Skullator Vs Zosla
Gankaton Vs CrazyKiller
Imagneto Vs Devilstar
Devilstar Vs Gankaton
Massi4h Vs Skullator
Cody Vs Jacksmash Akuma Mirror
NZtauranga Vs. iMagneto
Massi4h Vs. iMagneto
Still more to come
Thanks for uploads \ edits.
Everyone, please ignore every match I play at this tourny that I look terrible in, thanks!!
Mm yea watching that vid I guess there was significant lag on certain displays, it's just strange for me to ever miss than EX-legs -> ultra juggle in the corner. And then for Andy to whiff immediately after too?? Somethings up there haha. And those Shoryuken -> throw attempts are dodgy.. Chun has great throw range that doesn't usually happen to me offline. Lol @ last ultra tho, just scrubbed it.
embarrassing, I miss the ultra..., not quiet use to my new stick yet and the ps3 issue didn't help xD
Keep the vids up boyz!!
I like the opening Mike :)
thanx~ its imovie baby lol
More videos plzz..............................
Apparantly some of the stuff I recorded was shit Andy.. Mike has his work cut out for him with editing ;\
why do u have to shake -.-
sending you a template of ur stick check ur email.
Looking beast mate, just missing the Skullator brand haha.. see reply email
GOOD SHIT MIKE! I loved that match of ours the best, even though I lose to Cody's akuma it was still the best match I played the whole day..
HAHAHAHA god.. never let me hold a camera again during a tournament! Too much adrenaline to keep hands steady rofl! Sorry bro but great match, you beat the winning player of the tourny! Please me vs Cody next I'm so proud of that one!!!!
Devilstar Vs Gankaton uploaded!
Hey Bill, if you watch Devilstar vs Gankatron and look in the background.. you can see yourself eat Honda's ultra!!
But then again I'm one to talk, I eat Xpunch's ultra's right next to you hahaha.
Quote from: Skullator on March 08, 2010, 09:26:05 PM
Hey Bill, if you watch Devilstar vs Gankatron and look in the background.. you can see yourself eat Honda's ultra!!
But then again I'm one to talk, I eat Xpunch's ultra's right next to you hahaha.
Youre now officially on my list of people to smash on PSN right after coffindrop.
Massi4h Vs Skullator been uploaded!
Quote from: iMagneto on March 08, 2010, 09:40:07 PM
Massi4h Vs Skullator been uploaded!
I love the handshake at the end lol, fills up the whole screen it's pretty beast.
Skullator VS Cody plzplzplzplzplz!
Gankaton Vs Crazykiller uploaded!
Yeah thanks for uploading mike, even if I played like a gay runaway akuma. I don't really like to combo that hard with the lag we had, but tbh I can't really get in on your chun. And yeah epic handshake lol.
the opitcal image stabilizer cant stabilize skullator shake lol~
next one uploading smoof vs skullator, nztuaranga vs imagneto, zosla Vs jacksmash
It's when I held it with one hand now that I look at some of the matches lol
Lesson learned! Two hands = good!! (Who'd a thunk?!?!?!?!?!?!)
Edit: by the way mason how did you like my footsy jump back attempt to predict your random demons? Bastard landing that one into my crouching short!!! haha
Not everyone can be like Mike "Iron-wrist-of-doom" Kouk.
I dunno about Smoof, but I'm looking forward to that one!
I don't do random demons. So haha. :P
And wow I just watched me vs mike and its like a richtor 10 earthquake lol.
Also I couldnt hit c.jab after far.rh at all in that game and even when me and cody were practicing we pretty much couldn't do it. It is a 3-frame link as well... Plus my demon at the end didn't come out :( But oh well Mike dominated hard.
Mike was on really good form that day. Much better than ive seen him up until now.
Let's just say pretty soon what is currently known as "Brodsta style" will be known as "Just another iMagneto moment"
being calm, take the game serious. study peoples strategy. face your fears!
just like what i did against kevin... which i normally lose to devilstar! not this time lol
Quote from: iMagneto on March 09, 2010, 11:50:35 PM
being calm, take the game serious. study peoples strategy. face your fears!
just like what i did against kevin... which i normally lose to devilstar! not this time lol
its just like how I read mike everytime we play^^ u learn well Mike San!!!
Hey thanks for the upload.
But where are the me vs you and me vs skullator ones?
I'm pretty sure skullator was recording when we played =(
Quote from: cha on March 15, 2010, 11:32:35 PM
Hey thanks for the upload.
But where are the me vs you and me vs skullator ones?
I'm pretty sure skullator was recording when we played =(
The Earth Quake which read 10 on the rector scale has caused the lost of those videos unfortunately...
richter. couldve been worse, you couldve written rectum ;D
Trust you to be thinking about the rectum scale richard.
o haha my bad xD thats what happens when engrish is ur second language :P
Quote from: ILL_BILL on March 16, 2010, 11:17:54 AM
Trust you to be thinking about the rectum scale richard.
youll always be a 10 on my rectum scale bill ;)