Guys I am looking for links to both of these recent events.
Anyone got any they can share?? The pages I tried seem to have been taken off...
cheers in advance.
Yeah I'm keen as for SBO vids!
Andy check your message box for evo's
SBO I don't know, as soon as theres a way Ill get them too.
isn't SBO 14 - 16 August ?
unless you mean the qualifiers
Quote from: maelgrim on August 10, 2009, 03:47:08 PM
isn't SBO 14 - 16 August ?
unless you mean the qualifiers
Yea it's the weekend of our nationals, but I don't know how footage will be made available for it.
Dunno if they are only streaming or doing pay per HD downloads or what
I found a translation of
"There won't be a live broadcast from the conference hall.
However, we may show some type of footage at a later date. [probably on Famitsu's site]
We are still considering the DVD release, so depending on which game it is we might not produce a DVD.
Also, instead of a proper DVD package an Arcadia supplement [pack-in disc?] can be cheaper so we may release it in that form."
So looks like footage will be hard to come by for a while :(
Even the quals are hard to find for 3S this year, usually gamers vision updates pretty regularly but there's been nothing this year at all.
They will eventually pop up on youtube- but you typically can't find them on SRK because the threads get deleted and they tend to be unlabelled on youtube as well, at least at first. I think last year they cut the stream off because of the amount of ghetto recordings popping up on youtube during the tournament.
DVDs are usually available on play asia later.
I NEED to see Messatsu (UR), Thanatos (OR), PinaAB7 (NE) plow through the 3S brackets destroying everyone.
Fuck, even the last chance slots tourney is going to good watching- Last years winners haven't qualified yet and Kuroda/MOV/Ino could pick alomst anyone and there's a bunch of names missing who have been beasting in recent co-op cup tourney play (including Sugiyama and Uni).
Ahhh thanks for that post maelgrim :)
I'm really looking forward to the BlazBlue matches.
& to see which chars dominate
BlazBlue should be sweet- I'm also keeping a pretty close eye on it
But IMO the SBO format is a bit cruel for the 1v1 games and the 3v3 events are the ones that really shine.
Well I'll import an SBO dvd if that happens soon.
Or I'll torrent the .iso file if that happens sooner.
No way can we not get our hands on that shit.
They barely release the SBO DVDs on torrent >_< Do want last years 3S one. (scroll through his videos, about 3 pages back)
That's most of the 3S matches from last year.
And while we're at it- here's last years GG~AC
Oh Daym, thanks for that, I searched last year for vids but couldnt find any.
Here are some SBO vids
SF4, 3S, BB
Ive only watched the BB ones & they are pretty good
Quote from: moose! on August 24, 2009, 04:19:28 PM
Yeah i'll say, fucking qual matches are old now
Sorry guys
to exicted putting new plexi & art on my HRAP
I think these are exhibition matches that were done before tougeki/sbo.
I stole the link from Dustloop
The guy there said
"Famitsu has created a special page for Tougeki, and has upped nine match vids for everyone to check out. You can find the page here, and then scroll down to find the vids. Three vids are from SF4, and have Daigo going up against Nuki, Mago and Iyo. I believe these may be the matches from the kumite that Arcadia magazine put together, because I checked Mago’s BP total (easiest to check) and it’s almost exactly the same when comparing the two vids. The other trio of vids are from 3rd Strike and see Boss going up against Rikimaru, Raoh vs. Rikimaru, and Raoh vs. Boss. Finally, the last trio of vids are from Blazblue and feature Ren vs. Inoue, Ren vs. Halloween, and Inoue vs. Halloween."
Sounds like they are actual matches
but if not sorry about that
Quote from: maelgrim on August 24, 2009, 04:49:02 PM
Sorry guys
to exicted putting new plexi & art on my HRAP
Post some pics once your finished, cant wait to get mine off ya ;D
Quote from: Will on August 24, 2009, 06:25:17 PM
Quote from: maelgrim on August 24, 2009, 04:49:02 PM
Sorry guys
to exicted putting new plexi & art on my HRAP
Post some pics once your finished, cant wait to get mine off ya ;D
It looks great, except the ball top on the stick (red) doesn't match the art at all & the Hori start / select buttons don't fit to well (all the rest are Sanwa and they fit great). So just placed an order from Lizardlick - but yes will post a pic sometime.
