Hiya Guys,
I'll use this post to link all the videos. For now I have mafe a playlist for the top 8 which you can view here:
Will add more of the other matches soon!!
admin edit: I've uploaded the same vids but with sound, playlist http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=FF99BBF592B3C7BA
did u record the sound as well? o_O no sound on the match videos :(
Quote from: iMagneto on March 22, 2009, 07:55:15 PM
did u record the sound as well? o_O no sound on the match videos :(
Yeah sorry man we had some "technical difficulties". We know what went wrong and it wont happen next time thats for sure!
thats ok~ should chuck in some nice background music hehe =)~~
god dam i like ur gen o-O
Quote from: iMagneto on March 22, 2009, 08:39:26 PM
thats ok~ should chuck in some nice background music hehe =)~~
god dam i like ur gen o-O
LOL if you liked it so much whyed you rape it so hard in the Quarters??? lol
I was gonna put some music in, but then i thought meh... they can humm a song or play thier own haha
GGs too btw, that bison is viscious!!! Never seen a bison that could cover all the bases like that bro!
played it too much in yifans bro haha~~
too much you tube, i dont even have the console at home yet..~~ =( i want it badly!
especially the hori arcade fighting stick 3 X 2 !!!
Quote from: iMagneto on March 22, 2009, 07:55:15 PM
did u record the sound as well? o_O no sound on the match videos :(
What happened was that the tv wasn't loud enough to hear, so we plugged in an optical cable to the xbox 360 for sound. Except when we did that it cut out the RCA sound. Gay ass xbox 360.
Quote from: glisignoli on March 22, 2009, 09:00:09 PM
Quote from: iMagneto on March 22, 2009, 07:55:15 PM
did u record the sound as well? o_O no sound on the match videos :(
What happened was that the tv wasn't loud enough to hear, so we plugged in an optical cable to the xbox 360 for sound. Except when we did that it cut out the RCA sound. Gay ass xbox 360.
aiyo~~ >_< oh well it doesnt matter it was set on eng voice..~~ i prefer the jap voice anyways heh heh ~~
hey i watch the videos, at the end i saw the background music at the end.. didnt added the BGM >_<~ hehe ..
Christ Lenny! Nice work with the vids!
What are you using to edit them, premiere?
AVS Video Editor. Bought it off the net last night.
I like the flames :) As soon as I saw the flames I axed the original intro lol.
WHen we do the next one we will get better quality video as well. I should have brought all my AV equipment with me damnit.
The videos are taking aaaages to upload so I will leave them running over night. You guys can look for them in my Youtube profile. When I get up in the morning I will add them to the playlist.
I think what I'll probably do is download the vids off youtube in HQ and mux the audio from my vids onto them, then upload them as responses to your vids. One big problem with my vids is that the camera I was using only records for 3mins at a time, meaning that some matches have loss of footage in annoying places, so it's probably a lot more sensible to just work off your vids and just have audio dropout.
Quote from: fluxcore on March 22, 2009, 10:17:27 PM
I think what I'll probably do is download the vids off youtube in HQ and mux the audio from my vids onto them, then upload them as responses to your vids. One big problem with my vids is that the camera I was using only records for 3mins at a time, meaning that some matches have loss of footage in annoying places, so it's probably a lot more sensible to just work off your vids and just have audio dropout.
When I have edited them I'll put them on a usb HDD and courier them to you. I work for courierpost so it wont cost anything. THat might be easier.
man awesome stuff guys, great matches good to see street fighter still alive and kicking i think i might have to go buy a 360 some time soon and start to practice sf4, so you guys can hand my ass to me.
Quote from: kingpiccolo on March 23, 2009, 11:46:48 AM
man awesome stuff guys, great matches good to see street fighter still alive and kicking i think i might have to go buy a 360 some time soon and start to practice sf4, so you guys can hand my ass to me.
And post more bitch.
Quote from: ILL_BILL on March 23, 2009, 11:48:10 AM
Quote from: kingpiccolo on March 23, 2009, 11:46:48 AM
man awesome stuff guys, great matches good to see street fighter still alive and kicking i think i might have to go buy a 360 some time soon and start to practice sf4, so you guys can hand my ass to me.
And post more bitch.
Im too lazy to post. :P
damn 360 i already got a ps3
Gheyness... I cant watch the matches at work usin youtube on my iphone... have to wait till I get home to watch them...
Wanted to show them to a work mate.
Quote from: kingpiccolo on March 23, 2009, 12:06:26 PM
Quote from: ILL_BILL on March 23, 2009, 11:48:10 AM
Quote from: kingpiccolo on March 23, 2009, 11:46:48 AM
man awesome stuff guys, great matches good to see street fighter still alive and kicking i think i might have to go buy a 360 some time soon and start to practice sf4, so you guys can hand my ass to me.
And post more bitch.
Im too lazy to post. :P
damn 360 i already got a ps3
When u coming back bro?keep things alive...just 4 holidays man.... 8) 8) 8)
Quote from: Lennysaurus on March 23, 2009, 12:16:32 PM
Gheyness... I cant watch the matches at work usin youtube on my iphone... have to wait till I get home to watch them...
Wanted to show them to a work mate.
