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Pre-release Super Street Fighter IV details

Started by iMagneto, September 20, 2009, 12:56:40 AM

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Sagat needs to be rebalanced.
He has high damage, high health, short delay for his attacks, many ways of linking ultra and super high priority with his lk.
His only downside is the movement speed. In the next version, I hope they will give him faster movement speed to make his stats more balance :D


Quote from: weazzyefff on October 24, 2009, 05:00:29 PM

I cant believe you never asked for anything for Viper, though she doesnt need shit except a few ''priority'' issues with her sj fk air to air. But you know what people are like with their chars.

Hey what do think about Juri bro? She looking dope atm.

IMO Viper doesn't need anything. She's actually pretty balanced as is.

My only want would be no full rising flame kick animation if she whiffs the ultra. just keep her on the ground. and make it sorta punishable (like boxer's if you block it)

Juri: Looks like my kinda of character also, great set ups (like the rolento style alpha counter around the back dash counter) cute specials, strong combo / juggle game. I can see her being someone I'm going to spend a lot of time training and playing in the next year. Maybe my character for nat's next august? perhaps, though it's porbably between her and Viper ATM.


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on October 25, 2009, 01:50:22 AM
Sagat and Ryu needs to be rebalanced.
They has high damage, high health, short delay for their attacks, many ways of linking ultra and super high priority with his lk.


Lol nah but really Ryu needs his SRK trades into ultra removed


i actually think alot of the game is close to balanced
except for dumb shit eg mashed shoryuken
most characters that need a get off me button dont have it and ones who dont need it eg ryu/sagat combo into ultra off it

and because the attacker should have the advantage not stuff up a hit or block string by 1 frame and be punched in the face for it

also vega make it so wall dive is good or something in his move list

and as lenny said,
Up the speed im falling asleep on this shit so at least rush down is more fun


Yeah i'm all for a speed boost, that would be great & I guess is quite possible.

My secret wish (that will never ever happen in any series) is that Blanka is changed from a charge char into a command char, so QCF for horiz roll & DP for vert roll  ;) ;D
Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?


Found this clip not sure if anyone posted it up yet - just in case...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JBLYxnKuvs


Was giving this alot of thought lately, thought I'd write some of it down.

I dont think Sagat should be changed all that much.  I think the fundamentals behind Sagt have always been strong zoning, and I think he accomplishes that well.  I think the only things he should lose are his crossup, and hiss ability to link 2 x short, jab, Tiger Uppercut or what ever.  I think he should not have strong hit confirm/mixup from close range.  I think he should also get a supre fireball type ultra to augment his zoning.  The only other change I can think of is that I think his arms should stick slightly further out on his high tiger shots.  This doesnt nerf the viability of him using tiger shots properly.  But makes it so that you cant stand there and throw them out recklessly.

Similarly to sagat, I think he should lose hit confirm jabs into shoryuken.  Basically I think that his mixup/hitconfirm game is already too strong.  I th ink that what ever Ultra they give him should have really good chip and push the opponent back a reasonable amount to augment his style.  This allows him to have a getthefuckoffme once a round or a getinthecornersoicanrapeyou once a round.

First off.  Invincibility on flash kick.  omfg fix it.  Beef up damage slightly on Ultra  Flash Kicks.  I dont think that he should be able to combo into ultra easily.  I think it should be more about him keeping on pressure with strong/safe pokes and forcing a mistake and punish.  I think a good ultra to give him would be his sonic hurricane.  Make it come out fast with decent damage.  I think that Guile is already pretty decent and that giving him too much would push him too far up.

Fix Lariat so that it isnt retarded.  Bring it closer to ST version.   FIx the hitbox mostly.  Nerf splash.  Bring it closer to CVS2 splash which was still good but not spammable.  I think his meter building should be slightly nerfed.  I think he would be no good without his EX hand as it is, but I think he gets the meter for it too quickly.  I think he should bet his ST roundhouse back.  Make it similar to alpha 3 where he can do both but you can pick which one.

I think Sim is another character that is well balanced.  Maybe a better forward dash and some more useful drills.  atm his drills feel kinda useless, so making them usable, but not too strong, (Im thinking alpha 2 drills?) would be choice.  Anti air ultra could be decent I guess, but i think that might make his keep away too strong.  Maybe the ultra similar to his super in CVS2 where he breathes flame on the floor and you have to block it low.

Chun Li:
This is a difficult one for me.  Once again I think that the wrong changes to her will make her far too strong, but she could do with mabe a more effective way around fireballs.  One idea I thought of is to give her a fake on her special overhead move (QCB+kick?).  This lets her use to zone over fireballs a little safer, and could be used for a eat bait/mixup trick.

Two things I am really against with Ken is a better fireball and dpXXfadcXXfull ultra.  I think if he gets this we may as well take away his step kick and call him ryu.  I think he should have his mixup and close up game augmented.  Give him his ST funky kicks, and his alpha 2/3 roll.  Make the EX roll go through fireballs.  This accomplishes two things.  Enhances his mobility, and gives him decnt mixup when in close.

