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BLAZBLUE -Calamity Trigger-

Started by !DIABLO GTR!, November 23, 2008, 01:18:40 AM

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Make sure auto recover is on if you're in training dude :3

Not saying you haven't done combos, just saying lots of people are like LOOK AT MY INFINITE when the guy isn't on recover
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



14mb patch was the longest wait of my life


Hahahaha at least you've got yours! >:(
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Nope was playing Arcade mode.
Currently getting my butt kicked by Nu - I sense many online losses coming by way of her  :(

Haven't gone online yet, will do that soon to get the patch.
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Well my first BB session is over  ;D
Had to drop the difficulty as Normal Nu-13 best of 3 was proving to be a big pain vs Rachel.
Then spent the rest of the time in Training working on a few combos etc.

And after watching this vid
I can safely say I have many many hours practice to go.
Some massive strings to remember. Very fun though.

Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Welp, Play-Asia's sold out, so I'm forced to pay the extra and go with FirstGames. Oh well. My PSN is elixir68k, so if anyone's interested in playing, feel free to add me. Maybe you should also tell me where you're from, since I don't actively seek out people to add, and since the PSN doesn't allow you to enter a location.


OK this might seem like a weird question but which button layout does Yifans use for this game and which one do you use?

Type A Layout (SNK style)

(B) (C) (D)
(A) (x) (x)

Type B Layout (Melty Blood style)

(A) (B) (C)
(D) (x) (x)

I ask because I learnt to play Guilty Gear XX on a button layout different to the one at Yifans so when I went in to play I had real problems adjusting to the layout.
KOW 2011


As I understand it, you can select it in the arcade game as well (A or B)
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


I set mine up as Type B.
But yes I also understand that you can select either option in the arcade (at least thats what I am seeing in the youtube vids).

I dunno why but somehow I keep thinking you use block button in this game (weird as the most recent game ive been playing is SF4), so I keep hitting D to block and then flying all round the screen with Rachel's silpheed  :)
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


LOL. Damn drive button. No drifting involved here though.


I also think I may have had Drive and throw (B+C) assigned to the same button because every time I tried to use D up close I would throw them which didn't seem right.
It's so weird being almost completely new to this game.

The Blu-Ray that comes with the game is awesome for someone like me, can't wait to get a chance to watch it properly on the weekend!

I want to learn the girl with the guns, don't know her name? I just want to use her because she looks cool. I know nothing about tiers, matchups or anything for this game yet. I'm not used to being THIS scrubby when I pick up a new fighting game :-[

I don't think I'll be trying to play anyone online until at least after the weekend. I'm going to be watching a lot of youtube this weekend.
KOW 2011


Noel! :) I watch Niconico videos, they setup combos better and it's better to learn it the effective way like that.

Well, that's what's worked for me.
I still don't have my copy, didn't turn up in the mail today.


Thats Noel
Fomr what I hear she is quite newb friendly with a lot of combo options off her Drive.

I personally think I am in for a really bad win/loss ratio for a long time as both Nu & Jin look like really bad matchups for Rachel - esp Nu.
But Rachel is fun so i'm ok with it - still thinking who to invest time on as a secondary.
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Once you've got your ground game under control as Rachel, they'll find it hard to even approach her.


YES I GOT IT. WOOT. *Unwraps*

EDIT: GOD.. SO HAPPY. *Wiggles*