wow my caps lock was on haha too bad !!!!!!!!!!
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/impact_clashStreet Fighter IV (Singles/Teams)
Game Version: PS3
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Game Version: DC
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
Game Version: PS2 (American - all bugs removed)
The King of Fighters XII
Game Version: PS3
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Game Version: PS3
Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion (Singles/Teams)
Game Version: PS3
Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves
Game Version: PS2
Super Street Fighter II HD Remix
Game Version: PS3
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Game Version: PS2
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match
Game Version: PS2 (Japanese)
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Game Version: Arcade/Supergun
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
Game Version: Wii
Melty Blood: Actress Again
Game Version: PS2 (Japanese)
Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Regular Brawl/Teams)
Game Version: Nintendo Wii
Super Smash Brothers Melee (Singles/Teams)
Game Version: Gamecube (Wii)
Wow that's alot of games. Pretty keen to watch sf4, marvel, hdr and SSBM!!!
stream is sucking for me. ANyone else having troubles?
It's a bit choppy, but its perfectly watchable for me.
Its coming and going for me. Sometimes its watchable, sometimes its horrendous.
Soooo keen for the Garou MOTW though.
wierd it works good for me
vVv scrub vs flash metroid at the mo
Are there streams for anything other than SF4? Stu and I are almost falling asleep here
sounds like its just sf4 today because theres 250 entrants . tvc etc tommorow or monday
tekken 6 stream on at the moment
tvc starting
marn owned justin in final 3-0
king of fighters 2002 final starting now
Marn destroyerd Justin with Zero and Alex. Fuck that was a raping.
That angus guy who used Soki and Batsu needs to be shot, that was fucking terrible! >:(
Thingy who played G.Lightan needs to get shot too. What is his name again Euan because that was fucking boring. Nice way to bring people into TvC, dick.
Now it's back to SFIVZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........
/me fallen asleep
lol skisonic played g lightan .
missed the tvc, now it's blazblue: crapstain trigger
final standings:
1) Carl
2) Carl
3) Nu
I haven't seen that much clapping since I was awarded sexiest man in hamilton for the 3rd year straight!
Obviously they couldn't reward me during my time away.... dur.
Oh, and the TvC was shocking. So much fail from those players and Marn whoring out Zero, damn you lol.
Marvel top 8 tomorrow. Probably catch it at the airport tomorrow (hopefully).
Awww you going back to Aus Stu?
Anyone know if they're streaming HDR?
stu i thought u were gona stay?
every time i looked at the stream its been average eg tekken or sf4 but shit players
anyone hav a time table of tomorrowws events?
Yeah, i'll be back next weekend.
Where is Marvel
Apparently it was too awesome and the stream exploded, causing thousands to die of priapisms.
marvel final on at the moment
Ski is a fantastic commentator!
Shut up... But yeah final was awesome. Justin beasted hard at the end, even though he dropped like 2 or 3 roms.
haha no sound at uni aye mason lol
wow flash sends j wong to losers
good match
Fucking balls, I missed it :'(
flash and vVv scrub clearly stand out
wong ended up winning
the finals sucked hard tho
marvel was awesome
MIMS is an awesome team
magneto x is awesome
marvel is awesome
i missed all the marvel super gutted
He was doing the most lol guard break I've seen... mag jump lk, hk, tempest DHC proton cannon (guardbreak) DHC sentinel xx corner combo
Quote from: fluxcore on March 15, 2010, 07:25:48 PM
He was doing the most lol guard break I've seen... mag jump lk, hk, tempest DHC proton cannon (guardbreak) DHC sentinel xx corner combo
Fuck, is it Leo that whores that guardbreak? I know someone has hit me with it multiple times.
that sounds more like a sol kinda thing.
THe only guardbreak I could get was Sim yoga flame cancel into Yoga inferno DHC into Ironsman protoncannon guardbreak. Oh the obligatory jump jab with ironman of course.
Jump jab? I thought IM was just late jump HP, infinite
Quote from: fluxcore on March 16, 2010, 07:16:11 PM
Jump jab? I thought IM was just late jump HP, infinite
I do jump jab then up feirce then gb.
jumpp feirce sounds easier though lol
Oh well yeah, up/fwd fierce I meant, but yeah... pretty sure that's it? Been a long time since I tried to learn IM though.
I pick Iron Man and then fail hard, true story.
Quote from: fluxcore on March 16, 2010, 07:16:11 PM
Jump jab? I thought IM was just late jump HP, infinite
Either or.
My mate beat scribe with the dj hero setup on mvc2 lol. WHAT IT IS HOESIIDDOWN!!!!!!