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15/08/2009 - NZism's National SFIV tourney!

Started by fluxcore, June 09, 2009, 12:21:50 PM

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so you didn't play against Simonfish at Xlan ??


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on August 03, 2009, 07:00:11 PM
so you didn't play against Simonfish at Xlan ??

He beat me by default since I turned up at 1pm Friday ;\

Then we had a fun match chun li vs abel, and I won best of three rounds.. then somebody else had to have a match so we stopped playing lol.


I see. So you owned him. I'm gonna laugh at his face when i see him. Hehe


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on August 03, 2009, 07:04:07 PM
I see. So you owned him. I'm gonna laugh at his face when i see him. Hehe

lol, man im not going to lie im scared of you owning me in nationals by GETTING ME IN THE FIRST ROUND FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!


I'm scared that i will meet kevin the first round then Cody/simon the second round and it's game over for me :d


Eh I spose his gief would have alot of Ryu practice...

It's strange thinking about other peoples match ups lol
I just rage over not being able to put together a poke \ rush game against you.
But then, you can't have a proper projectile one against me...


I h8 you!!!!!! :(


are turbos allowed??

if not im not gonna join


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on August 03, 2009, 07:43:56 PM
I'm scared that i will meet kevin the first round then Cody/simon the second round and it's game over for me :d

Impossible Hue; You, Simon and Kevin are seeded. ;D  Lucky bastards!  :-[
. . .

And you know I'm the one who's gonna face Kev and Cody 1st & 2nd lol!


Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


but theyre in the Official Madcatz Stick under license of Capcom
also original SFIV arcade in Japan have turbos

Honda, ChunLi , Gen  experts require turbos mate

even Daigo use it at Evo 2009

how come its not allowed.


Quote from: CtrlAltTehl33t on August 03, 2009, 08:38:09 PM
but theyre in the Official Madcatz Stick under license of Capcom
also original SFIV arcade in Japan have turbos

Honda, ChunLi , Gen  experts require turbos mate

even Daigo use it at Evo 2009

how come its not allowed.

Them's the rules cuzzy, them's the rules. Besides, most great Chun/Gen players I know use piano method . . .  ;)


so this tourney is all about random shoryukens?


Pretty sure at this tourny I'll be the judge of what Chun players do \ do not require!

Man.. tapping a button on a playstation controller quick enough with one thumb was DEAD SIMPLE
Doing it on a stick where you can use multiple fingers \ your entire hand on one button if you so choose... is cake...

You can adjust your game.. nobody relies on turbo's its actually detrimental more than anything to precision play.

Edit oh you're worried about srk's... well, they do suck I agree but they are in the game, and anything thats in the game is not considered cheap.


It's just a timing thing man, if you want to learn how to play without them, you can.
I doubt the rules are going to be changed based on your participation.


Quote from: CtrlAltTehl33t on August 03, 2009, 08:44:46 PM
so this tourney is all about random shoryukens?
No it's not about random shoryuken. It's about the number of shoryuken you can pull out in 1 match. Spamming shoryuken owns random shoryuken :D
Btw james, how do you know we are seeded ?? What about the others (Cody/Andy/Ben) ??


well what i mean is, its impossible to do 3+ 5+ hit combo smoothly without turbo. youll always get pwned by random shoryuken. cause theres interval between punch kicks etc. if that so this game would appear as street fighter 2

im just backing up my statement with international standards.
Evo Championship Series allows it
Gamestop International Tourney allows it
Japanese Nationals allows it
Korean National allows it

i know NZ likes making their ""OWN "" standards. im am aware of that(eg. they call a flashlight, a torch OMFGBBQ) ;D sorry guys ive mentioned that it just make me laugh