So, I was just wondering (even if the odds are below 0.5%) if anyone of you has played or is playing the Korean MMO Dungeon & Fighter?
It's like a mix up of Street Fighter Hyper & Sengoku. You basically level up in instanced dungeons by yourself or with friends. Learn new skills and cancels for skills. So it ends up being a high-tech fighting game.
Uhh there's PvP which is pretty massive in this game. Japan & Korea have yearly tournaments.
So yeah, if you play it.. Lemme know!
HAH With me here, the chances of having played something are always near 100! Netmarble ftw! Jessica Jung also beat up that monster in her CF gooooood
You play Netmarble games? KR or JP?
LOL, that video is weeeeird.
KR. I haven't been on in ages, last thing I played was sudden
If you wanted to start up DnF I could help you out. Since you have random experience with KR games you should ace it.
Sudden was that FPS game?
I played with my friend once, never really understood anything. I just combod and poofd things. Sudden is that wannabe CS
I'm a level 29 Female Gunner, also have a level 10.. 13.. something, Priest.
I'm level 60.... ON GUNZ
It was when it first came out! I thought it was cool =(
I played the Korean CB.. D: Then it got boooring.
Yeah, I was like =________=;; then all I did was play DJ max and Sudden =/