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15/08/2009 - NZism's National SFIV tourney!

Started by fluxcore, June 09, 2009, 12:21:50 PM

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Live by the Fuerte, Die by the Fuerte

Playing a character which requires guessing correctly can be a bitch, but I think it's kinda half the fun... Abel is a bitch too, but I've stuck with him from the start just because I find him a better match to my actual play style than anyone else... Plus, he's a fucking big french bruiser... What else do you need ?

My fundamentals are also crappy, but I play on learning those with Ryu/Akuma at some point -- I just find them boring as characters to be honest. Although, 3 frame demons are pretty fuckin' sexy lol
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


heh i don't know jack about frame data like many others here...
I just know something can beat something or i think this might beat that.

Like playing dhalsim today against Simon ( CrazyMobius ) with my Chun... I tried my ultra on his huga flame... was safe then i tried it on his long hands and it SEEMED safe... coz i didnt hit him, but i think i executed a bit late so would try again some other time when i get a chance but its all about trying out things and such.

A character only becomes boring if the players play style is boring. simple.
You are the one that is responsible for what the char do in game. o don't blame the character.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: zosla on June 17, 2009, 12:00:30 PM
to be honest I don't give a damn about the char being low or high tier. Just play with the char you are comfortable with and for me Ryu was my first char when i tried the game out and I like the play style of him. The tier thing never existed when the game first came out, all i knew was he was one of the original char from previous SF and would be wise to start from that.

I am learning Chun Li now and also Gief, not sure if they whatever tier but I enjoy using them and that is all it matters.

Exactly. This is why i use Fuerte.

Quote from: zosla on June 17, 2009, 02:01:43 PM
heh i don't know jack about frame data like many others here...
I just know something can beat something or i think this might beat that.

Like playing dhalsim today against Simon ( CrazyMobius ) with my Chun... I tried my ultra on his huga flame... was safe then i tried it on his long hands and it SEEMED safe... coz i didnt hit him, but i think i executed a bit late so would try again some other time when i get a chance but its all about trying out things and such.

A character only becomes boring if the players play style is boring. simple.
You are the one that is responsible for what the char do in game. o don't blame the character.

I agree to an extent. Just remember what some people see as a 'fun' playstyle, others would see as a 'boring' playstyle. Its all a matter of opinion. Don't take all the 'ryu is boring' comments personally. Some people like him, some dont. Its the same with every character. Ryu just happens to be the scapegoat because he's so commonly used.

Anyway, last thing ill say:
QuoteYou are the one that is responsible for what the char do in game. o don't blame the character.

I THINK youre referring to the 'boring' comment with this, in which case, ive already said i basically agree, so you can ignore everything else in this post. :)

If youre referring more to the tier list discussion, remember that in all games there are always characters that have advantages/disadvantages against other characters. Yes, its more dependant on the player, But the character always effects how hard the player has to work for his wins. I get a lot more satisfaction winning with el fuerte than when i win with say, ken. Only because its been really REALLY fucking hard to win, so i feel more gratified at the end. That feeling is addictive, and is the reason why i keep playing el fuerte. Unfortunately, it means i have a bad habit of getting curbstomped by better players. :(
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I have to agree with Andy on this one.  There are no boring characters in this game.  Just boring players.  Ryu is not boring.  Its the players that make him boring. 

WHen you see Hue, or to a larger extent Poongko and Daigo playing Ryu, he aint boring at all.  When you see most other people playing him, its fucking ugly.

Another big culprit is Balrog.  I dont know why so many people think they can play balrog,  It hurts my brain.

On another note Bill.  Drop Fuerte imho, or do what I do and learn him on the side just for fun.  He is too shit imho to build a decent gameplan up with.  Guessing games are not going to win any tournaments, and his payoff ratio is too low.  He depends too much on RSF which is god awful to land on certain characters, not to mention very character specific for some the shit it does.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Quote from: Lennysaurus Rex on June 17, 2009, 07:03:43 PM
I have to agree with Andy on this one.  There are no boring characters in this game.  Just boring players.  Ryu is not boring.  Its the players that make him boring. 

WHen you see Hue, or to a larger extent Poongko and Daigo playing Ryu, he aint boring at all.  When you see most other people playing him, its fucking ugly.

Another big culprit is Balrog.  I dont know why so many people think they can play balrog,  It hurts my brain.

On another note Bill.  Drop Fuerte imho, or do what I do and learn him on the side just for fun.  He is too shit imho to build a decent gameplan up with.  Guessing games are not going to win any tournaments, and his payoff ratio is too low.  He depends too much on RSF which is god awful to land on certain characters, not to mention very character specific for some the shit it does.

Exactly why i was looking at Ryu/Sagat. Id still like to 'main' Fuerte, but i would like to (in a pinch) have a stronger character under my belt. I was cranking Ken out for a while (Middle Tier, but a damn site better than Fuerte), but after playing Ryu a bit, im finding him considerably easier to do damage with. But dammit, i like the step kick.

Im also looking very seriously in the C.Viper/Seth/Rufus Direction. However Flux has a point on the rufus matches, and I cant play seth at yifans. And i feel i need to put a bit more time into viper, so i might sideline that idea for the time being, at least until after the tourney.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Viper's definite problem is stamina, it really does hurt a lot competitively to take more damage. She also has some ugly matches against almost all charge chars (especially Bison), although those are becoming easier once you learn them (it just HURTS to start with!). I think she has the potential to be one of the best chars though.

