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The 'What are you playing right now?' Thread

Started by redtie, April 12, 2010, 07:25:08 PM

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samurai black

Quote from: [NIUE] weazzyefff on January 19, 2011, 01:06:55 AM
What's that Zelda? Man i haven't played Zelda since Ocarina of time. Is that the best one? Cos i loved the shit outta that game. Ohh man i loved that game so much.

Not enough to fork out for a wii though.

Does he ever grow up in other games?

And they should make more games where you start as a kid and end up getting older. But make it more than just two transformations. I know. I'm a fuckin genius!

I should really be making games. I have the best ideas.
DS zelda. its the second. sort of a sequel to the first one on the DS. supposedly the best zelda is majoras mask on the n64, but whatever.

and in twilight princess you run around as 'adult' link.

also i think the fable games do the whole growing up thing.


Quote from: samurai black on January 19, 2011, 10:38:04 AM
DS zelda. its the second. sort of a sequel to the first one on the DS. supposedly the best zelda is majoras mask on the n64, but whatever.

and in twilight princess you run around as 'adult' link.

also i think the fable games do the whole growing up thing.

Who says this?


Apparently OoT is the best Zelda game. When I hired it and clocked it when I was young I never really liked it. I probably enjoyed Banjo Kazooie better.


"...there's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens."


Banjo Kazooie was a beast game. The end boss was pretty difficult. Diddy Kong Racing was another beast game by Rare and the end of that game was also really difficult. RARE made all the best N64 games until perfect dark, then they were shit :(

My favourite Zelda would probably be "link to the past" on gameboy. OOT was good, great for it's time, but not the best zelda. Still don't know why majora's mask was so hype. Haven't played a zelda game since wind waker!


Wind Walker was Beast!

Love that game.  Minish Cap on Gameboy was radical as well.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


First zelda on the gameboy is the best. Then ocarina of time. Then all the way in last place spirit tracks

Ooooooooooh banjo kazooie, why didn't he make Smash bro's? I had Banjo Tooie that game was the shit.


Diddy Kong Racing was awesome but I seemed to be the only person who loved the seemingly direct port onto DS. It was so nostalgic. Rare also made my first console game being Killer Instinct Gold iirc. I rocked that shit for years, whenever me and my dad would play after not playing for a while the dpads would screw up our thumbs.

N64 were the gold years.

samurai black

Quote from: redtie on January 19, 2011, 11:57:26 AM
First zelda on the gameboy is the best. Then ocarina of time. Then all the way in last place spirit tracks

Ooooooooooh banjo kazooie, why didn't he make Smash bro's? I had Banjo Tooie that game was the shit.

we've already established you're a liar redtie. and banjo is a rare creation, and therefore owned by them. who are owned by microsoft now. also im super jealous you had banjo tooie. i went looking for that shit on trademe and they cost too bloody much >:(

Quote from: Barnstorm on January 19, 2011, 11:25:19 AM
Who says this?

basically what ive gleaned from dumb internet arguments over the years. they usually cite shit like, 'atmosphere' and some symbolist shit. all over my head. i just like rolling around as a goron in that game.

and ive started on gta: chinatown wars. actually pretty awesome for a DS game


I'm a massive n64  fan, found a doctor v 64 on trade me on sunday with n64 for 300, went to hit the buy now in the afternoon and it was gone, i've been gutted about it all week lol. Was probably my holy grail when I was a kid, one day..

[NIUE] weazzyefff

N64 was my fave aswell. Even though everyone had a ps1. ANd it had more grown up games.

OOT was epic. Can't believe Mason like Banjo more than that hahahaha.  Diddy Kong racing was epic as. I loved the hover boat stages. And perfect dark was awesome man. You couldn't go online back  in those days ay? I remember playing with all the bots and thinking , cool if these were real people.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


I wasn't ever really into those kinda games I guess. Super Mario 64 was one of the worst games I ever played.

Didn't really like RPGs but a few years back I found Gauntlet Legends for $10 at a video ezy. Me, my dad and sister rocked that shit for a long time. Then one day the memory card screwed up and they lost their level 60+ characters and my level 99 was still somehow on the card. They still think I did it lol.

For me in terms of N64 games I think it went Smash>Goldeneye>Mario Kart>Pokemon Puzzle League>Lylat Wars>Killer Instinct then everything else got heaps of playability as well.


Goldeneye>OOT>Perfect Dark

I remember trying to unlock all the cheats for Goldeneye. The 2nd stage Facility I think it was, was my proudest moment. Complete the level on hardest in under 2 mins or something.
"...there's a big difference between winging it and seeing what happens. Now let's see what happens."

[NIUE] weazzyefff

goldeneye was epic holiday madness. Me and my cousins played four player for the whole school holidays not doing fuck all else ahah.

And yer Killer Insntinct gold was badd as. I was noob though but still enjoyed it. My older sisters boyfriend could do all the infinites and shit. Well i think they were infinites i was pretty nooob.

Gaunlet legends is fucking epic game mane. Me and my cousin played that shit out for aaaaaages. Funny cos i had level 99 Summunor and my cousin was like stop taking all the killls your already 99. I was nigga just move as i blast all these fuckers hahhaah. The best one was the n64 one ay. You could unlock the animal style chars and shit. I loved the Anubus wizard. And my cousin was the Minotaur warrior. That was so addictive that game. The newer ones that came out kept getting shittier and shittier.

Bro you remember that pokemon game where you take pictures and shit. farrrrk i loved that game haahha. Wada stupid game. But fuck, i loved it. Unlocking shit by snapping at random shit was bloody awesome.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!