New Zealand Fighting Game Forum

General Category => Match Vids/Streams => Topic started by: massi4h on January 13, 2010, 10:09:55 PM

Title: TKD (El Fuerte) vs all 17 Characters (arcade)
Post by: massi4h on January 13, 2010, 10:09:55 PM

OMG this guy is amazing. He does lots of air throws and so far I've only watched a few, but he pwned this Akuma player and his tortillas are so fast you don't even know he's doing one.
Title: Re: TKD (El Fuerte) vs all 17 Characters (arcade)
Post by: [NIUE] BIRRY WONG on January 14, 2010, 06:25:44 AM
Yea thats TKD for you.

For a massive WTFholyshit, find the videos where he perfects Nemo's chun, and where he shits all over shiro's Abel. (One of these might be tetsu actually, im not too sure.)

TKD is really solid with Fuertes normals i find, which is impressive given how crap they are. And he's just about trademarked the safe tortilla -> opponent jumps -> Ultra. I need to do that shit more.  

Edit: Haha i just watched that Akuma match. That dude ate soooooo many air throws. TKD's biggest problem is not capitalising on the RSF opportunities that he sets up. Every single one he did, he went for the reset, and got punished. In all of those videos, resetting the RSF didnt pay off ONCE. It almost looked like he was choking them, which doesnt make sense. Not for someone at that level, and not THAT many times. In saying that though, it shows just how unnecessary it is to fuerte's game. But there were a few rounds lost unnecessarily because he didnt just finish the RSF instead of resetting it.
Title: Re: TKD (El Fuerte) vs all 17 Characters (arcade)
Post by: electric on January 14, 2010, 09:10:26 AM
TKD is fucking beast... High level Fuerte is amazing to watch
Title: Re: TKD (El Fuerte) vs all 17 Characters (arcade)
Post by: [NIUE] BIRRY WONG on January 14, 2010, 10:05:13 AM
I know eh. Whenever i get bored of SF4, i can just watch like, 2 of his videos and im motivated again.