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Started by [NIUE] Optimus DAVE, January 25, 2007, 08:56:03 AM

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samurai black

thats a snapback infinite.

basically you hit the point character with a snapback attack and if their assist is still out, you just launch til death.

works with any character with a fast enough launcher.


Ahhh I see, so if the call assist at wrong time I just combo into snap back then dash cr.lk, cr. hp till they die?

samurai black

yup yup.

basically if you get a chance to smack the assist, you should go for it. as long as youre not silly about it.


and by law of marvel you gotta say "Oh! Oh! Oh..." and so on for every time you launch them in the air.

If you're on the receiving end you can be a kung and press the start/home/xbox button and say FUCK YOU!
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Yeah, doesn't have to be a snapback as well, if they do a desperate capcom assist or something when their about to die, if you knock them out their assist is free to launch infinite. I remember getting one of those on xbl recently with barnstorm by killing him off with akumas shoryureppa and then relaunching the assist.

Actually I've got a question on snapbacks, why do sent users sometimes throw out a snapback when being pressured and that's their last character? Is it to try get a lucky hit and set up an unblockable on the next character? But does it have any invincibility or something special? I've never seen a desperate snapback hit before.


There is no knowledge that is not power


Quote from: LN on January 18, 2011, 09:54:27 PM
fucked up hsf

That or they ARE trying to get a lucky snapback -> guardbreak.

Theres no other reason for it really. Its not a great idea. Unless they have literally 0 HP and theyre absolutely desperate, then theyre better off pushblocking and mouth beaming that shit.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Sometimes its just a really ghetto anti-air ;). Because of how tall sent is, it pretty much hits all jumping characters, but yeah most of the time as flux said: you done fucked up hsf.

Tricks of the trade


My question of the day..

Sentinel basic air/combos? All I know is cr.lk,s.mp,rocketpunch xx Super..


while flying: lk, mk xx dp rocket punch

corner: launch, lp, mp xx rocket punch, hp, falling hk, jump lk, fp

Do your rocket punch xx HSF combo midscreen, then keep doing

[dash, hp xx hp rocket punch xx HSF] until you run out of super or are in the corner in which case then do the corner combo.

These are obv simple combos without fast fly.
There is no knowledge that is not power

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

Quote from: [NIUE]iRONSoL on January 19, 2011, 09:05:58 AM
Sometimes its just a really ghetto anti-air ;). Because of how tall sent is, it pretty much hits all jumping characters, but yeah most of the time as flux said: you done fucked up hsf.

Tricks of the trade

and because when you do snapbacks, you get the same screen flash freeze as when you do a super, so for 1 whole frame your opponent is stuck doing whatever they're doing, while sent gives them the big kevin nash boot outta the ring.....kinda sweet to catch them unawares.....then hit them with an even sweeter unblockable, rpxxhsf.....yo
The New Generation Clockw0rk


Quote from: Nick4now on January 17, 2011, 02:49:28 PM
Also who are the Marvel players on PSN? Keen to get in a few games after some intense training mode  ;D
Hey bro, me and Suzannah will be thrashing LBP2 tonight but she wants to watch Vampire Diaries so if you want a jam between 8:30 and 9:30pm tonight I'm keen. I just can't use my mic while Suzannah is watching TV in the same room. happy to set up a chat room to msg between games.
KOW 2011


also to add to what alan said
launch+ capcom assist, lp, mp rocket punch


while flying (against opponent on ground):
lk, hk xx lp rocket punch
lk+assist, hk xx lp rocket punch


Quote from: geneterror on January 20, 2011, 12:46:43 PM
Hey bro, me and Suzannah will be thrashing LBP2 tonight but she wants to watch Vampire Diaries so if you want a jam between 8:30 and 9:30pm tonight I'm keen. I just can't use my mic while Suzannah is watching TV in the same room. happy to set up a chat room to msg between games.

Hey bro so I won't be online tonight since I'll be at Munta's place for mashups. The next time I'll be online is probably Sunday? If you're online I'll send you an inv (unless you're playing LBP2, I understand  :D)

I'll also be practicing all these Sent combos. One question though, which assist am I using for that combo Sol? Or does that not apply to team Clockw0rk?

The Self-proclaimed Christchurch Hyper Fighting 2011 Champion