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kof 2001 arcade sticks at..... Countdown?!

Started by Gino, April 26, 2007, 09:45:33 AM

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Went in to our local hamilton countdown (the 24hr one) and my friend pointed out to me a pile of kof2001 arcade sticks for ps2. They didn't look too good, and the sticks feel BAAAAD. Although for $40 its not the worst investment you could make as there are only 5000 made, some limited edition or something...


I think there are assloads of these on trademe as well... from what I hear the sticks are crap. Not sure how the pcb is for hacking, or whether the stick is decently moddable with Sanwas or what have you... I might pick one up just for a look-see.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

samurai black

dont waste your money. i bought one a year ago, and i totally regret paying cash for the piece of shit. the stick is stiff and crappy, despite many attempts at thrashing it, the buttons like to stick after a while and/or don't respond. its small and plastic, meaning you have to kind of cradle the thing in your lap whilst playing.

honestly, don't pay any more than $20 for it if youre really keen.

i can also take pics of the garbage stick if you want to see how big it is in comparison to other ish, like the namco stick


Blargh, I was just in countdown and tried out the stick... boy, it is indeed trash. The stick feels like it's pushed into dough, and the buttons feel like bits of candy stuck to the top. I would have a hard time recommending it to anyone... it's probably even worse than those xarcade turds.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Aw, I like my Xarcade... granted, I didn't pay for it, but still...
Mashing all the wrong buttons since 1981