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Started by fluxcore, November 24, 2009, 12:30:25 PM

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Tryed playing Haz at Timezone today. Fuck. He feels so weird. I think its because his dash is so short and you kind of have to use D to move around. He's cool though. Played a bit of ragna as well. Doing my lol combos. 2a, 2a, 5b, 5c, UPPERCUT, UPPERCUT
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Quote from: [NIUE] BIRRY WONG on September 29, 2010, 12:02:23 PM
Tryed playing Haz at Timezone today. Fuck. He feels so weird. I think its because his dash is so short and you kind of have to use D to move around. He's cool though. Played a bit of ragna as well. Doing my lol combos. 2a, 2a, 5b, 5c, UPPERCUT, UPPERCUT

Kekeke yeah he's not exactly easy to pick up. And its ironic that because of Orouboros he's the most manoeuvrable character (along with Tao) but his hop and air dash suck.

I'll accept any anti-Ragna advice, because I can't handle any of his fucking pressure. Esp when he gets me in a corner. Once I'm in there, I just don't ever leave lol. Thanks to Belial Edge.


Quote from: originaljulz on September 29, 2010, 02:08:36 AM
Lol d/w your English is good.

Well, don't get me started on why Hazama is good/bad etc etc,

but the reason why I say 1) his starters are shit, and 2) he gets predictable all comes down to how most of his combos are just variations of his bnb 3C, 214D~C, 2C, jCxn, 2C, 4D~D, jCxn, j.C, jCxn, 214B (the skill just coming from how you get the other guy into that.)

i.e. His shits all areal. So inevitably he will always be having the 3C's, 214D~D's or equivalent to start his combos. And you can't put much in front of it, because the more hits you have before the 3C (any more than 1 will mean you can't do the full bnb), the less you can do once you reach the second j.Cxn, because of the tech times etc so they'll just tech out while you're doing your jCxn's or before you 214B (pretty common here, always happens to me when I get too greedy with the jCxn's and get punished because on a missed 214B they'll hit the ground before Haz). I relate this to how my friend can whale on me with Noels fucking block strings, and once he gets one overhead or low through my blocks he can continue onto a proper combo. Whereas Hazama... well short of something along the lines of some random combination of 5Cs and 2Cs ending with a jabaki 236D (which I'll admit is important for putting space between you, but nothing else) he has nothing to that extent. Find me a decent fucking ground combo with Hazama which doesn't involve going into his areal bnb or spamming Oro into 623D afterwards, and I will bow down and conceive all points to you.

So baaaasically, when everything comes down to either 3C, or following in your thrown Oro, which you're gonna get DP'd/AA'd if on block, (and even if not, you still have nothing decent other than j.2C or j.B to use)  then you get relatively repetitive. Obviously I'm not saying I keep doing the same shit over and over, etc as I do try to mix it up. But he definitely doesn't have as many tools in the tool box as say, Ragna.

And as for 5B, 5A and 2A, yeah I didn't say 5B was shit, it's like one of the more important moves but there's not much else on top of it. And naturally his 5A and 2A are going to be good pokes.

I'd personally like to see them take away the AIDS and fail that is 6A and give him something more useful. Or maybe a dragon punch, but imo that's just asking for too much. Though, a DP would give him at least something else to use when countering mad pressure. Cos as it is I still see the pros left with nothing to do short of Jayoku's, which is an expensive way to get out of stuff like that.

Lol look, you got me started on why Hazama is good/bad.

@Birry Lol I guess that means I can go down to Yifans and play CS as well. Though, only if they put the fucking volume up, because christ sometimes it feels like they leave that shit on mute.