Man i just dont get that exited watching SF4 matches anymore (probably just these ones)
And blazblue looks awesome.I knew i should've bought this fucking game instead of that fucking weed.
Quote from: maelgrim on August 24, 2009, 09:00:03 PM
Quote from: Will on August 24, 2009, 06:25:17 PM
Quote from: maelgrim on August 24, 2009, 04:49:02 PM
Sorry guys
to exicted putting new plexi & art on my HRAP
Post some pics once your finished, cant wait to get mine off ya ;D
It looks great, except the ball top on the stick (red) doesn't match the art at all & the Hori start / select buttons don't fit to well (all the rest are Sanwa and they fit great). So just placed an order from Lizardlick - but yes will post a pic sometime.
What art you doing, You should get that blazblue one that shows the buttons etc, they look phat.
Quote from: weazzyefff on August 25, 2009, 12:36:45 AM
What art you doing, You should get that blazblue one that shows the buttons etc, they look phat.
Its a John Howe picture - he's done a lot of Lord Of the Rings stuff.
I got the button symbols etched into the plexi - as I can only remember which is X :)
I'm thinking of some BlazBlue art for a 2nd stick (if I ever get one).
Have you seen the Blazblue phone cards released in Japan - crazy.
Quote from: maelgrim on August 25, 2009, 07:47:28 AM
Quote from: weazzyefff on August 25, 2009, 12:36:45 AM
What art you doing, You should get that blazblue one that shows the buttons etc, they look phat.
Its a John Howe picture - he's done a lot of Lord Of the Rings stuff.
I got the button symbols etched into the plexi - as I can only remember which is X :)
I'm thinking of some BlazBlue art for a 2nd stick (if I ever get one).
Have you seen the Blazblue phone cards released in Japan - crazy.
Oh yeah sweet.
BB phone cards? What the mother fuck are those? just normal ph cards with BB art? only in crazy ass Japan could that happen, I mean they got POKEMON on their trains. POKEMON !!! FFS.
Quote from: weazzyefff on August 25, 2009, 08:21:22 AM
BB phone cards? What the mother fuck are those? just normal ph cards with BB art? only in crazy ass Japan could that happen, I mean they got POKEMON on their trains. POKEMON !!! FFS.
Yeah normal phone cards except the art is typical Japanese fan service
you can see the pics here
no way those cards would be released anywhere else
Quote from: maelgrim on August 25, 2009, 08:47:04 AM
Quote from: weazzyefff on August 25, 2009, 08:21:22 AM
BB phone cards? What the mother fuck are those? just normal ph cards with BB art? only in crazy ass Japan could that happen, I mean they got POKEMON on their trains. POKEMON !!! FFS.
Yeah normal phone cards except the art is typical Japanese fan service
you can see the pics here
no way those cards would be released anywhere else
Dayym, BB just went up a notch in my books, and i just went up a notch in my pants ( too much info ).
SBO SF4 & VF5 DVD 8)
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really find SBO that interesting. In fact I can't be bothered watching most Japanese tourneys... I think it's mainly the single elim format. I just don't trust any of the results.
yeah I don't really like single elim either
Though I do like character lock
I just watch them for the level of play. Single elim demands the highest level of play and adaptation. Better than watching Americans play 3 out of 5, fuck up there combos and maybe adapting after two or three games. One thing I will say is that Japanese tourneys seem to lack any kind of character. The American vids are definitely more 'entertaining'.
The results for single elim tourneys may be random at times but more often then not the on form players will win/place high.
I see a Japanese person miss something and then he's out of the tournament. I guess that's what he deserves though huh! 99.9% isn't enough!
I'm also not so sure that much adaptation happens, considering most of them play against each other for 5 hours a day every day anyway.
Quote from: fluxcore on October 06, 2009, 12:11:27 PM
I see a Japanese person miss something and then he's out of the tournament. I guess that's what he deserves though huh! 99.9% isn't enough!
