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Shout outs!!

Started by stereomonkey, May 05, 2009, 10:25:21 AM

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umm played TerrorMove? and you wanted some tips,well I'll point our you bad points first, so here it is, for what I remember... its too early -.-
your Ryu, lets see.... weak zoning, need to make use of fireball game more and watch ur spacing, not enought mixups, combo are poor and you do alot of random Srk...
Ryu, is a solid zoning and footsie, make use of his tools. If you are going to play rushdown, you must execute and perform mixup well, but from playing you ur the zoning type.

Bison, overall nothing special, you don't do enought lk lk lk SK frame trap, your footsie were so so... and ultra1 sucks in super, use ultra2. But in AE both Ultra is par i think... anyways, overall your bison is half decent.

mm prolly not much help but meh...
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Give me tips too!  :P

Haha ggs last night Andy, I know where I went wrong. That was the first time playing since the new years and thats a long time for me. Kept stuffing up bnb stuff like combos and punishers. I should start doing what Hiropon does and avoid using j.FP to get used to AE. Meh.

Catch you next time, your connection is better since last we played.

Also, ggs to weezer as well.
"...there's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens."


lol try again next, my ISP got an upgrade :P connection is much better!!!
I think ur Seth is pretty good already? thats my first time playing Fei against Seth it was my second day with Fei when I played  you last night....
I'm startign to like his style lol, but plenty to learn, maybe you should give me some tips haha, I know I fail chickenwing but hell I just need practice!!!
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


You don't deserve to be Zos3dgod... Yet  :P

The Self-proclaimed Christchurch Hyper Fighting 2011 Champion


ggs redtie for fifa 11, unlucky on the first game, penaltys suck. 2nd one i might have got a bit lucky too, didn't deserve to finish 1 -3, sorry i had to roll had to go see a man about a dog


ggs today zosla, dont think ive played more than like 2 games with you in a while haha.. too bad about the disconnects though. i find myself being extra careful around you lol. usually i run around like a crazy maniac.


GGs bro. Oh man yeah it was a good couple of games me and some friends were playing all day offline hah. I missed all of those penalties haha. Keen for more bro hit me up next time. EVERTON!


yeh man if you see me online hit me up.


[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

ggs andy and ashe , nice to get some games in now im back from camping lol
"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "


Thanks for the games Ash, been awhile. You have improved since I last played u on umm.. PS3? anyways, like to play more when ur on next.

GG Euan, I see the funniest combo with ur Ryu... u use a Ken's Combo lol, i was like that just don't look right.... but it works!!! anyhoo play again soon.

JPB321... gf called, had to leave after the game, heh. till next time.

Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Thanks for the games rumble, your seth is so beast. Mixups for days. Thought I had those cross up stompy air kicks figured out only to get hit by something different after 1 of those stomp kicks (maybe a mk? not familiar with Seth).

Need to smash training mode more till I got my combos down 100%, had a few opportunities to stun but dropped a combo then got mixed up, mind fucked and perfected :< What can you do to get out of that sonic boom -> teleport -> SPD setup?


He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Hey ggs Rory. I think you're talking about how I hit you deep with a headstomp then I crossover and do a jumping roundhouse. Once you get used to blocking that crossup after the stomp you should be fine. I like to use that as a reset in the corner if I get a dizzy.

As for that sonic boom -> tele -> Spd set up I did after knocking you down with my spin kicks, tbh I just started doing that against you yesterday. What I usually do is sonic boom FADC PPP teleport to mixup on quick standing as I hope to make them block the sonic boom the wrong way and get a free combo. But if you dont quick stand then a normal lp sonic boom -> PPP teleport and I recover as soon as you get up for an spd.

I guess you can neutral jump or headbutt/dp or backdash to get out of it. I like to PPP teleport shotos alot cos sometimes they mash dp the wrong way. Not the case for charge chars though (Rog/Guile).

Had quite a few games with NZism'ers last night. Shout outs to Skull, B BOY DRAW (I hate fighting guiles that know the Seth matchup, especially when they stuff my wall-jump shenanigans  :)) and  hihaluvho?? (have no idea what your name is, i think there's a "j" in there somewhere lol) dcuts, shweeetness and ggs to everyone else I cant recall right now.

Oh also Rory, what Bill said - when you're Dudley, dont be afraid to mash dp when I'm doing blockstrings into cr.mk xx tanden engine. I was sucking you in alot because you werent punishing me for it. For the tanden engine you can jump out and punish, or, what Skull is used to doing now is to lvl 2 focus my cr.mk and release before my tanden engine comes out. But then I'll start cancelling into sonic boom so mix it up.
"...there's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens."


U can possibly jump out of it after u block the boom, depending on direct of your jump you can possibly punish him.
U can possibly focus cancel forward on wakeup, only if ur fast.
U might be able to EX rush/ EX Headbutt out of it too using auto correct.

If he timed it incorrectly on your wakeup, then its easily avoidable.

someone plz correct me lol, I only do things per my experience, having the frame data might actually help my thoery...

Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


You have to block or use an invincible move basically.  Anything else will get you hit.

It's pretty hard to block though, depending on the timing of the teleport etc.  Just remember that you are blocking seth, not the boom.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero