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Street Fighter IV matchup thread.

Started by CrazyMobius, December 14, 2009, 03:37:27 PM

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Quote from: ILL_BILL on January 19, 2010, 06:17:18 AM
Given the speed of chun's fireballs, id say you have enough time to throw one out as tornado bait, pause, start charging, and then fire the ultra out on reaction to the tornado.

My guess.

Yeh and sometimes when at full screen Rufus players will opt to build their meter by snuffing Kiko with tornado instead of just neutral jumping.
If they full screen tornado like that you can dash forward ultra on reaction.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: ILL_BILL on January 19, 2010, 06:17:18 AM
Given the speed of chun's fireballs, id say you have enough time to throw one out as tornado bait, pause, start charging, and then fire the ultra out on reaction to the tornado.

My guess.
LOL, fuck man that falls into the reeeealll late category. Kikouken then charging for 2 secs what da fuck, lame.

No Rufus gonna do that shit.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: Skullator on January 19, 2010, 10:44:29 AM
Quote from: ILL_BILL on January 19, 2010, 06:17:18 AM
Given the speed of chun's fireballs, id say you have enough time to throw one out as tornado bait, pause, start charging, and then fire the ultra out on reaction to the tornado.

My guess.

Yeh and sometimes when at full screen Rufus players will opt to build their meter by snuffing Kiko with tornado instead of just neutral jumping.
If they full screen tornado like that you can dash forward ultra on reaction.

Thatll work once... and then never again on that same player.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


Seems wierd that the rufus would build meter with tornado instead of going over the fireball with lp snake strike.

But i know shit all about rufus OR chun, so i should probably keep my trap shut before i make a (bigger) dick of myself.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

same punish. You wouldnt do that anyway. It's like a Sagat player still spaming TS after Chun has Ultra. Noob as.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


It was just one bullet point in a list of things you can look for in that match up lol, gosh!

And last I checked people get hungry \pressured and make mistakes like that all the time weazzy

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: Skullator on January 19, 2010, 11:35:38 AM
It was just one bullet point in a list of things you can look for in that match up lol, gosh!

And last I checked people get hungry \pressured and make mistakes like that all the time weazzy
Oh yeah i know. I was just seeing if I missed something. But all good.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: Coldfire_v2/CV on January 22, 2010, 11:17:19 AM

Hey James,

Hahah good games il get better one day. lol

IM usually good with fighting most people online and figuring out how to counter etc, the only 2 i have alot of problems is blanka and ehonda especially if its slightly laggy, with no lag i find it really easy to pop them out of the air with just a standing medium kick but cant really do this online if its laggy.

With blanka i i block the roll and ground smash straight after to catch him on his landing, i probably have more problems with blanka than ehonda.

I guess its also because i dont play enough of them online to get in good practice.

If you've got any c.viper tips for them id appreciate anything you could offer.

Hey CF bro!

O.k. First up, don't be discouraged as these are two of Vipers hardest match ups. I'll do my best to give you some tips on each, generally speaking, if there's something in particular that's giving you grief, feel free to add it in a post below and I'll deal with it if it isn't covered in the following.

O.k, Blanka is a tough match mainly because he naturally foils your jumping game. This is on of those matches where you've got to really be on point in your ground based footsies & mix-ups. So this is how I approach the match-up.

Blanka has three main ways of approaching you: By air, ball or walking/hopping up. Similar to Honda below, you Should look to apply pressure to Blanka whenever he loses his charge to approach you, you can normally do this by MK.TK if he tries walking up (If he's being Bold) if he jumps at you (and doesn't connect, but tries to cover ground) you can pick on him upon his landing with c.MK XX LP.TK or MP.TK, or take a step forward and go for the awesome f.mp Overhead, both of which lead to her strong mix-up game, use your c.MP/c.MK XX TK.feint to build close pressure into another overhead, forcing him to block high, then allowing you to jump in for pressure again, or bold moves such as dashing in for a throw or insta.air.BK cross-up.
Usually knocking a Blanka down means he's going to be sitting on the DB charge so don't jump on him on his wake-up as up Ball (EX esp) will stop every trick you've got in the air. I like to stay within LP.TK/MP.TK range to exert more ground pressure. But don't go too crazy, as one Ex.Ball can stop all your strings if you're not patient with your pressure. Normally I'll string into a TK, then wait momentarily, then string again into an overhead mix-up.
Luckily Viper's c.Mp has good enough start up to beat alot of Blanka's close pokes at the range where you normally end up after a LP.TK. LP.Tk has a deceptive hit box that actually leaves Viper further away from her opponent than she appears to be, on hit I believe it's +1 frames, so you can feel pretty confident that following with a C.Mp (5 frame start up) will counter hit anything (bar S.HK) that Blanka can throw at you at that range, leading into more TK/feints and mix ups. this is Viper's main ground based tool in the Blanka/Honda match up to apply pressure.
If you feel the need to advance on a turtle Blanka, do so slowly with emphasis on the blocking low in a pinch to avoid the obvoius Blanka Slide (Amazon River Run), you can normally get to within MP.TK range and start baiting predictable jump-ins or horizontal Balls both of which you can easily punish.
If he's quite jump/cross-up happy, remember LK.BK is your friend vs those tick throw attempts. c.LK beats electricity at any range, and so does j.LK. Her overhead can also stop electricity, but only from furtherest range. so use c.LK if you get that opportunity to punish up close (of course this leads into her link combos etc, so that's good)
You can jump at Blanka if he loses his charge so take advantage of positioning that tempts him to break it, then go for your jump-in pressure >> mix-ups etc etc.
Blanka, like honda is one of those matches where it's much more important what you don't do rather than what you do. As long as you're more patient, and well aware of when he has charge and when he doesn't you can pressure accordingly.

Honestly, When I lose to a blanka player now it's normally down to me trying to be mister flash as usual, if you play quite conservatively and keep your spacing/mix-ups in mind you'll be fine.

Alot of what I mentioned before also applies to Honda, cept somethings that get easier to do versus Honda also mean other things get a little harder.

Give me a few minutes to compose my post, and I'll continue here. And please feel free to ask any questions specifically about the above mentioned etc etc etc.


O.k Viper vs Honda:

Like Blanka, most of this match involves trying to keep Honda off a charge, or tempt him off it. Once he's off it, you can pretty much pressure him better in the air than you could Blanka, and, Honda is easier to play with once you've knocked him down from the Air than Blanka is too.

#1 rule is be patient.

Watch your opponent.

Like Blanka, Honda is 100% easier to tackle when you know he has no charge to EX.headbutt everything you try to do. MP.TK as a reversal hit's a blocked HP or MP Headbutt, however, it doesn't work vs LP or Ex headbutt, but just be thankful you blocked it et al lol! Certainly in my experience the positioning is much more lenient in this match up than the blanka one, but your mistakes are going to lead to more punishment, especially if you get knocked down, so what you gain in some mobility vs Honda you lose with damage once he knocks you down at close range.
Same as the above use your TK's to apply pressure but be careful about your follow ups. Headbutts own Viper if she gets too TK happy, so pick your pressure moments carefully, and watch your opponents habits. for example if you tend to jump back after a blocked MP.TK, Honda's typically EX.Splash and can clip you, if you dash back, you'll possibly eat EX.Headbutt. So play it safe and wait a little during your mix-ups and sequences. You can jump at Honda from close range, and do the standard J.HK XX BK to cross up, or, as Honda is one of the easiest characters to cross up for Viper, j.MK to throw him off the DB and B charge at the same time. Spacing is the key for that one, but you can usually cross up mix-up into overhead/tick throw etc, then be at a good range to cross up again and do the same.
Watch the full screen super jumps. don't do em unless Honda is descending from a jump himself, as his neutral J.HP is god. You can tempt Honda a little easier than Blanka to come for you, which I'll recommend, but if you're going to do that with Seismo's I recommend only doing it at far range if at all, as anywhere from 2/3 screen distance Honda can quite easily jump in and kick your ass.
Where c.MP was quite good at close range vs Blanka, c.MK is every effective versus missed/baited Splashes and missed jump ins versus Honda. From there move into a quick mix-up, Insta cross up BK is really good versus Honda from a C.MK XX TK.feint, so remember that little trick too.
If he get's Splash happy, just concentrate on your blocking and waiting for the missed one or to safely dash under and out to safety.
Don't linger too much in Honda's face with pressure strings, work more on taking to the air once you've got a string going, and score those cross-up shenanagins.
Turtle Honda's are a pain, mainly because they can take such a beating and have no reason what so ever to come for you unless you have a huge life lead. Don't take the bait, use any life advantage to keep away in that case, even if it's only one Blocked TK worth of life you have more. You've got to train the opponent to come for you, as you known that almost all forward momentum Honda has is going to mean him losing charge for a moment, when he does, jump/punish/mix-up and retreat.

Honda's typically play quite differently depending on who's fronting them. I don't know who you've fought but I can recommend Coffindrop, dk69dk, Oeista, Cptmunta, Crazymobius and Jorna as notable Honda players on PSN. Each of these players was a different style but overall playing them will teach you some decent tricks for playing the the others. 

like I mentioned, I'm more than happy to answer specifics. So fire away! :d


I have a question
How does the match up of Dhalsim vs Viper pan out

I find it near impossible to antiair her and get seismo'd a bit

any input?


Quote from: Barnstorm on January 22, 2010, 03:03:16 PM
I have a question
How does the match up of Dhalsim vs Viper pan out

I find it near impossible to antiair her and get seismo'd a bit

any input?

I've played some Sim matches against James' Viper. It's hard cos Viper players all play different and have different tricks.

Jumping HK (long) can be a good snuff for air shenanigans also drill can be useful too. In general I'd say stay in the air and be ready to teleport and be ready to slide when Viper's on top of you.


I gotta say it's definitely in Viper's favor.

I have the most trouble with Inst air teleport shenanagins when I'm applying pressure. Also dhalsim's s.mk snuffs every poke Viper's got and will beat MP.TK pressure at close range. Like Simon said, Slide is your friend vs jump-ins, the positioning for Dhalsim is quite crucial, so look to jump out of pressure strings and be ready, again as Simon mentioned, to insta teleport behind and attack in response.

S.hk Knee is decent anti-air, as is j.mp if you find yourself in the air at the same time together. Just don't be suckered into playing a ground game versus Viper and the match can stay in your favor. You have to be prepared to be as mobile as Viper is.

Dunno what to add apart from if you're having trouble with specific sequences/moves then I may be able to shed a little more light.

Dhalsim players are as varied as Viper players I feel, those with a solid attack plan are much harder to fight than those intent on running as away from Viper as much as they can.


Oh and versus seismo's, just remember to block low. Simple.


Quote from: Barnstorm on January 22, 2010, 03:03:16 PM
I have a question
How does the match up of Dhalsim vs Viper pan out

I find it near impossible to antiair her and get seismo'd a bit

any input?

Buy Gootecks & Sabin's secrets of sf4: dhalsim :)
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness

[NIUE] Optimus DAVE

Quote from: fluxcore on January 22, 2010, 03:38:48 PM
Quote from: Barnstorm on January 22, 2010, 03:03:16 PM
I have a question
How does the match up of Dhalsim vs Viper pan out

I find it near impossible to antiair her and get seismo'd a bit

any input?

Buy Gootecks & Sabin's secrets of sf4: dhalsim :)

The New Generation Clockw0rk