Make Oichio Throw heaps faster.  Bring it up to same as spd speed.  Make ultra go through fireballs.  I think honda wont need too much when you look at the changes other characters will go through.

Blanka is a great turtle character.  His strong long range pokes and fast jump would be too strong if his mobility and mix up were powered up too much.  All i can think of is maybe making his jab ball safe on block maybe?  Maybe make his EX Ball safe on block?  Give him the horizontal ball super from CVS2 as his ultra?  COuld be used as a throw away ultra and to bait pokes?

Just an all round speed increase.  Make his kick back flip (all three kicks move) faster.  Give him the lvl 3 claw  super from CVS2 as his second ultra.

I think bison is fine and any changes just add to his toolbox a little.  Maybe give him his fence paint?  Could be great for a little chip damage.  Personally I think it'd be cool if they totally redid him and made him similar to alpha 2/3 Bison...  But thats just me lol

Gigaton punch.  Thats it.  Another character I think that isnt too bad.  Maybe make it so he can fake his Dash straight and EX dash straight.  Give it recovery though so it doesnt become too op.Could let him approach fireball characters a little easier without making him barge through fireballs and fuck people up.

Give her a decent ultra to combo into and make her Crouch feirce into a proper anti air.  I dont think she should have too much changed.  Make her into a decent combo character.

I think Rose should get her soul Illusion super as an ultra.  Some thing useful to give her an advantage during the round.  Let her push the round for position or possibly to reset a disadvantaged position.  Also more stun from her fireball to allow better FADC combos.

I think Gen is fine.  Any changes should be just cosmetic stuff imho.  Maybe make his ultra/super go through fireballs?  I was thinking that

Im not sure about Abel.   Maybe a decent anti air ultra so that once he gets it the opponent will be less prone to jump in on him all day.  Maybe make his EX dp more useful as an anti air.

I like the idea behind rufus.  I think that they shouldnt change much.  Maybe give him a command throw?  Not a strong one but something to add to his toolbox.

Give her another ultra she can combo into that doesnt have that retarded jump in the air.  And maybe an air throw.

El Fuerte:
I think that he should lose RSF in favour of a decent EX move that can combo from cr.forward or close st.feirce and lead into juggling into his tortilla kick.  Gives him a decent punisher that he can use in more situations.  I dont think he should get more stamina, or too many other changes as that would detract from his all or nothing style.

Nothing.  Zip.  Nadda.  Maybe a nerf or two if anything.  Scale damage from his DP after short Tatsu.  more recovery on his air fireball maybe.  Make it "pop" him backwards a little after he releases it.  That way its still good for zoning but doesnt become a lead in for him to get in.

Give him ryus air tatsu.  Let him use it for positioning and for air to air juggle into ultra.  Make it so you can hold down his dp+punch and make it into an overhead.  Similar to balrogs overhead punch.  Instead of leading into combo it should lead into knockdown.

Thats some of my thoughts.  Obvioulsy there would need to be more changes than this, such as we all know that everyone is getting 2 ultras and 2 supers.  But i think that the above would be a great template for major changes to improve balance.

Washu guys reckon?

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: zosla on October 30, 2009, 01:04:31 PM
holy shit lenny, wall of txt.

A wall of text is when a large post isn't paragraphed correctly.  And thus you end up with a large "wall of text".

My post is paragraphed fine and easy to read.

So in other words:

Nyah Nyah Nyaaah!!!!

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I think the only things Abel needs are a useful far st.hp and a slightly faster sweep.

At the moment his far st.hp serves no use at all. That shit has ridiculous start up, recovery, and is basically useless. Maybe just replace it with his close st.hp, so he has a fast, reliable anti-air from any distance, although this could make him a little OP

His sweep could be 2-3 frames faster, this will give him a better footsies game IMO and allow him to get in a little easier on his harder match ups

Sure, I think air throws all around deserve SOME buff... like hmm, I don't know... NOT trading with attacks ? Maybe during their active frames they could be hit invincible or something, but still fully punishable during start up and recovery ? It would certainly make Soul throw a more viable option for Rose.
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


Yeah I could see him doing well with a fast sweep.  I think theyd need to give it decent recovery otherwise you risk it becoming spammable.

Oh fuck yes fix air throws please.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Yeah i've got too much shit to say.

Cant be fucked writing it. Talk to you at RvB.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: weazzyefff on October 30, 2009, 01:28:35 PM
Yeah i've got too much shit to say.

Cant be fucked writing it. Talk to you at RvB.

cool bro.  be good to catch up.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Viper should have a decent fucking qcb+FP move. You know, that can't be thrown so damned easily.

Seth take more damage but be unable to go below 1 health.

Sagat should be put in a wheelchair.

Boxer's head should be made bigger.
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: Lennysaurus Rex on October 30, 2009, 01:26:52 PM
Yeah I could see him doing well with a fast sweep.  I think theyd need to give it decent recovery otherwise you risk it becoming spammable.

Oh fuck yes fix air throws please.

More recovery would be fine... it should still stay special cancellable though so it's not COMPLETELY free on block.

I'll weigh in on some of the other character balances when I've got some time
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla