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Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

Started by Pinolicious, November 16, 2009, 02:59:19 PM

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samurai black

filler is basically the episodes they use to pad out the series. it gives the manga, which the show is based off, time to get ahead.

stuff that happens in filler eps, hasnt happened in the actual manga.

dbz had plenty of filler. the garlic junior saga? filler. the drivers license episode? filler. it was awesome filler though  :D


I don't mind that squeezes in to the story line thaaaat much... it's just the stupid shit that irritates me... example

Bleach Bounto arc... while ridiculous, it carried on the story and there wasn't really any momentum lost... there were a few weird parts in the Anime where they had to bluff their way around certain scenes when they got back to the original story line to incorporate the filler, but as a rule, it was fine

Bleach Amagai arc... o_O ? The moment you have to stop a story to start a new story = haaaaaaaaaate

Naruto is usually just as bad because the fillers are like 5-6 episodes of just side crap. It's usually right when stuff gets interesting too... "Ok good... time to go on this super vital mission... but first, let's go do something else to kill time, so that when I get back, nothing would have changed at all"

I think I expect far too much from these series lol
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: samurai black on November 17, 2009, 10:15:03 AM
filler is basically the episodes they use to pad out the series. it gives the manga, which the show is based off, time to get ahead.

stuff that happens in filler eps, hasnt happened in the actual manga.

dbz had plenty of filler. the garlic junior saga? filler. the drivers license episode? filler. it was awesome filler though  :D
Ohh yeah , so damn true. If had know that i wouldve....... probably still watched it anyway, damn it.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!

samurai black

Quote from: electric on November 17, 2009, 10:35:18 AM
I think I expect far too much from these series lol

fuck, prior to shippuden, i hated the naruto filler. especially after he learnt the rasengan. that was supposed to be his ultimate attack at the time, and he was just spamming that shit left right and centre.

Quote from: weazzyefff on November 17, 2009, 10:48:48 AM
Ohh yeah , so damn true. If had know that i wouldve....... probably still watched it anyway, damn it.

i think the 5 minutes on namek going for like 10+ episodes was an example of the anime catching up to the manga and having no room to go anywhere.


Quote from: electric on November 17, 2009, 10:35:18 AM
I don't mind that squeezes in to the story line thaaaat much... it's just the stupid shit that irritates me... example

Bleach Bounto arc... while ridiculous, it carried on the story and there wasn't really any momentum lost... there were a few weird parts in the Anime where they had to bluff their way around certain scenes when they got back to the original story line to incorporate the filler, but as a rule, it was fine

Bleach Amagai arc... o_O ? The moment you have to stop a story to start a new story = haaaaaaaaaate

Naruto is usually just as bad because the fillers are like 5-6 episodes of just side crap. It's usually right when stuff gets interesting too... "Ok good... time to go on this super vital mission... but first, let's go do something else to kill time, so that when I get back, nothing would have changed at all"

I think I expect far too much from these series lol

I totally agree with u, I hated teh original naruto and its fillers, nothing to do with teh opriginal sotry and talked sooo much. Same as for bleach and its filler that didn't continue with teh story. retard.

Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Do you hate the fillers because they weren't in the manga?  Or because you think they are actually bad?

I mean, the crystal filler showed a bit more of the turtle tailed beast.  In the manga, I think it was only mentioned that it was captured.  The only ones the manga is has actually drawn out was Gaara, Naruto and Killer Bee.

The one with hidan and kakuzu, I was hoping they'd show their fight against the tailed beast they were after.  guess not
<PSN> Kriselda


no, the crystal filler was actually alright as it went with the story, what I am talking about are teh fillers which does not link to the story at all. Purely boring crap that don't affect the story in anyway.

Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.



He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: ILL_BILL on November 17, 2009, 04:11:54 PM


That was the best filler ever!

And the ones that have Rock Lee.  Cause he's pro.

Iz bezt bhro, iz bezt een yewrup bhro.

I'm gonna try and find this game somewhere and give it a jam, maybe with some REAL naruto fans, shame on you haters, shame on you!!!
<PSN> Kriselda


Whatever, you'll look for it, see something on WoW, then start playing.
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.


samurai black


Did they ever do the story on how kakashi got his sharingan?
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Quote from: stereomonkey on November 19, 2009, 10:17:28 AM
Did they ever do the story on how kakashi got his sharingan?

Nope :( That was the best side story ever though
"gief can jump above the screen and pummel all over the place..." - Zosla


I guess they didn't want to cast any actors for the forth so they decided to skip it.  Bastards, lol
"I got that peanut butter chocolate flavour"


Bro, Kakashi went to Thailand to learn da sharingan.
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.