Edit: Also, don't let me saying Hazama has bad pressure or w/e stop you from at least trying him out. Yes if you want pressure then Ragna is like exactly everything you're looking for (Belial Edge can suck a fucking dick, because imo that shit gives him WAY too much pressure in CS) but there's no other reason to me using Hazama besides the fact that he's just so fun to play.

ok firstly I would like to say what i think a predicable move is.
from my point of view, a predicable move should not include a combo parts
in this game, bascally you get your opponent into "down state", and keep pressure to your opponent when he gets up(It's the same thing in SSF4 that called techable. or techneque? I dont play SSF4 often and dont know how to say it lol)
Since I feel that I can't do anything during my character is being combo by opponent, I will start to predict what my opponent will do, and also what I can do after the combo is finished and I can get up.

for example, in 99% of the time, my hazama will finish my combo with J214D, and I have 3 choices for keeping pressure
2A/ for hitting rolling forward
jump 6D/214DA for rolling backward
dash 2a/5a for get up instantly

i know that all of these starters can leads to combo with 3C, but ya as you say that, 3C is so easy to be predicted, at this time, you can think about yourself, what other things that you can adds into you Gatling Route(its dnd, but normally i call it Gatling Route), to make your 3C "not that be predicable", or the other way to say, "predict your opponent's prediction"
for example, 2A can be cancle with throw/ 2A->5B->214DA. since your opponent think you are going to perform 3C, you can change your 3C combo with 214DA, so your opponent can not do a crouch block
(what do you guys called the property of an attack that similar to Ragna's 6B?or ken's 4mk if you played ken in SSF4... is it called attack with upper/middle properties?overhead attack?)

6A is useful when it comes after any JD's
for example JDD/JCC->JB/JAx2 (landing) 6A/236C
this mix-up is really really useful if your opponent always in block states
and it can be followed with jyayoku(4000 damage,around 25-40% heat gauge re-generate,according to your combo), or the Gatling Route combos.

If you think you can full you full combo that start with A attacks, do a simple combo instead
2A 5B 3C 214DC 5C 2C 4DD JCx5 jc JCx5 J214D
you cannot miss this simple combo
(or if you really really have no confidence, do 2A 5B 3C 214DC 5C JCx5 J214D instead....)

for combo selection, actually, when you use 214D->delay->A/B/C, your attack will come out with a flipping blue line, that thing could extend the untechable time(and correct me if i spell it wrong lol)
for JCxN times, actually you can only perform 5 times. that is, JCx5. try to have a high jump and spam your c button, you may see hazama only do his JC attacks with 5 time.

hazama's 214DB is the dragon punch, not as good as Ryu's thing, but it is a good move to check your opponents movement.
for example, when you see people air dash to you, you really can do 214DB after you really see him dashing forward(and 20% heat gauge generated haha)
and Of course if your opponet dash from ground, use your D instead

At last, for all hazama players, I think this character deals with damage by jyayoku, and the return of keeping pressure, not from your normal combo(actually there is a J6D combo route, but its not that easy for beginner,and me=ω=)
your normal combo is only the tool that to generate heat gauge~

(extra stuff~)
Personal mix-up moves~
for some basic mix-up move:
(the starter can be replaced  by any jump attacks,then it is followed by 2A(or 5B/5C instead, if you confirmed your hit)
2A(or 2Ax2 for hit confirmation)->throw
                    |->2B-3C(some people will confuse with occurrence of 2B and 3C,if you do 3C->214DB too much during a match)
                    |->214DB->2A->(dash 2a and do the same as loop)
           |->delay 236C

after your mix-up works, usually you can do 3C and then get into the Gatling Route you familiar with.
you might need a bit time to get used to the hit confirmation of your mix-up.
(personally I think this is much easier than SSF4, like lpx2, dragon punch, my ken can only perform this in a 50% chance.....)


Quote from: originaljulz on September 29, 2010, 07:42:11 PM
Kekeke yeah he's not exactly easy to pick up. And its ironic that because of Orouboros he's the most manoeuvrable character (along with Tao) but his hop and air dash suck.

