My brother "Justice" has created some Super SFIV art that you can use on your Mad Catz TE sticks if you got one.
Here is a few examples.
You can check them all out Here ( or Here (
Wow awesome thats some great artwork right therre. Im feeling that Sagat, Ken, Blanka and Cammy ;D
Very nice :D
Fuck those are bad g.
You should do a blue Evil Ryu one.
wouldn't black or red work better for evil ryu?
Nice stuff. I'd have picked some different colours for a few of them, but that's what the hue & saturation sliders in photoshop are for right? :)
Glad you guys liked them. Enjoy. :)
Quote from: samurai black on March 20, 2010, 09:51:11 AM
wouldn't black or red work better for evil ryu?
Yer nah, that's the obvious choice. But a blue one would look bad, so would a red blanka one. That's just my opinion.
got one of m.bison?
Quote from: iMagneto on March 21, 2010, 12:23:46 AM
got one of m.bison?
It's on the way. Justice mains Bison, so should come out well I would think. :P
i would like to go bison 2nd color on sf4~
blue and yellow~ it would good :)
I'll let him know, maybe he'll make 2. ;)
Quote from: iMagneto on March 21, 2010, 06:34:52 PM
i would like to go bison 2nd color on sf4~
blue and yellow~ it would good :)
He made about 9 new ones.
2 being Bison. :)
done.. love it haha
good to see your bro's work up on eventhubs, balrog plz plz plz
I'm actually surprised he hasn't made Boxer yet. I'll let him know there has been a few requests for it. :)