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AUS:NSW / EVO APAC 2010 / Australian Qualifier!

Started by EXC355UM, February 07, 2010, 01:57:13 AM

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[CYS] hebretto

Andy, Fong, and Jack arrived safely

Got to watch Daigo in action and played a few with him but not sure where they disappeared to later at night :x

Got a photo of the three but Andy's face got a little blurred hahaha
CYS CEO aka Former TEAM AV CEO aka herbretto aka berbeto aka HAMAGER

Licensed to roll cancel since the age of 16.



All the very best of luck for the event brothers, I'm certain you'll all make us very proud. :D



Is there going to be a stream for the event?


Wow 99 players playing today only 8 qualifying. So many good players in it:

Andy, Fong, Gamogo, Crazy Freerider, CPS2, kiokenx3, Qmar and like 10 others I play against on XBL who are beast. Oh yeah and DAIGO.




So did Daigo go to this thing for publicity? Or his he going to find strong opponents? (kinda like Ryu)


Free trip to evo!

Although maybe madcatz would have given him that now anyway...
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness



my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.





Shot Andy. Can see both his last 2 pool matches here: http://www.justin.tv/lansmash/b/264423175
They got the names mixed up both times though lol.

Woah Fong qualified too with some nice finishes, your Rog is on point: http://www.justin.tv/lansmash/b/264418134
I was sad seeing you play Gamogo cause I wanted you both to make it through but my Akuma xbl buddy: you made a few mistakes which you are always correcting on srk forums lol. Doing fadc red fireball rather than ex shoryuken and not vortexing on Rog when he's one of the easiest to vortex on (although fong is pretty immune to it after all the jack battles), but yeah tourney nerves I guess. I'm bloody shaking just watching you guys play.

Good work guys epic play and I believe in at least 1 of you getting a spot tomorrow. Yay for all 3 NZ (who flew over) in the final bracket.

Anyone know the other player's results?


EVO APAC Last Chance Qualifiers results (top 2 in each pool qualify for the finals bracket the next day):
Pool A:
1st: Daigo (Ryu) <Japan> [winner's final here at 16 minutes: http://www.justin.tv/lansmash/b/264423175]
2nd: Crazy FreeRider (Seth) <New South Wales>

Pool B:
1st: bbbenson (E. Honda) <New South Wales>
2nd: Gankatron (Boxer) <New Zealand>

Pool C:
naruga (Blanka) <Victoria>
vindk8 (Dhalsim, Abel) <New South Wales>

Pool D:
zosla (Ryu) <New Zealand>
wizboer (Ryu) <New South Wales>

These 8 will go into the final bracket along with previously qualified:

Humanbomb <New South Wales>
robsux <New South Wales>
dk <New South Wales>
kientan <New South Wales>
ToXY <Victoria>
Somniac <Victoria>
Ero_Oyaji <Victoria>
Jim <Queensland>
Colin <Queensland>
Genxa <ACT Australian Capital Territory>
Ricky <Western Australia>
Combomaniac <South Australia>
JackSmash <New Zealand>