

samurai black

kevin rian is tops, with his s-power/p-power that gives you some nice stun at the end.

i also hear rock howard is bollocks, despite being a bit of an all rounder.

and all i know about terry is braking his power dunk over and over.