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Lets Discuss!!! NZ Street FIghter IV Bar Fights!!!!

Started by Lennysaurus, October 17, 2009, 01:36:06 AM

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Basically guys heres the jist.

I can confirm us a Central Auckland Bar as a venue.  The idea in my opinion would be that we pool together and have a few exhibition matches.  For the exhibition matches I can think of a few "rivalries" that have flared up over the last year, that we could use to pit people against each other in the bar fights.  Some Ideas I had were:
SimonFish vs Kevin (we all know why)
Lightweight vs CrazyMobius (epic yiffans battles and alleged heated yellings!)
Smoof vs Blackstar Ninja (Two most Hype motherfuckers here)
Weazzey vs Zosla (Epic forum hating)
Hydro vs Crazyk1ll3r ("Thats what you get!!!" lolz)
Lenny vs Flux (World of Warcraft fight of doom!)
We could really hype these matches up and have an awesome time I reckon

Also, a small single elimination team tournament much akin to the style done at evo this year.  South Auckland vs West Auckland vs Central Auckland vs The rest of NZ.  Before the start of the event I would basically nominate a team captain for each team, and each captain can choose the five members for their team anyway they choose.  At this point I would imagine the captains being:
Central - Simon?
West - Ben
South - James
Rest of NZ - Alan?
I would envision that each area has a small get together and the captains can use that to run a small qualifier or see who is on point for their team.  Remember each member of each team must use a different character.  So no double sagat, 3 Ryu teams etc.

Im envisioning this going from about 1pm till about 7ish?

So picture it gentleman.  A bunch of street fighter players, havin drinks, watching epic matches, and marking out to that shit we LOVE to do!  Try and hook in some sponsored shit from the usuals. (Monarco should be able to hook us up.)

Some things I really want feedback and consideration are the following:
-If we do this, will we be able to get decent numbers in.  Im hoping we can score maybe 30 to 40 peeps.  Thatd be a good number.

-Can we ensure that enough people will by drinks (be it alcohol or non alcoholic) to make sure that we make it worth the bars time.  Saturday is normally thier slowest night so as long as we down a couple each.

-Who here has connections to someone with epic cam equipment that can do on the cheap/free?  We want to capture all this.  I deally id like to Put a DVD together and maybe sell it through the site so that we can use the money for our Nats next year.

-The bar has 3 60 inch LCD's and a projector that we can use.  We are probably going to make the standard PS3 as this is the easiest to change sticks around etc.  This will likely become the standard for most of our tourneys/events in the future for this reason.  Will we be able to get enough hardware for four setups?

Post your thoughts people!

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

Quote from: Lennysaurus Rex on October 17, 2009, 01:36:06 AM
South Auckland vs West Auckland vs Central Auckland vs The rest of NZ.


The New Generation Clockw0rk


I am SOOOOOO south Auckland captain!

Who's from the south anyway: Coffin, Lenny, Kaos, Weazzy, Eru etc etc, let's face it yo, we own this.

I'm down. Just give me (two) week(s) notice and I'm there like underwear.


Quote from: hydrokinesis on October 17, 2009, 07:12:11 AM
I am SOOOOOO south Auckland captain!

Who's from the south anyway: Coffin, Lenny, Kaos, Weazzy, Eru etc etc, let's face it yo, we own this.

I'm down. Just give me (two) week(s) notice and I'm there like underwear.

Weazzy is a west aucklander.  Dont forget xpunch is a south aucklander.  We could scrap the rest of NZ team and do East AUckland I guess.

It wont be till much later James.  Im thinking early in the new year type thing.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


I guess I'd be on Alan's team with Gino. Goodtimes!

Any idea yet when you guys would be having this? I might be in North Island around Jan with my In Laws and have a few jobs in that area.

Might come for the drinks laughs and casuals if I'm in town.  :)
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


What I kind of meant by the team captains Lenny was more of a 'top four from nationals' as captains, and then they choose their own teams. I know it's great to have divisions by location, but I get the feeling the skill might not be spread about so much, and bar fights should be about epic matches, not blowouts.

I think this will be a pretty awesome idea, and as always the more gatherings the better imo!
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

im pretty sure theres enough of us to rep east auckland.


Quote from: fluxcore on October 17, 2009, 08:42:36 AM
What I kind of meant by the team captains Lenny was more of a 'top four from nationals' as captains, and then they choose their own teams. I know it's great to have divisions by location, but I get the feeling the skill might not be spread about so much, and bar fights should be about epic matches, not blowouts.

I think this will be a pretty awesome idea, and as always the more gatherings the better imo!


Al's suggestion is on the money. The top 4 construct teams sounds like the way to go, at least then we're not going to get 'fish and Kev on one team, or Andy & Ben on another.

I wouldn't mind being on any one of those falla's teams, rockin the Viper of course.



Me and smoof are from the west. I'd be keen for this lol

Edit: Oh yeah exams... I am perfectly free anytime after November 16th, but don't shift times around, just set what you can and I'll see if I can come.


-work to live not live to work-><>

[NIUE] weazzyefff

SF4, drinks, and randomly beating zosla, say no more. I'm down james brown.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


abel ultra 2 = the most hated among the community