Not an article by myself, but I've just been listening to shoryuken podcast #9 entitled "Community Building and You" and it's a must listen to anyone either wanting to start a scene in their area, or boost the scene, or even just be a part of the scene. This pretty much means everyone.
Give it a listen! Hopefully this will swell you with an intense desire to help out and run tournies, fund raise and more! :)
Yeah its a great podcast Alan, and I agree everyone should hear it.
Number 10 is out with ShinBlanka (The organiser of Final Round 13) and he gives some great insight on building a community as well.
Sweet, will read when I can :D
Quote from: stereomonkey on March 22, 2010, 07:00:10 PM
Sweet, will read when I can :D
That should be interesting. How you gonna reada podcast?
It's all right, I have a 1 month subscription to failblog :(