I'll accept any anti-Ragna advice, because I can't handle any of his fucking pressure. Esp when he gets me in a corner. Once I'm in there, I just don't ever leave lol. Thanks to Belial Edge.

this is only my hazama experience that against to some mid-low level ragna, since I never play with a strong Ragna, I dont even know what his move looks like........

to against ragna, firstly high jump back dash run away~~~~~hyaha~~
and during the match, if he tries to come close to you, and you know that you cant beat him in this round, run away as much as you can, and find yourself a chance for counter attack (normally start with high jump 6D, because ragna in this level love to dash very often=.=)while runing away.

you need to get used to his 5B, if you think he is gonna doing 5B, just stay there and block it.

no 3C as a starter, 5B will counter you 3C, if the ragna know his 5B.

get used to his 6B, it has a slow and large motions, you should be able to block  if it appears after 2B/JC->(landing)->6B etc.

try to perform a instant guard to all his attack after C(including C), instant guard-> jyayoku -> 5000 health advantage~

214DB is really a good move if he air dash-> JC, even if he just dash in and blocks your 214DB, you can still using your D and run away from his 5B attack range

2C for counter air attacks(for example low air dash JC) if you want maximize your pressure to him

and learn some mix-up and jyayoku combo's for damage~
I think if you can do the JCx5 combo without combo missing most of the time, and deal with damage around 3500, for each jyayoku, it is pretty enough to against to a ragna~


Jesus, I think his dmg needs to be toned down a little :/
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Quote from: ErlKing2 on September 29, 2010, 11:15:06 PM
ok firstly I would like to say what i think a predicable move is.
from my point of view, a predicable move should not include a combo parts
in this game, bascally you get your opponent into "down state", and keep pressure to your opponent when he gets up(It's the same thing in SSF4 that called techable. or techneque? I dont play SSF4 often and dont know how to say it lol)
Since I feel that I can't do anything during my character is being combo by opponent, I will start to predict what my opponent will do, and also what I can do after the combo is finished and I can get up.

for example, in 99% of the time, my hazama will finish my combo with J214D, and I have 3 choices for keeping pressure
2A/ for hitting rolling forward
jump 6D/214DA for rolling backward
dash 2a/5a for get up instantly

i know that all of these starters can leads to combo with 3C, but ya as you say that, 3C is so easy to be predicted, at this time, you can think about yourself, what other things that you can adds into you Gatling Route(its dnd, but normally i call it Gatling Route), to make your 3C "not that be predicable", or the other way to say, "predict your opponent's prediction"
for example, 2A can be cancle with throw/ 2A->5B->214DA. since your opponent think you are going to perform 3C, you can change your 3C combo with 214DA, so your opponent can not do a crouch block
(what do you guys called the property of an attack that similar to Ragna's 6B?or ken's 4mk if you played ken in SSF4... is it called attack with upper/middle properties?overhead attack?)

6A is useful when it comes after any JD's
for example JDD/JCC->JB/JAx2 (landing) 6A/236C
this mix-up is really really useful if your opponent always in block states
and it can be followed with jyayoku(4000 damage,around 25-40% heat gauge re-generate,according to your combo), or the Gatling Route combos.

If you think you can full you full combo that start with A attacks, do a simple combo instead
2A 5B 3C 214DC 5C 2C 4DD JCx5 jc JCx5 J214D
you cannot miss this simple combo
(or if you really really have no confidence, do 2A 5B 3C 214DC 5C JCx5 J214D instead....)

for combo selection, actually, when you use 214D->delay->A/B/C, your attack will come out with a flipping blue line, that thing could extend the untechable time(and correct me if i spell it wrong lol)
for JCxN times, actually you can only perform 5 times. that is, JCx5. try to have a high jump and spam your c button, you may see hazama only do his JC attacks with 5 time.

hazama's 214DB is the dragon punch, not as good as Ryu's thing, but it is a good move to check your opponents movement.
for example, when you see people air dash to you, you really can do 214DB after you really see him dashing forward(and 20% heat gauge generated haha)
and Of course if your opponet dash from ground, use your D instead

At last, for all hazama players, I think this character deals with damage by jyayoku, and the return of keeping pressure, not from your normal combo(actually there is a J6D combo route, but its not that easy for beginner,and me=ω=)
your normal combo is only the tool that to generate heat gauge~

(extra stuff~)
Personal mix-up moves~
for some basic mix-up move:
(the starter can be replaced  by any jump attacks,then it is followed by 2A(or 5B/5C instead, if you confirmed your hit)
2A(or 2Ax2 for hit confirmation)->throw
                    |->2B-3C(some people will confuse with occurrence of 2B and 3C,if you do 3C->214DB too much during a match)
                    |->214DB->2A->(dash 2a and do the same as loop)
           |->delay 236C

after your mix-up works, usually you can do 3C and then get into the Gatling Route you familiar with.
you might need a bit time to get used to the hit confirmation of your mix-up.
(personally I think this is much easier than SSF4, like lpx2, dragon punch, my ken can only perform this in a 50% chance.....)

