An old match that Fluxcore showed me years ago.
Holy shit this is oldschool. Tokido Urien :o
I've been putting more time into this game lately. I think it's awesome
i miss this game :(
I just saw this and went OMG
oooaaaaghghghhaoaooaoaoaoayy ayyy ayyyy
camera dudes are wicked
dang thats badass
haha that akuma urien match is good.
The best match i've seen between Akuma v. Urien ended with Akuma killing himself with a super fireball that bounced off of an offscreen reflector.
holy shit that was good
really wish i'd gotten into 3S when it first came out... such an awesome game
u have 2 b there....... ;D
Quote from: Toomeke on June 06, 2009, 04:28:31 PM
Holy shit I lol'd