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The 'What are you playing right now?' Thread

Started by redtie, April 12, 2010, 07:25:08 PM

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samurai black

Quote from: [NIUE] weazzyefff on January 28, 2011, 08:20:19 PM
Also clocked Army of two 2 with a mate. man, game developers still don't get it. We want co-op on all the FPS's. And there still has to be that element of competing. LIke keep all our stats and shit seperate. Fuck.

play time crisis weazzy :D

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: geneterror on January 29, 2011, 10:14:00 AM
Have you played Borderlands bro, it supports up to 4 players. It's an FPS but you level up like an RPG/Diablo and there are HEAPS of mean guns.

Oh tru bro. It was offline 4 player ay? Farrrk. Forgot about that game. Yer i played it but didn't clock it. That's a game i gotta get out with my mate next time. It was pretty mint one player.

Quote from: samurai black on January 29, 2011, 10:58:51 AM
play time crisis weazzy :D

harrrd. Those games are bad. I liked the ones on ps2 when i had the gat. That shooter resident evil where you shoot off screen to walk forward. I loved that game. Used to get my thrills on that shit hahah.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Just finished Mafia 2, starting Bioshock now. Probably gonna give up on it though.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



What'd you think of Mafia 2? Goodish game, but felt like an empty shell with no personality? Basis of a game, where all the good parts will be DLC?

That's how I felt about it. Clocked it and returned it the next day.


Quote from: originaljulz on January 25, 2011, 12:45:02 AM
Paradigms add SLIGHTLY more depth to the gameplay. The only fun part of them though, is thinking up different decks to use.

Yeah it barely adds depth to the gameplay. lol I'm a bit annoyed that it seems like they focused more on how to upgrade weapons/accessories than the battle system. Boooring lol

Quote from: Ngati Kahungunu Champ on January 25, 2011, 08:10:10 AM
Man, Final Fantasy needs to do a mean page turn and make a main character that's just one hell of a badass.  Like a massive black dude with a robot leg, and a robot arm.  And he's always smoking a massive cigar, and instead of a gay sword thats too big for him he'd have a machine gun that pops out of his chest and shoots little bombs with a yellow angry face on the front of them.  Also, he would be bald, no gayass spikey green/blue/red/yellow hair.  And the finishing touch, a massive scar down the side of his face that makes his face a constant frown, and also makes his eye like that milky white colour with no pupil.  His name would be "Ace Powers".

The villain would be an evil shark that grew arms and legs after having toxic waste from a navy frigate dumped on him.  He then rose through the criminal underworld killing everyone until he held the drug trade of "Ivalice".  Kids and shit start buying his drugs and Ace Power's daughter dies cause she becomes and addict at the age of 7.  He vows to take down "Sharklor" for his daughter.

Along the way he meets up with "Tatanya" a stripper/assasin that falls for him, even though he spends the whole time calling her a bitch and telling her to shutup.  When he's low on health she has a limit break that she brings him a sammich and gets his health back, and then he backhands her back off the screen and carries on smashing dudes.  For her weapon she has blades that come out of her shoes and she kicks fools with them and stabs them.

The game would be on Kinect, and instead of like random battles etc, you punch, kick, make stabbing motions, and pelvic thrust toward the screen for combat.  Everytime an enemy dies, they they explode.  Also, you could punch/kick/shoot/stab/etc anyone on the screen at any time.  Don't like the price that vendor is selling a phoenix down for? WHAMO!!!!  WTF 1000 gil to stay at this inn?  FUCKIN BANG!!!!  Shit would be cash.  Also to access the save game menu you kick Tatanya in the guts 8 times.

Now that would be an awesome FF game.

Holy shit that would be awesome!! Somebody send this to Square Enix for FFXV ideas! But seriously I definitely agree with the first paragraph; time to swap the slim dude/chick with a sword for a Massive Black Man.

Quote from: Rorooze on January 25, 2011, 09:11:19 AM
FF13 sucks. Stop playing it. I did finished it though. But never went back to beat all the 'extra' stuff, too much of a grind for a game that is complete rubbish.

