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Started by [NIUE] Optimus DAVE, January 25, 2007, 08:59:17 AM

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Might I add that you're fortunate to pick a character with some great colour schemes!  ;D


I wish I had my PC now =(
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



Necro is pretty cool imo. He would have been cool in SF4. Street Fighter 4 series is begging for some such designs.

samurai black

does trowa have any other anti airs like roo's standing hk? pure retardedness is giving me a headache with his stupid tele/anti air commands. WHY COULDNT THEY BE THE OTHER WAY ROUND :(


Against computers/idiots standing Fierce should do for AA.
Against players who actually parry: cr. Fierce can be good (2 hits) or hop jump roundhouse or foward kick, divekick (2 hit again) or for someone who is really insistent on empty jumps you can just mash jab.
You can always just block or parry though of course  :)

In my experience his teleport is only good for covering ground after knockdown or as a wakeup crossup, and his stupid qcf. kick move = death, so you shouldn't be doing either vs a jump in.


When I was playing against Yang CPU he would always do that annoying launch kick as an anti air. Close MK?


Yeah that's it, but not really good for anti-air unless they're jumping straight up. Probably worth cancelling into super jump in case they parry and try to throw (a-la Chun Li close Roundhouse).
Weird kick that one, (seems best for wakeup, but if you get a perfect meaty it doesn't launch) but has a disgusting amount of resets and mixups which come out from landing it.


Quote from: iRONsoL on August 27, 2008, 07:01:23 PM
Anyone got a tip for charge partitioning with urien?? I can do it like 1% of the time :'(.. Like I know what the combos look like, and when to do it, just can't DO IT!!! I think it's down to the timing?

This isn't really as difficult as it's made out to be, it's probably the easiest partition in the game. Not that it's super easy or anything. It's still a partition like anything else but because it's in the middle of a combo, you don't have to worry about any other factors, it just becomes muscle memory like any other combo. Basically do the combo you listed, cr. fierce, mk tackle xx hp reflector, rh tackle. After the RH tackle, start building a down charge, then dash, and immediately go to down as soon as you can, to finish the charge, then MP headbutt. If you mess around with this against the CPU for a few sessions (against sean, free parry everytime he attacks), you should pick it up fairly quick.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



yeah i was getting the timing down.. but that was like 2 years ago haha, might try pick it up again >:(


oh yeah, my bad.
Didn't realise a couple pages was a couple years hah...

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



^And where have you been lately, bucko?


haha, I don't live in the city atm.
I was in the other week though.
Played Tyler, Patrick, Dallas, Ewan, Max.
My Urien is kinda shitty atm but my Mak hasn't gone anywhere. She was beasting.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



BA-BUMPfor nationals hype!


Yeah I'll be standing there trying to kkz reset all day.


Im shocking at this game. I need to get my Alex up to scrub level. He's currently sitting at 'fucking terrible' and its a hurdle i need to get over.
He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.