Well, I bought one of those IGN insider accounts in order to download the matches.
If this is also relative to your interests and I at least kind of know you \ like you, by all means flick me a pm and you can use my log in to leech the vids.
Can't go giving it out to absolutely everyone as somebody could change the pass and ruin it for the rest of us.
Right now they only have JW vs Daigo for SFIV, but once they are done editing it looks like they will have the top 8 and up available for download.
Marvel vs capcom will be there
Blazblue will be there
HD remix is already there
Guilty gear will be there, it's all going to be there.
The videos are HD, great audio and 720p visual, .wmv format. Each JWong vs Daigo part is over 400MB, and theres 4 of them.
The editing on the clips is really really good, so much better than the live stream announcer bullshit.
I looked at the 3S final and is was pretty shit. :-\
Issei > all of america.
Oh- Interested in seeing the GG~AC games please :D
Third strike player gains my respect and earns himself a password ;]
I will concede that the SFIV final was in fact vaguely interesting and was a good watch.
But evo's character swapping rules bug me to no end.
flicked you the info moose.
Thanks a bunch! You rule!
Can I just say that NZism doesn't condone taking the liberty of 'copying' these files without paying for them, only by supporting Evo and the fighting game community can things keep going or even become better.
Basically, if you like what you see, please pay the $20 odd dollars to become an ign insider - because some of the money goes to the evo staff.
I resent being forced into getting an IGN Insider account so fuck 'em.
I never use the site (IGN). Also I don't have a large cap because I don't do a lot online, judging by the file sizes I've seen so far I'd have to buy a whole lot of extra data allowance to be able to get them so it's more than just the $20, it's not worth the hassle . I can live with not seeing them I guess.
That's precisely why I haven't paid for it yet. I'll get the vids off Euan or someone and then pay the subscription.
Quote from: fluxcore on July 31, 2009, 10:21:32 AM
That's precisely why I haven't paid for it yet. I'll get the vids off Euan or someone and then pay the subscription.
That is exactly what everyone should do if they have a data cap.
I'm planning on downloading everything and bringing it to the tourney so that if people want it but can't download it can get it from. After subscribing of course. :D
Yeah what Flux said.
It should be noted that not everyone lives in Auckland though, and commuting aint easy.
Just making sure nobody gets left out.
Updates - some more SFIV matches are up, Ed ma's Akuma dizzo combo is beast.
Guilty gear finals up
Mvc2 finals up
Third strike finals up
Quote from: Skullator on August 01, 2009, 06:58:11 AM
It should be noted that not everyone lives in Auckland though, and commuting aint easy.
Trust me, I know about this more than anyone...
Also if they can not get it from someone then bugger, i guess they will have to manage their data limit better.
Might have to hit you up for the vids at the aug tourn if thats cool, need to get a sub soon :D
I'll bring a small external hard drive with all the vids with me to nationals.
But as for getting them on to something else, it's up to you guys.
Cheers for guzzing me a geeze at the vids skullator...
Thought the MvC2 final was an amazing watch- I don't even like this game, character swaps or even watching it usually.
3rd Strike final was decidedly average but that was expected. Even Issei who is a legitimately good Yun by JP standards was dropping people in Genei-gen.
GG XX was pretty boring for a GG match imo. I can't believe they don't play ~AC (I guess 'cos it's console based).
SC4 was just dumb. I hate this game and its kind of a kick to the balls to see a pad warrior any tourney of this scale.
Might watch a few more SF4 matches tonight ;D
Quote from: moose! on August 09, 2009, 11:32:10 PM
Cheers for guzzing me a geeze at the vids skullator...
Thought the MvC2 final was an amazing watch- I don't even like this game, character swaps or even watching it usually.
3rd Strike final was decidedly average but that was expected. Even Issei who is a legitimately good Yun by JP standards was dropping people in Genei-gen.
GG XX was pretty boring for a GG match imo. I can't believe they don't play ~AC (I guess 'cos it's console based).
SC4 was just dumb. I hate this game and its kind of a kick to the balls to see a pad warrior any tourney of this scale.
Might watch a few more SF4 matches tonight ;D
I knew it! they do let the pad warriors in, yay ee yayy lol.
Np man, and yeah MvC is an awesome spectator game at high lvl, the whole thing is just one huge mix up. No breath space lol.
Although it was better in previous years when everyone was playing either it.. or third strike.
Money match the dark prince vs clockw0rk.
Best set ever.
Oh and hell yes I hope they do something like this for SBO, streaming or pay download, fuck it I'll be getting it somehow lol.
I disagree, the MvC2 finals were really sloppy this year, so much missed stuff because neither Sanford nor Justin really play the game any more.
GGXXAC I thought was actually really good, one of the best finals I saw, probably second only to SF4... Even though Marn clearly was nowhere near as good as the other fulla. And if they weren't to play AC they'd probably have to go back to #R because 90% of the people hate Slash.
Quote from: fluxcore on August 10, 2009, 08:07:27 AM
I disagree, the MvC2 finals were really sloppy this year, so much missed stuff because neither Sanford nor Justin really play the game any more.
Yeah I thought Justin played really crappy. And there were three or four times that sanford could have killed the assist and point character but he fucked it up.
Quote from: Lennysaurus Rex on August 10, 2009, 08:44:55 AM
Quote from: fluxcore on August 10, 2009, 08:07:27 AM
I disagree, the MvC2 finals were really sloppy this year, so much missed stuff because neither Sanford nor Justin really play the game any more.
Yeah I thought Justin played really crappy. And there were three or four times that sanford could have killed the assist and point character but he fucked it up.
Yeah, even when he had a chance with the gun he misses it. Still fun to watch :)
Quote from: Skullator on August 09, 2009, 11:52:35 PM
Money match the dark prince vs clockw0rk.
Best set ever.