Obviously Seth is even worse, you literally have to play perfectly to stand a chance. I guess if you CAN, there aren't really any other chars that match him for options. Basically I just play him because he's fun, and I don't give a fuck because I'm honestly not going to get anywhere competitively anyway.

Rufus isn't that bad a choice tbh, but he's someone you'd really want a backup with to take care of those bad matchups. He has great comeback factor and damage output, fun combos and I think he's pretty fun to play as in general. But yeah, against the hard nuts guys at yifan's I'm not so sure.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: Lennysaurus Rex on June 17, 2009, 07:03:43 PM
I have to agree with Andy on this one.  There are no boring characters in this game.  Just boring players.  Ryu is not boring.  Its the players that make him boring.

I've already said that my statement was fairly obviously subjective, but let me say it again.
Also, I was more implying that I find him boring to play AS in this game. It just feels like so much stuff is free for him.
My usual complaint is something like his AA DP, Ultra combo, which has a perfect analog in Viper's moveset, however with ryu you can just spam that shit out whenever you like and it's 95% guaranteed to hit. Try that with viper? Precise timing necessary to hit the ultra. Also it varies considerably with how high you hit them and also their character weight. I'm sure some Ryu player will jump in here and go "oh we have to deal with that too", but you just go and bloody try it with Viper and you'll see what I mean. There's also the chance that they won't be able to punish you massively if you miss COMPLETELY with the ultra (however that would happen), whereas Viper's is one single hit, and if you miss that, you're standing there for 5 seconds unable to do anything while your opponent writes a letter explaining the combo they are going to do, sends it to your mother, waits for the reply, and then actually does the combo.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: fluxcore on June 17, 2009, 09:36:16 PM
Viper's definite problem is stamina, it really does hurt a lot competitively to take more damage. She also has some ugly matches against almost all charge chars (especially Bison), although those are becoming easier once you learn them (it just HURTS to start with!). I think she has the potential to be one of the best chars though.

Obviously Seth is even worse, you literally have to play perfectly to stand a chance. I guess if you CAN, there aren't really any other chars that match him for options. Basically I just play him because he's fun, and I don't give a fuck because I'm honestly not going to get anywhere competitively anyway.

Rufus isn't that bad a choice tbh, but he's someone you'd really want a backup with to take care of those bad matchups. He has great comeback factor and damage output, fun combos and I think he's pretty fun to play as in general. But yeah, against the hard nuts guys at yifan's I'm not so sure.

my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



QuoteThere's also the chance that they won't be able to punish you massively if you miss COMPLETELY with the ultra

To avoid any confusion (which would SOMEHOW have arisen), what flux means here i think, is if the AAdp hits, but the ultra misses. NOT if they jump over ryu's ultra, or block the dp.

He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: fluxcore on June 17, 2009, 09:40:40 PM
Quote from: Lennysaurus Rex on June 17, 2009, 07:03:43 PM
I have to agree with Andy on this one.  There are no boring characters in this game.  Just boring players.  Ryu is not boring.  Its the players that make him boring.

I've already said that my statement was fairly obviously subjective, but let me say it again.
Also, I was more implying that I find him boring to play AS in this game. It just feels like so much stuff is free for him.
My usual complaint is something like his AA DP, Ultra combo, which has a perfect analog in Viper's moveset, however with ryu you can just spam that shit out whenever you like and it's 95% guaranteed to hit. Try that with viper? Precise timing necessary to hit the ultra. Also it varies considerably with how high you hit them and also their character weight. I'm sure some Ryu player will jump in here and go "oh we have to deal with that too", but you just go and bloody try it with Viper and you'll see what I mean. There's also the chance that they won't be able to punish you massively if you miss COMPLETELY with the ultra (however that would happen), whereas Viper's is one single hit, and if you miss that, you're standing there for 5 seconds unable to do anything while your opponent writes a letter explaining the combo they are going to do, sends it to your mother, waits for the reply, and then actually does the combo.

Nah man you must be crazy.  Viper is easy sauce.  Ryu is way harder.

You crazy.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Quote from: ILL_BILL on June 17, 2009, 08:30:44 PM

Im also looking very seriously in the C.Viper/Seth/Rufus Direction. However Flux has a point on the rufus matches, and I cant play seth at yifans. And i feel i need to put a bit more time into viper, so i might sideline that idea for the time being, at least until after the tourney.

If we had 6 or more months before the next tourney I'd say Viper for sure, but being someone who's pretty much played Her since December as my main character (Well over 2000 matches) I'd say two month's is not nearly long enough to get to a competitive level on Viper for nats Will, as much as I get all excited about the thought of Viper mirrors on the big screen at RVB.

I'd certainly suggest someone like boxer or sagat if you're looking for an easier level up to competitive viability.

I'm only just now getting to a place of feeling confident for the tournament, but still have lots of studying, training and match specific strats to get down before I get to the standard I'd like to be at to give one or two shoe-ins a run for their money. good on you though for considering someone else though bro, props as.


NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



what ever it is we all have time to practice before the next tournament.
Take this time to know your character and prepare yourself for your worst matchups.

No matter if it is winning or losing we must respect each other and the way each person plays. No bitching, no flaming, just have fun and have good e-sportsmenship.
This tournament is for all of us, it is what WE as a community stands for so make sure it's all GG.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.