Go get an emulator for PS1 and play a real FF game instead imo

I would stop playing but I hate leaving games unfinished once I start them. You forget that PS3 can download PS1 games incl FF7, 8 & 9 too  :P I agree with Smoof, FF6 is where it's at!

Atm in FFXIII I just got Sazh's Summon thingy? Man he should've at least bitch slapped Vanille after finding out what she did.

The Self-proclaimed Christchurch Hyper Fighting 2011 Champion


Quote from: originaljulz on January 29, 2011, 10:07:54 PM
What'd you think of Mafia 2? Goodish game, but felt like an empty shell with no personality? Basis of a game, where all the good parts will be DLC?

That's how I felt about it. Clocked it and returned it the next day.

I got given a promo copy from my boss. Shouldn't really be a open world game because it doesn't feel like one. Gameplay wise, I thought it was ok but not fantastic, just a big fan of old gangster films so I really enjoyed it regardless. Thought the prison stint that brought you back to city later on and the Godfather/Scarface-ish montages were a cool touch though, and even though it's been years since I played, and probably didn't even finish Mafia 1, the tie in was still cool.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



I agree, if it wasn't a sandbox game it would have actually been better lol. And the only thing I liked was the whole tone it set. The 1920s gangster thing is always pretty cool.

Oh and the story was predictable, but still enjoyable.


yeah pretty much sums up how I feel. Would never have played it if I didn't get it for free/really cheap, but I still had a good enough time that it was worth playing. The music was amazing.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



The music was amazing. Though, there were like 4 songs for the radio and 3 music stations lol.


[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: [SAS]karizzma on January 31, 2011, 01:03:16 PM
Right now playing DC Universe Online
I don't play games anymore without reading the reviews first lol.

And how the fuck do you's remember games so well. I clocked mafia in one night. Took it back. Wrote a lil review about it on here than forgot everything that was in it lol.

Fuck i just clocked Deadspace 2. And man, It was freaking awesome!!!It's pretty hard though. Cos you get fuck all bullets and shit. Most of the time i passed shit was by fluke. Like accidentally pushing R2 for alt fire and accidentally killing like 5 guys i been trying to  kill for the last hour. Heaps of times you have to run like a mutha fucker.

I was GT5ing it through hordes of them with no bullets and shit. You get put into heaps of those horror movie parts where your like 'open up you fucking door' and one part your foot gets stuck and your hangin upside down fighting all these cunts off. It's pretty mean when your blazed as fuck.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: [NIUE] weazzyefff on January 31, 2011, 01:32:32 PM
I don't play games anymore without reading the reviews first lol.

You actually trust game reviews?

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: [SAS]karizzma on January 31, 2011, 01:51:27 PM
You actually trust game reviews?
Ever since i got the internet bro haha.

When i was kid i didn't care. Every game was fun ay, those were the days.

These days, i don't have time to waste like that haha. I was at my mates and we went to get a game the other day. He had no net so i went with my instincts. I chose Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2.

It was reaaaalllll sheeeiiittt.  When i got home i wrote a review on here somewhere (like a paragraph). THEN i went to see what other game sites said about it. They said the exact same thing as me. EXCEPT some of them said stupid as shit at the end like 'I'd wait for some DLC to make the game complete'. Fuck that, game sucks. Why buy DLC for it hahaha. It had it's chance hahah.

One site was like an exact quote from me, was quite funny. Made me realise i could easily review games if i had proper english. It was 'This game is like half of the first' and 'the scenery and enemies are repetitive as hell'. Like exactly what i said in one of these threads haha.

I think i could actually do better than some reviewers. LIke ones that aren't forr actual gaming communities. Like the T.V guide reviews are lol. And the ones you see on T.V in general lol.

Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!

samurai black

just started ghost trick: phantom dectective.

seems pretty cool so far.


Should I finish Bioshock? I'm only 1-2hours in but I'm not sure I really enjoy it.

Also, what's better, UFC 2010 or EA MMA?

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."