Yea bro good 2 c u back again lol.....where is ur Zangief fever nad Kingpicolo....i want 2 c serious Zangief in SF4 ::) ::)
Quote from: kingpiccolo on March 23, 2009, 12:06:26 PM
damn 360 i already got a ps3
There are a few of us on here with PS3 :)
Yeah d00d I'm keen for some PS3 matchupz!
keep calling man BOOBs...but is gone........4 da match... >:( >:( >:(
Quote from: Smoofikith on March 23, 2009, 12:26:40 PM
Yeah d00d I'm keen for some PS3 matchupz!
Add me bro, I'm always down for more comp!
Quote from: Smoofikith on March 23, 2009, 12:26:40 PM
Yeah d00d I'm keen for some PS3 matchupz!
Feel free to add me too. My PSN is CptMunta.
Watched the finals. That was tense! Cheers for the up Lenny.
Leaving my PC running overnight uploading more videos. Sorry guys but I uploaded all my matches as I am gonna get some SRK peeps to have a look and give me feedback.
Geneterror vs Igotpaids matches will go up tonight also.
Quote from: kingpiccolo on March 23, 2009, 11:46:48 AM
man awesome stuff guys, great matches good to see street fighter still alive and kicking i think i might have to go buy a 360 some time soon and start to practice sf4, so you guys can hand my ass to me.
hey bro long time no see =)~ where is ur zangief btw? got ur hands on sfIV yet? come on!!
come back to nz and play ! especially Mvc2!!
yeah ill stop spammin this thread after this but i might get my flat mate to buy me a copy of sf4 tomorrow for ma ps3 and get a 360 later on.....
RAWR long live team Z......
PS grats on your tourney win too man
should of removed teh finals imagneto vs simon fish, coz it wasn't really him and teh match was LAWL -.-
Should make another one final!!! in Yifans....
Omg I'd be keen to see that!
i beat simon in the finals hehehe!!! yea should rematch it
Quote from: iMagneto on March 24, 2009, 06:39:30 PM
i beat simon in the finals hehehe!!! yea should rematch it
I need some mike bison practice obviously
Zomg you guys should all go at like 5 >_> so I can come give you some TIGERRR TIGERRRRR
Quote from: Toomeke on March 24, 2009, 07:06:57 PM
Quote from: iMagneto on March 24, 2009, 06:39:30 PM
i beat simon in the finals hehehe!!! yea should rematch it
I need some mike bison practice obviously
okey wat time are u coming down to yifans toomeke? =)
I'll be down there from 12.30 till hmmm i dunno maybe 2.30. See you there bro
thats kool bro, casual matches 2mmorow =)
Hey lenny how high quality are the vids your using to upload onto youtube?
I just uploaded this file to see what kinda picture quality i could get. With a little tweaking it could probably look a whole lot better too. I'm gonna play round with it now.
Quote from: Toomeke on March 25, 2009, 06:22:30 PM
Hey lenny how high quality are the vids your using to upload onto youtube?
I just uploaded this file to see what kinda picture quality i could get. With a little tweaking it could probably look a whole lot better too. I'm gonna play round with it now.
true thats pretty dam good quality video there ben :)
too pro :'(
VERY slowly putting up the vids which I'm stealing lenny's video and syncing up my sound with...
here's the first one, simon vs iMagneto
Wow! Nice work Alan, it's nice to watch the vids with some audio. No offense Lenny ;)
Semi Final - Toomeke vs iMagneto
Toomeke (boxer) vs Zosla (Ryu)
u should put the finals up with sound =)~ i need too look up my mistakes.. :(
Quote from: iMagneto on March 28, 2009, 11:34:55 PM
u should put the finals up with sound =)~ i need too look up my mistakes.. :(
Getting there, it's actually uploading at the moment. VERY SLOWLY. Crappy NZ internet :(
haha oh ok~ =)
Finally. finals video got to 99% uploaded last night at about 1am, and then errored out, I got annoyed and went to bed. Anyway, it has uploaded now:
Grand finals
"Simon" (abel) vs iMagneto (Dictator)
"The video you have requested is not available" wtf?
EDIT: I must suck, it's now working ???
Quote from: stereomonkey on March 29, 2009, 10:31:54 AM
"The video you have requested is not available" wtf?
EDIT: I must suck, it's now working ???
It was still being processed by utub, nothing to worry about.
quarter finals
Gino (Ryu) vs Lightweight! (Honda)
The one Gino has been waiting for...
Cr8zyk1ll3r (Ryu) vs Gino (Ryu)
Auckland ryu vs Hamilton ryu!
I love the "Camera fail, missing footage" and also "HAMILTON!!!!" LOL!
Quote from: stereomonkey on March 29, 2009, 01:28:53 PM
I love the "Camera fail, missing footage" and also "HAMILTON!!!!" LOL!
Haha yep :)
next up
Lenny (Gen) vs iMagneto (Dictator)
Zosla (Ryu) vs Simon(Abel)
Lenny (Gen) vs Gino (Ryu)
Kururu (ken) vs Gino (ryu)
Admin (Ryu) vs Gino (Ryu)
Probably the last match vid from me.
AD (Sagat) vs Gino (Ryu)