Most of what you've said there is more of a 'how to use Hazama' which I know how to do already, but I still appreciate the input lol.

As for the bit about his 214D~B, yeah I don't think you can quite call it a DP, and it's only use is when the opponent is air dashing at you. Besides that, like when they're coming in for an areal attack, it's quite unsafe, and you're better off using 2C imo. It's also one of the worse moves on block, as it's almost like getting all your primers broken and giving away a free combo.
Of all the 214D~[A, B, C] moves, I have to say B is definitely my least used.

And one thing about using 214D~x, the way I use it when I've jumped in after Oro, but have had the Oro, plus the j.B etc following it blocked, I will usually go into some shit block string of a few moves typically ending with 3C and then either 1) go into 214D, and if they're standing use C for the lift - also works if they're going to do some laggy slow start up move like something Hakumen or Noel would do, 2) use A for the overhead if they're blocking, or just use 236D instead of 214D~x if they've already gotten wise to the two things I do, and try to jab, or fast attack you out of the pose. Because 236D should usually beat their attack, and even if it's blocked as well, it zones them well.


Quote from: originaljulz on October 02, 2010, 01:59:37 PM

Most of what you've said there is more of a 'how to use Hazama' which I know how to do already, but I still appreciate the input lol.

As for the bit about his 214D~B, yeah I don't think you can quite call it a DP, and it's only use is when the opponent is air dashing at you. Besides that, like when they're coming in for an areal attack, it's quite unsafe, and you're better off using 2C imo. It's also one of the worse moves on block, as it's almost like getting all your primers broken and giving away a free combo.
Of all the 214D~[A, B, C] moves, I have to say B is definitely my least used.

And one thing about using 214D~x, the way I use it when I've jumped in after Oro, but have had the Oro, plus the j.B etc following it blocked, I will usually go into some shit block string of a few moves typically ending with 3C and then either 1) go into 214D, and if they're standing use C for the lift - also works if they're going to do some laggy slow start up move like something Hakumen or Noel would do, 2) use A for the overhead if they're blocking, or just use 236D instead of 214D~x if they've already gotten wise to the two things I do, and try to jab, or fast attack you out of the pose. Because 236D should usually beat their attack, and even if it's blocked as well, it zones them well.

sorry I think i have typing errors...
in my mix-up move part, all my 214DB should be denoted as 214DA :P

I normally use 5A for a jump in attack, if it is a close jump in.
214DB takes 6F for start up(the preparing action of 214D), thats why it can't be used as a dragon punch....
and if you do 214DC/214DA so many times after 3C, your opponent can use anything that has invincible frame to counter your 214DC
for example, you can prepare to input 236236 after blocking hazama's 3C(instant guard prefered~), and then when you see him doing a 214D action, press your B button

btw were you the person plays hazama in TimeZone? I only played with one hazama player in TimeZone, like 2 weeks ago, and at that time I also used hazama.


Maybe. I always play Haz when I'm down there, but I know at least 2-3 other guys who can use Haz as well.

If it was me, I'm prob better now, so don't judge my skills from 2 weeks ago lol.


Quote from: originaljulz on October 03, 2010, 09:32:43 PM
Maybe. I always play Haz when I'm down there, but I know at least 2-3 other guys who can use Haz as well.

If it was me, I'm prob better now, so don't judge my skills from 2 weeks ago lol.

Im sure that you can beat me now, becuase I haven't touch my hazama, since I play Makoto on ps3 lol