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NZism custom artwork - showing off, feedback and advice thread.

Started by geneterror, November 03, 2009, 11:30:41 AM

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Unfortunately it's NOT lami-label...

It's just a vinyl sticker from the local print shop...
Dunno how well it'll last...but I'll soon see...
I'm thinking of masking everything off and putting a clear coat over it...I'm just getting crazy impatient though.

Anyone know where the local lami-label is...?

Quote from: CptMunta on March 18, 2010, 06:31:03 PM

Looks badass man. Your girl plays SF?! That's awesome!

Yeah man...she's got a pretty mean Akuma! She showed me that you can hit LK & FP at the same time for raging demon instead of one at a time...then she started using Chun Li...so I started doing a Chun graphic for her arcade stick but now she thrashes Sakura!!!?
I bliss...like the fist...of the mantis...
Those who oppose get dropped and hit the canvas.

samurai black

im feeling the second pic more munta. theres more contrast, so its easier to pic out the characters/artwork. and b boy, that chun stick is looking pretty boss  ;D



Not totally happy with the sticker though...can't really see from the photos but you can see every little bump under the sticker...where the spot welds are...where the metal plate screws in...because the sticker is madd thin.
Don't get me wrong...I like it...but I'm gunna have to do it again...
I bliss...like the fist...of the mantis...
Those who oppose get dropped and hit the canvas.


^Loving it bro!

Digging the clear buttons and also the cool Ball top for the stick. Niiiiice! Really like how you've used the same artists work on the stick. She's gonna be stoked.  :)
Munta on the web: www.pavementart.co.nz
PSN: CptMunta


lol... I used the same art for skullators stick -.- Hvae to post it up before I send it to him :P
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


I bliss...like the fist...of the mantis...
Those who oppose get dropped and hit the canvas.


He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I like how u sued the necklace to wrap around the stick, good stuff.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Yeah man the dog tag suits the theme really well. looks cool bro.


cheers for the props fellas!!!
Im pretty stoked on the outcome.
I bliss...like the fist...of the mantis...
Those who oppose get dropped and hit the canvas.


Okay here is Skullator's stick, did this ages ago but hadn't had a chance to post up.

And here is something that is in progress for Hue.

Not much time so can't really go all fancy.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Skulls looks nice. Its simple but effective.

Hue's one is still clearly in the early design stages.

I would personally drop that main ryu pic down to the left corner where the SD ryu is atm. (keep the size the same, but crop the legs at the bottom of the stick) And throw maybe a few ink effects and a nice gradient (like the standard TE art background like in the stick you did for skullator) in the background to make it look a touch busier.

That bottom left corner is the biggest area you have to use for art without being blocked by the buttons. (Especially on a mayflash) So i would personally use it. Although at any rate, even if you dont, i think if you dropped ryu down to the left a bit more(to sort of where the chun position is in skulls stick) it would look better. Although you dont want the two sticks to look exactly the same, so maybe its best to ignore me.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

samurai black

yeah, id drop the SD and evil ryu, and just rock the udon one.


Thanks for the advice guys^^
Hue's one is still in design stage as it was him who wanted those pics and where they are xD his actual stick is a lot larger than teh normal Mayflash as it is a custom one using Mayflash layout.
But I will put an update once I'm done with it and get some advices xD

here is Skullators fully completed stick, let me know what you guys think. The photo ain't the best as teh lighting and my phone camera ain't great^^

Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.