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Started by [NIUE] Optimus DAVE, January 25, 2007, 08:56:03 AM

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Quote from: fluxcore on October 07, 2009, 07:59:57 AM
Patch confirmed as in development, should be out 'soon'..... :)

yay i love this game

samurai black

how the fuck does storm dash through shockwave at 4:12?


Yeah it's just a timing thing...
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

thats it? blah. meh, nice to see i can still clip storm when she goes for rubbish hailstorms though.


Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

yeah it is a timing thing...everyone with an airdash or like a fly can go through shockwave if u time it right.

The properties of the move make it something like when the beam starts to disappear it cant hit you...

just watch if and wait for the beam to slightly start to disappear and just before the next beam appears you should be able to dash through
The New Generation Clockw0rk

samurai black

i was jamming on this with lenny, and i can see how hard it is for noobs lacking the testicular fortitude to get into this, even with the re-release.

anyway, i was kinda keen on listing best teams and which players play them best, and who to watch and learn, but then i realised im not so well read on that ish. someone else help.

oh wait, i got some.

anakaris curse - best anakaris haha
clockwork - clockwork, and maybe kai sing but i havent seem him play in forever
sanford -  sexiest sentinel i reckon

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

yipes - msp....that nigga so pringles
rowtron - row himself....him and justin wong for best cable users imo
ironman - josh360, killa kelly, phattoi
team japan - mitsu...id put this guy up with the ironman users

theres heaps more but im abit hungd over...

lately mvc2 hasnt seen much play cos of sf4, but i reckon alot of the 04-08 match vids around are pretty decent to learn stuff
The New Generation Clockw0rk


Curse is the most well-known anak, and is also the one who is the most readily available for advice, but there are a few players who are at his level easily. But yea, anak/storm/sonson is his creation, so full credit there. I just rip that shit off.

And yipes plays a fucking insane msp. But I'd say his storm is the one to watch on that team.

And let's not forget Mike-z/Joe zaza. Arguably the most innovative players out there. Repping the low tier baby. And dominating. Preppy doesn't have a bad megaman either. But yea. Team-z has potentially the best synergy in the whole fucking game (ignoring the god-based teams, but even then it gives them a run for their money in the teamwork department.) 
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Lets not forget Vegita X (Rouge/storm /tron) and  Justin Wong ( Omega red / Cammy / Tron ) as well . 8)

Latest low tier team goes to team Japan please check it out at

Sunahebi team - Omega red /BBhood/Juggernaut. Yaya my Omega red
              - Jill/ Ruby heart / Morrigan . Ruby madness
              - Warmachine / Ruby heart / BBhood . Warmachince ???
              - M bison / dhalsim / Anakaris ( cant believe i finally found this team . Thought they quit the game 3 year ago but glad they still here ) Love Dhalsim soo much

Lastly but not lease best Spiderman is gonna be me  ::) ::) ::)

One of the successful low tier team in future . Gonna be Spiderman/Colosus /Ironman

Is Marvel Baby........i love low tier...(^___^)
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

shit cant believe i forgot to put down combofiend :-\

his team in opinion put ironman on the map mainstream wise...og ironman user
The New Generation Clockw0rk


M Bison/Dhalsim/Anakaris??

This team..



He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I always really liked Julius Jackson's WM/IM/Doom team :)
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

Quote from: ILL_BILL on October 18, 2009, 10:55:13 PM
Team-z has potentially the best synergy in the whole fucking game (ignoring the god-based teams, but even then it gives them a run for their money in the teamwork department.)

yeah fuck, team z is so good. the gods have sheer power going for them, but team z works so amazingly well together.

and the ranbats are good too to catch other players with skills


Well had my first go at this madness :)
was only the demo vs my 5 year old daughter so couldn't get a true gauge.
Howver its pretty fun, I might have to fork over my Tekken money

I'll definitely be in for the low tiers
Vampire Saviours! & maybe strider  8)
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?