New Zealand Fighting Game Forum

General Category => Match Vids/Streams => Topic started by: [NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja on November 14, 2009, 09:29:06 AM

Title: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja on November 14, 2009, 09:29:06 AM
Here are some of the matches , I didnt get all of them cos I only had to 1GB sd cards so a couple of matches end as my card runs outa room or I had to take it down to avoid the yiffans staff .
Anyway here they are

Mason won this one , think gankatron has the rest filmed.

Was surprised I managed to film as many as I did , angles abit funny with me hiding behind the cabinet but better than nothing eh !
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja on November 16, 2009, 03:44:01 PM
did you manage to upload anyones you took fong ?
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: Gankatron on November 16, 2009, 07:38:19 PM
Hey Euan, na bro i only took one vid but it was pretty short and crappy due to been a phone cam.

But cheers for taking vids of everyone on Friday bro!
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja on November 16, 2009, 07:57:00 PM
algud , I gunna invest in a bigger sd card so I can record more matches
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: zos'la on November 17, 2009, 09:07:04 AM
wow, good stuff.
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja on November 17, 2009, 07:15:16 PM
oh yeah forgot to say if yo click through to make it actually go to the youtube page I have the names up of whos who playing and what colour
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: Cr8zyK1LL3r on November 18, 2009, 10:59:05 AM
It's Cr8zyK1LL3r. Not Cr8zyK1LLer.

Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: CrazyMobius on November 18, 2009, 03:50:30 PM
Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on November 18, 2009, 10:59:05 AM
It's Cr8zyK1LL3r. Not Cr8zyK1LLer.


You should make that your signature lo.
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: samurai black on November 18, 2009, 04:35:36 PM
why cant you be normal and have actual letters man.

no one speeks l337 anymore :P
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: DVS on November 18, 2009, 05:43:35 PM
Quote from: B1ackstar Ninja on November 14, 2009, 09:29:06 AM
Here are some of the matches , I didnt get all of them cos I only had to 1GB sd cards so a couple of matches end as my card runs outa room or I had to take it down to avoid the yiffans staff .
Anyway here they are

Was surprised I managed to film as many as I did , angles abit funny with me hiding behind the cabinet but better than nothing eh !

Good shit man, I wish we could film down there all the time....some GG's....
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: Cr8zyK1LL3r on November 18, 2009, 05:48:13 PM
Quote from: samurai black on November 18, 2009, 04:35:36 PM
why cant you be normal and have actual letters man.

no one speeks l337 anymore :P


3 years ago, when I was thinking about a gaming tag (Nobody would use their real name in the gaming world (except for tournaments)).

I was thinking what would be good. I want to find a unique name and it has to relate to me somehow (Not some random names like *&#$*&^#*& or aksvsdjbcj). So I started with letters from my real name, then numbers from my DOB. I did a few drafting and came up with Cr8zyK1LL3r. 8 / 3  (You think it's easy? you give it a try ^_^)

Back then, I was practicing dota and was a noob, my friends were laughing at me coz I kept dying..... lol. But I know that I can be better than them if I play seriously. So I thought It would be a perfect name to use at that time. They had a good laugh when they saw my new gaming tag. They said: "I hope you could live up to your name". So I've decided to go with the name "Cr8zyK1LL3r" and show them that I can live up to that level if I want to.

Soon after I've changed my name, they started to witness a real crazy killer. And I became the leader. We then divide teams where all the rubbish players go into my team and all the average -> good players go to the other teams. And I still managed to lead the weaker team win many games that seems to be impossible to come back.
But I didn't want to stop at that level..... So we've decided to make a clan (I was still the leader, yayyyy!!!!) and challenged many clans in NZ and AUS. The name Cr8zyK1LL3r was getting more and more popular (at least that's what I thought :P) and many clan leaders started to challenge us. Like the MCC, Big World, Hi-Tech, etc... and Simonfish's friends who claimed to be the best at that time (Apparently not anymore after our games :D). We had a good & fun time back then......

Now, when i google Cr8zyK1LL3r, I can see the process line of my gaming world because there is no second gamer who is borned in 8 March and use the name Cr8zyK1LL3r, I believe.

Unfortunately, the scene didn't get as big as I've expected due to the limit of time I have in order to balance my real life as an engineering student and my gaming world as 1 of the top players and my hobbies consume too much time.....
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: DVS on November 18, 2009, 05:58:24 PM
Man who was filming your match up Blackstar? were they drunk?  :-\
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja on November 18, 2009, 06:28:01 PM
Quote from: DVS on November 18, 2009, 05:58:24 PM
Man who was filming your match up Blackstar? were they drunk?  :-\

lol it was mason , I think he was in awe at my 0l33t skills and couldnt contain himself haha

I will change the vids to the correct spelling now hue , cheers for the heads up
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja on November 18, 2009, 06:30:46 PM
cool , spelt your tag correctly on the vids now  ;)
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] weazzyefff on November 18, 2009, 08:00:03 PM
Wow cool story Cr8zyk1ll3r (oops forgot the capital letters).

I got a better one about my tag (Actual tag) GEWIZ. I live in GLEN EDEN and i'm the WIZ at: getting pussy,getting famous, skulling beers, smoking weed and being fired and kicked out of schools/courses.

If you know anyone in Glen Eden, they'll know me.  ANYONE. I bet you.
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: HoneyBadger on November 19, 2009, 09:30:26 AM
I asked all the westies if they knew Weazzyefff and they just thought I meant Lil Wayne...

Btw Hue how good was Big World back then?
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: zos'la on November 19, 2009, 09:31:43 AM
yeah and I shagged a gorgoues blonde last night, yeah yeah.
bump *** bump

Big world sucked, even at their Oening year they sucked. lots of hardware/ software and network issues, ontop of that they charged heaps per hour.
HTC was a lot better compared to them as they got to offer good connection and per hour cost.
environment wise would of been Big world in the lead as they were new and stuff...
But I still preferred HTC as they were my CS team sponsor and I knew the boss personally which always hook me up with good deals. :P along with the fact they had a few nice chicks working at the time :)
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: HoneyBadger on November 19, 2009, 10:09:50 AM
Yeah, when I went to BW neither the players nor the hardware was particularly good >< but then I thought that MCC DotA players were the damager so I probably wasn't that good lol
Title: Re: NZism at yiffans
Post by: [NIUE] weazzyefff on November 19, 2009, 11:05:44 AM
Quote from: Smoofologist on November 19, 2009, 09:30:26 AM
I asked all the westies if they knew Weazzyefff and they just thought I meant Lil Wayne...
Yea i wouldve too. Thats a better story on how i learnt you couldnt change your psn ID lol.