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Started by fluxcore, January 10, 2007, 02:06:10 PM

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I used to comment on speed related combo issues even just switching from PS3 to PC often, it definitely takes some getting used to.
I can hybrid between the two pretty quickly now, but doing things like linking into chuns Fierce punch from hazanshu definitely whiffs hard if I've just switched platforms.

Can also confirm several of the arcades I played at in Australia were running a decent bit slower than Japanese Arcades seem to based on their recorded matches.
Arcade platform seems variable based on how it's hosted.


Quote from: ILL_BILL on March 02, 2010, 06:51:43 PM
Yifans just generally feels quite noticably slower than at home. I dont think its 'lag' exactly, but something is fucking the speed in the ass. Try doing a decent length combo that requires your timing to be tight at home. Master it. Now go to yifans. Youll miss it. A few times id wager. Once you adjust to the timing (and you WILL adjust to the timing.) go home and try it. Youll miss it and have to learn the console timing again.

I hate sitting at home in my downtime and practicing rsf, then deciding to go to yifans, landing a focus attack, being like "OMG TIME TO RSF THIS FOOL" and then cocking it up and losing to angry ken guy (Though admittedly, MOST of my losses to that dude come from retarded inexcusable rubbish on my part). Its the reason why its taken me waaaaaaay longer than it should have to get good at it, because i was constantly adjusting my speed, and shit felt like it wasnt working when it shouldve been. Its not so bad with relatively easy links (Ryu's c.mp, c.mp, c.hk for example), in fact a lot of stuff even feels easier at yifans, since the game feels slower (eg. i find it much easier to land a few reps of rog's ex dash upper loop at yifans)

But im just trying to avoid playing it there as much as i have been, because most of the comp is on consoles, and ALL of the comp will be on consoles for SSF4, so why would i want to get used to a fucked up speed that isnt going to mean anything in the near future?

I think the problem with many of you who plays at home and yifans is that you guys practice the combo's at home like 10 zillian times xD?
and get the speed/timing encrypted in your cells.... for people like myself, I don't do that amount of practice nor have it all stuck into me. Its really like a feeling, you know the game speed is slightly different so you adjust to it while you execute the combo. You actually feel the move linking within you and not just follow the speed you are use to. I think that is the problem here?_?
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: zosla on March 03, 2010, 10:44:03 AM
I think the problem with many of you who plays at home and yifans is that you guys practice the combo's at home like 10 zillian times xD?
and get the speed/timing encrypted in your cells.... for people like myself, I don't do that amount of practice nor have it all stuck into me. Its really like a feeling, you know the game speed is slightly different so you adjust to it while you execute the combo. You actually feel the move linking within you and not just follow the speed you are use to. I think that is the problem here?_?

I will bet money that you have practiced this game, AND your combos, 100 times more than i have. On both PC and yifans. Youre used to both speeds better than a lot of us, and thats fine. But everyone adjusts to the timing after a little while, thats not an issue.

But that part about You actually feel the move linking within you and not just follow the speed you are use to is bullshit. A lot of link timing, particularly for things like RSF, which are based on heavy repetition, are learned through muscle memory. Muscle memory is based on the timing that youre used to. So going from one speed to another WILL throw it out of whack.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Nah Bill, I will bet money Ryu is one of the easiest characters in the game to play.

I mean honestly, his combos include.. FOCUS ATTACK WHICH RELEASES AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT!!! DOUBLE PUNCH!!!! CANCEL INTO SHORYUKEN!!! CANCEL INTO ULTRAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can just look at the screen and know when to push the buttons for that.... lol.
Only things he has which can potentially whiff are his crouching links I spose? Lmfao, and just mash SRK, you'll be ok :)

The same thing cannot be said for actual TIMING CRITICAL COMBO's such as RSF, and generic 1-2 frame strings.
Not every character in the game is given a large window of input oppurtunity to execute highly damaging combo's.

Just my 2c and why I don't think SFIV is a very good game.


Man I'm feinding to play SF4 atm.  I've jumped ship to sim and the character has revitalised my interest in the game.

ANyone gonna be in on Friday?  You guys gonna go to giga on friday night?

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero

[8-----D] Toots

I never knew combo's were the the indicator of how hard a character is to play  :o


timing & combos are always something to practise (on as many platforms as possible)....the main reason I go to yifans is to see the person I'm playing and recreate the compettion vibe (different play styles, people watching, noise, unexpected set ups etc...)...which you don't really get in training mode.....

As far as one character being easier than another due to combos...hmmmmm dunno, each character has pros and cons (ie tier listing).....Ryu is a character everyone is used to playing against, the match up is already well known......in saying that each time I have a mirror match I see people using the same character in completely different ways.....

timing for each character is of course unique.....I really enjoy seeing peoples personalities reflected in character choice and style

Just my rambles.......   ::)
"You'll never survive in the jungle"......



Obviously when Skullator said 'to play' he meant 'to combo with' >_>

He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I might be going to stay up at a mates place for a couple weeks.Was gonna check out Yifans(His place isnt that far away...I think) to play some Mahvel or 3s(if they have it)

Now Im scared to walk in because I'll be amongst Pro's and Fightan Game enthusiasts.

Chances are,I'll get destrooooyeed


They have 3S, but not many people there are very good at it.
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



I doubt i'll be any better.

I just like to play it.HAIPAH BAWM is owesome.


Quote from: Toomeke on March 03, 2010, 03:23:03 PM
I never knew combo's were the the indicator of how hard a character is to play  :o

So if a character has easy.. high damage combo's from a very easy lead in (Ryu's amazingly quick focus catching anything really) then it doesn't make the character easier to play at all?
Well allright then.

And lets just put all these things aside shall we? because bitching about them is so 2009 -
his absurdly high priorities, trade meterless ultra, borderline guaranteed ultra per match, Ability to shut you down from every zone on the screen, stamina advatage to weaker\female characters,  his ability to mash DP during opponents actual tight frame combo's, amazing low poke (Ryu deserves a better crouching MK than Chun Li JUST BECAUSE MAN!) etc etc,
I could go on..

And sure.. to rephrase.. because it seems very needed-
Ryu is one of the easiest characters to both combo and succeed with, if his difficult links whiff, he is either left borderline completely safe (OH MY GOD MY CROUCHING MK GOT BLOCKED, I'M PRETTY FUCKED NOW) or just at an outright advantage ( HELP! OH MY GOD MY TATSU LINK IS BEING BLOCKED, LOOK AT THE AMAZING CHIP DAMAGE AND 50% CHANCE AT SHORYUKEN OR THROW WHEN I RECOVER FROM THIS!!!)

This isn't exactly new information, Sagat and Ryu are straight up OP by comparison to certain other characters. If you don't think so, you are either oblivious, in denial, or only play said characters and don't want to admit how much of a free ride you get compared to the rest.


I thought you were gonna put all those things aside, 'cos bitching is sooooo 2009?


Hence why I didn't post them initially till called out about saying it, yea?

I'm well and truly over caring about any of it haha, the expansion is almost with us, all I'm doing is posting facts initially intended to help diagnose speed\execution issues between platforms.
Certain characters have it easier than others, which is likely why Will's Fuerte would have more trouble adjusting to a different speed than Andy's Ryu.


I'm inclinded to agree with the slightly fruity You actually feel the move linking within you... thing, and I don't think character selection comes into it. Some players are simply too rigid in their timing and struggle to adjust to a change in playing environment- it shows where some people have huge problems changing between different platforms and setups and others can just sit down at any setup, have a couple of warmups and then go about their biznizzz as usual.