That's what's happened for the past 5 Rugby World Cups :/
Quote from: electric on October 06, 2009, 12:17:37 PM
Quote from: fluxcore on October 06, 2009, 12:11:27 PM
I see a Japanese person miss something and then he's out of the tournament. I guess that's what he deserves though huh! 99.9% isn't enough!
That's what's happened for the past 5 Rugby World Cups :/
Youre right. Japan needs to get better at Rugby. :P
Quote from: Toomeke on October 06, 2009, 11:05:05 AM
One thing I will say is that Japanese tourneys seem to lack any kind of character. The American vids are definitely more 'entertaining'.
Why does everyone say that, do people really think it's more entertaining watching broken links, failed fadc ultras, wake up uppercuts, random ultras, and a shit load of missed punishment.
SOME of those jpn games are a bit slow but atleast you know why they're being catious. Also it's pretty gay they dont use console chars, i wana see jpn Goukens, Seths etc.
Quote from: weazzyefff on October 06, 2009, 01:20:39 PM
SOME of those jpn games are a bit slow but atleast you know why they're being catious. Also it's pretty gay they dont use console chars, i wana see jpn Goukens, Seths etc.
Japanese Gouken would be fucking win
Quote from: ILL_BILL on October 06, 2009, 12:41:22 PM
Quote from: electric on October 06, 2009, 12:17:37 PM
Quote from: fluxcore on October 06, 2009, 12:11:27 PM
I see a Japanese person miss something and then he's out of the tournament. I guess that's what he deserves though huh! 99.9% isn't enough!
That's what's happened for the past 5 Rugby World Cups :/
Youre right. Japan needs to get better at Rugby. :P
You know whats funny, Jpn won the world Grid Iron championships three years in a row, i think it was the three years America wasn't in it.
Quote from: weazzyefff on October 06, 2009, 01:20:39 PM
Quote from: Toomeke on October 06, 2009, 11:05:05 AM
One thing I will say is that Japanese tourneys seem to lack any kind of character. The American vids are definitely more 'entertaining'.
Why does everyone say that, do people really think it's more entertaining watching broken links, failed fadc ultras, wake up uppercuts, random ultras, and a shit load of missed punishment.
SOME of those jpn games are a bit slow but atleast you know why they're being catious. Also it's pretty gay they dont use console chars, i wana see jpn Goukens, Seths etc.
He's talking about the crowd reactions etc. Not the level of skill.
Quote from: ILL_BILL on October 06, 2009, 03:42:35 PM
Quote from: weazzyefff on October 06, 2009, 01:20:39 PM
Quote from: Toomeke on October 06, 2009, 11:05:05 AM
One thing I will say is that Japanese tourneys seem to lack any kind of character. The American vids are definitely more 'entertaining'.
Why does everyone say that, do people really think it's more entertaining watching broken links, failed fadc ultras, wake up uppercuts, random ultras, and a shit load of missed punishment.
SOME of those jpn games are a bit slow but atleast you know why they're being catious. Also it's pretty gay they dont use console chars, i wana see jpn Goukens, Seths etc.
He's talking about the crowd reactions etc. Not the level of skill.
Oops lol. Because alot of people say they find it entertaining because of the risks they take , and thats why i cant watch them, it's unbearable.
Quote from: weazzyefff on October 06, 2009, 03:54:35 PM
Quote from: ILL_BILL on October 06, 2009, 03:42:35 PM
Quote from: weazzyefff on October 06, 2009, 01:20:39 PM
Quote from: Toomeke on October 06, 2009, 11:05:05 AM
One thing I will say is that Japanese tourneys seem to lack any kind of character. The American vids are definitely more 'entertaining'.
Why does everyone say that, do people really think it's more entertaining watching broken links, failed fadc ultras, wake up uppercuts, random ultras, and a shit load of missed punishment.
SOME of those jpn games are a bit slow but atleast you know why they're being catious. Also it's pretty gay they dont use console chars, i wana see jpn Goukens, Seths etc.
He's talking about the crowd reactions etc. Not the level of skill.
Oops lol. Because alot of people say they find it entertaining because of the risks they take , and thats why i cant watch them, it's unbearable.
I watch that shit for the commentary.
eg. "Whats that? Did you say Mike Ross has a pretty good Honda, despite his racial handicap?"
Among others.
Quote from: ILL_BILL on October 06, 2009, 04:23:52 PMI watch that shit for the commentary.
Actually, that's what I like the most about them too lol
Quote from: fluxcore on October 06, 2009, 09:27:39 AM
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really find SBO that interesting. In fact I can't be bothered watching most Japanese tourneys... I think it's mainly the single elim format. I just don't trust any of the results.
Just posting to say I think (almost exactly) the opposite when it comes to watching matches/tourneys.
IMO the SBO 3v3 single elim format adds a lot to the excitement to the tourney and makes the in form players really shine- regardless of character.
I guess I should break it down really.
I want to watch american tourneys live because they are hype and interesting and I get all excited watching them.
I want to watch japanese individual matches later because they are better to learn shit from, but I'd rather watch paint dry than a full tournament.
In general.
It's hard for me to watch match vids in general. After five mins i just switch it off and go play the actual game. But you learn so much from them i try to stick it out.
It feels like homework sometimes lol.
Quote from: fluxcore on October 06, 2009, 05:51:43 PM
I want to watch japanese individual matches later because they are better to learn shit from, but I'd rather watch paint dry than a full tournament.
Personally I think the JP tourneys are way more hyped than US ones- SBO and Co-op cup way out do EVO on every level.
Keep in mind I play mostly 3S and personally I think it translates better to spectator videos than most games (especially SF4) and am obviously biased against US because they aren't very good at it.
(Or read as: I mostly play 3S therefore my opinion is invalid)
Yeah we clearly have very different tastes, because I also think 3s is one of the most boring games to watch.
Weird that Japanese competitors that go to the US tournaments often comment about how much more energy and excitement the US tourneys have, but I'll bow to your superior judgment :P
Quote from: fluxcore on October 06, 2009, 07:43:00 PM
I'll bow to your superior judgment :P
Thanks, any time :-*
is there a download link so I dont have to stream it ben ?
Quote from: B1ackstar Ninja on October 06, 2009, 08:26:02 PM
is there a download link so I dont have to stream it ben ?
Come on vent and I'll show you how to download it
These seem to be the only 3S games being released :-[
Meh, still want DVD.
Quote from: Buriki One;7646322Great find! :lovin:
So, here's a quick translation:
1st Round matches (10 Videos):
KO (YA) vs Majunior (CH)
Yusuke (YU) vs Shiroitachi (MA)
Boss (YU) vs Yoiyami (IB)
Nuki (CH) vs Yutori (YU)
Ded (KE) vs Justin Wong (CH)
Ricky Ortiz (CH) vs YSB (HU)
Kazuya (AL) vs Uraken (GO)
Eriru (CH) vs Vanao (RY)
Thanatos (OR) vs Aiku (DU)
Kuroda (Q) vs asahy (MA)
2nd Round matches (2 videos):
Derun (YU) vs Ikego (EL)
Pierrot (RE) vs Kuroda (Q)
3rd Round machtes (4 videos):
Kuroda (Q) vs Yakkun (YU)
Kuroda (Q) vs Nuki (CH)
Boss (YU) vs Shirokuro (CH)
Koushun (CH) vs Kokujin (DU)
Seminfinals & Finals (8 videos)
Koushun (CH) vs Ochibi (YU)
Vanao (RY) vs Ochibi (YU)
RX (UR) vs Ochibi (YU)
Momochi (MA) vs Kuroda (Q)
Momochi (MA) vs MOV (CH)
Momochi (MA) vs Ochibi (YU)
Momochi (MA) vs Tokido (CH)
Momochi (MA) vs KO (YA)
So we will get about 24 matchvideos (5 with Kuroda!), nice. No TM, Ruu or PinoAB7 footage though.
3S 2009 Finals and semis on youtube (at least until they get deleted).
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
RX vs OTB = :o
momochi omg