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The official 'I'm going to Japan' thread :)

Started by pax_bisonica, September 21, 2008, 08:51:21 PM

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Ok, this isnt about me showing off the fact that I am going to Japan in a couple of weeks for TGS - Its about how I can help my fellow kiwi's scratch that import gaming itch!

Feel free to post suggestions for stuff you would like me to bring back from Japan - we can fix up payment etc once I get back - and I will do my best to find it for you on my travels.

I will be spending time in Tokyo and Osaka, and there is a pretty good used game scene in both cities.

To get an idea on pricing, you can check out www.play-asia.com, or the always faithful www.superpotato.com (japanese language only).  Please note that I WONT bring back any dodgy dating/sex type games - sorry!  and due to weight limitations Im not too keen on bringing back a lot of hardware (including arcade sticks - sorry!)

Hope I can help some of you guys out... so maybe when I make it up to Auckland you can look after me :P
All who oppose me will be destroyed.  Maybe.


Masterpiece Megatron MP-03 Transformers toy? :O
Nah, I wouldn't expect anyone to bring that back for me - way too expensive & indeed gunlike :)

How about a Hard Gay keychain? LOL
Nah, there *was* something I was wanting, I'll have a think about it.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness