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NZism Proudly Presents - NZ Fighting Game Nationals 2010

Started by Lennysaurus, April 21, 2010, 08:39:15 AM

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ggs to everyone !!
big thanks to the organizers especially Rorooze. I've just realized that he's a really cool guy ^_^ I was quite amazed that he didn't get frustrated from all the questions about the brackets & how it works.

Congratulation to Kevin & Simon for beasting everyone AGAIN lol..... and none of them have the game at home....... No matter how many times I watch Kevin plays, I'm always amazed by his skills considering he has the least training and experience in super sf4. And shout out to Kevin's wife for letting him joining the tournament. lol

Congratulation to Mason for winning the money match. It doesn't matter if you've improved a lot or I got worse, you are definitely better than me now. ^_^ and sorry Skull for no money match against u as i don't feel confident with my skills at this point. Maybe when i finish all my school work and industrial project and have time to practice a bit then i will MM u guys again ^_^

Congratulation to Robert for making to top 16. This was the first time that he joined a tournament and he managed to be 1 of the top 12 qualifiers. I believe he will be another Fong if he has more confident and keep on playing.

Sorry for all my C.Viper fans for no Viper actions in this tournament as I didn't get enough time to prepare for it due to the release of SC2 :P+ school work

Well, at least I have time to catch up with my school work & project now (i'm so far behind :( next week will be the toughest week ever). I won't say i quit SSF4 coz i know i can't ;D so I will just turn up and have some fun with u guys whenever we have another tournament.

p.s: shout out to imagneto for letting me torture his stick on Saturday.
your stick has been tested and approved by Cr8zyK1LL3r. It is indestructible now.

Pss: Bad luck to Fong and Jack, look like the brothers share the same destiny that they HAVE TO lose to the same person in the National tournament, you guys have a new enemy now :D. And Fong, I knew exactly what you were thinking while playing against Jack, tricky bastard. lol


Awww man I left before the MMs, was good to spec, watching 3S was the best :P mean SSF4 top 8 aswell. Props to those who ran it, looked like a mammoth bracket to keep track of.  :o



Props to the organizers of the event!!!
Not often is this type of opportunity available down in Wellington...so when it does happen...ANYWHERE...I encourage everyone to try and make these types of events.
APAC NZ...was my first...and only 2 of us from Welly went aswell as Munta from Christchurch...off memory the rest was AKL.
This time around I feel like Welly was well represented and hopefully more of us can make it to more of these events in the future.

Once again I managed to take away some knowledge and examine new tactics. Unfortunately I didn't get time to put it all to the test... :P
Shout outs also to the guys I did play in the comp...


Once again another good weekend in Akl with some bad ass games to watch!!!

Congrats to Kevin... The sickest Gief ever. That wasn't a game...more like a performance!!!

Fav's to watch for me...

I bliss...like the fist...of the mantis...
Those who oppose get dropped and hit the canvas.


Thanks heaps Lenny for organizing, and everyone who was involved with running. Fantastic event and weekend.
Great play by absolutely everybody.. good games to everyone I played.

All good on the MM Hue, just let me know if you ever want one, I'll be keen.

Massive congratulations to Kevin! You really are #1 bro, you deserved it!!!

Big thanks to James and Chrissie for helping record my matches while I was playing! Gutted you didn't make it through to Sunday with us bro, next time it's all yours.

Good to meet you Nick4now and TheFlash! Shot for making the trip guys, hope you enjoyed yourselves. Awesome money match with you Flash, was closer than it seemed too considering you dropped a few supers which would of won rounds.. you played real well tho man. I hope the casino put out for you too  ;D

Players of the day for me in the SSFIV tourny go to Fong and Weazzy.
Fong, your boxer is perfect man, an absolute joy to watch, I can't even come close.
Weazzy, you sure showed everyone! Well done bro.

And of course, a big thanks to Mason for winning both of your money matches which I had side bets on you for!

Shot wellington for coming up and making the third strike tourny what it was, hope you guys enjoyed yourselves.

The buffet on Saturday night was awesome haha, shout outs to the U-Man for making the biggest dent in their food supply!
Props to Skycity Casino for letting me rob them of their $700 on roulette Saturday night too haha.

I look forward to the something epic up your sleeve Lenny ;] It sounds awesome bro, will definitely make it up for them.

Will be editing and uploading all my vids soon, will post a topic. I got a bit of SSFIV, some HDR, and the entire 3rd Strike finals (20 minutes! lol)


Awesome event! My first Nats and it was mean as!

GGs to everyone that made it, especially Rory, Andy and Karizzma for our matches. Very good games.

Sucks I missed the second day since I have an essay due tomorrow :'(, I woulda loved to have seen the finals and MM's go down.

Gotta agree with Mob and Hydro on the MVP's. Shot to the bro Skull for making top 8, awesome stuff! and Kevin, Rumble and Weazzy for their amazing performances. Thanks heaps Rumble for letting me borrow your stick too bro!

Huuuuge Thanks to Lenny, Rorooze, Ben and everyone else that helped run and organize! Also thanks to the travellers, particularly Flash and Nick4now! Good to finally meet you guys after so many games online ;D. Great catching up with all the regulars aswell! Mason, Hydro, CrazyMob and Wicked in particular, always great having a yarn to you guys :D

Congratz to everyone that made top 8! and BIG congratz Kevin. Insane Geif

Awesome community. Looking foward to the next event and to Next years Nationals for sure!

Edit: after reading Mason's post (thanks man! and yea I had heaps of fun! good catching up again), I remember there should have been one more person on the MVP list: Rob's Boxer = Freakin Awesome! Nice work dude

"I hope the Yama Kings have mercy upon your soul, for I shall not" - Hsien-Ko


It was a Mean National Tournament this year. Thanks for the people who organize this year tournament. Hopefully looking forward to next year.

Cr8zykill3r thanks for testing my stick... something happen to my stick.. it go to xbox home screen aftering having some matches against wezzy. Andy and i Thought it would be a circuit fault~ Its all fine now. :) Buttons not warn out... thank god you were gentle with it haha.

B BOY DRAW2 - Wait til i upgrade my ps3 to xbox soon... i am geting sick of ps3 lol... hopefully you'll soon see me on xbox =)
and awesome arcade stick you have bro =)

Heb- Good games on mvc2... i know we both are missing so many links with Magneto Combos lol.. hopefully we can meet again and rematch... has to be in Arcades.. Screw Consoles... lol.

Frankie - Very strong alex... i wouldnt touch 3s anymore... scared the shit out of me... ~ hopefully you can play ssf4 someday ;)
awesome final matches against simon =) i miss the moment where you parry all simon super moves and end up perfect... lol


Nationals was really awesome. Thanks alot to everyone who helped organise, especially Lenny, Rory, Ben and Heb.

Giant GGs to Hue. The guy I could never beat since I first started the game. Our matches in the tournament and MM were both crazy intense and I really enjoyed playing with you. I thought picking Ryu was the right thing for you to do, I just never thought I'd actually beat your Ryu lol.

Also GGs to Moose in 3s. Well... I'm not gonna talk shit cause you're an awesome guy and you know heaps about 3s and I just spam bullshit, but ggs to all the games we had. Also Toots in our little $10 MM which I lost to your Dudley. Glad that you've finally learnt how to beat my shit consistently. Also GG to Chuckk who knocked me out in 3s.

The top level 3s was just amazing to watch at how high the skill level was. I really wish the Simon vs Frankie in the winner's bracket was recorded. Simon was a game and a round up, he knocked down frankie and gave him no health. Simon goes EX fireball xx super with ken and Frankie full parries the whole thing and comes back, then perfects the next round and wins the next game.

Big shout out to Simon and Kevin, the 2 beasts who run over everyone.

GGs to Weazzy, fuck you beat me and played really solid and then I lost to Andy pretty convincingly which he always seems to do against me. Nice work Skullator for top 8 and playing a really solid TOP TIER character :D Nice work to my buddy Scrib yesterday, hope you had a good time, sucks that you couldn't make it today but hope you finished your shit.

GGs to everyone I played in everything else. Especially Ioane in the Marvel, yay at me hitting you with a raging demon lol. And Heb as well, glad you two came all the way over here. Also good to meet Nick4Now, Martinizzle, Schweetness and everyone else on the weekend. And shot Rob for the crazy Boxer.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: [NYC] weazzyefff on August 05, 2010, 11:12:46 AM
It will go like this

Rumble or whoever the best Guile is

Wholly fuck scary how close my prediction was ay lol.

gg's erebody

weazal is not salty this year.

I want brackets and pictures up asap!!!
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on August 22, 2010, 08:23:35 PM

Congratulation to Kevin & Simon for beasting everyone

yeah kevin beast me.. but simonfish didint lol :)


Mason I'm immune to your tier bullshit now that we both even top tier  ;D

samurai black


super good games to watch today, skull was mad impressive. and omg fuck breathless. i think the only way to balance that ultra is to give everyone else breathless too :D

also nice to put names to face with chuck, moose, oro and team AV CEO heb


awesome comp fellas, every game was intense and hype

MVP for me is clearly either one of kevin, simon or weezzy. abel ultra 2 is gaaaaay but man simon's abel was on point the whole tournament, mind fucking with everyone and taking faces. and to kevin, i just don't know how you do it, not having as much practice or if any compared to everyone else and yet you again prove why your number1........oh yeah and your ability to adapt quickly and read shit.......is insane :o

to my nigger weezy, look what happens when you don't come drunk and stoned off your face.....you ripped shit up, going underfeated in the first day ;D sick bison bro

rookie of the year goes to Rob, i remember the day you were a noob at yifans, now look at you, top 12 in your first tournament. awesome stuff bro, you're footzies are good and your only gonna get better with experience.......... oh and screw you for knocking me out of the top 16 lol >:(

biggest highlight for me goes to 3rd strike, super was great but 3rd strike was a "holy fuck!!!!", every game in the finals was oh so crazzzzzzzy, kevin's urien, simons mak and frankie's alex - high level play before my very eyes :o

big shout outs to nick4now, martinnizzle and to the rest of the niggers who's names i don't bother to remember

p.s abel ultra suck balls :D
abel ultra 2 = the most hated among the community


Pretty gutted I couldn't make today but university has to be the priority! Can't wait till it's all over in November :D Anyway, Saturday was pretty cool but I imagine all the hype was today! Few comments:

Firstly, Lenny, what a legend organising basically the entire event! Looked like you were pretty stressed when I came back from the T6 setups and thought I'd help with HDR a bit, didn't think it'd lead to running most of the brackets lol. Vocal chords are still pretty sore from all the shouting even though I got you to do a fair amount of it!

Stu, great working with you on the SSF4 brackets, was really easy with both of us working on it and having a decent view on all the setups! Shot on your placing in HDR as well!

Thanks to everyone who helped with sticks and being patient when we called a game then realised we had to change because their opponent was playing another game! Good to see people not messing around at button checks and getting on with the games. And thanks to anyone that helped me get people that were missing for their matches!

Great to put some XBL names to faces (fearlessnewbie, pinolicious) and the guys from out of town, moose!, nick4now (sweet juri btw) and heb (shot for coming from AU).

Scribble, I say it every time but we need to get some more games in! You no scare with Mak, good shit :D Hydro, I gotta learn how to punish rose, getting counter hit with c.mp way to much, good games nonetheless! Thanks to kururu also!

Hue, wish you played your Viper! Explaining how we had to run the brackets was fine, had the question from quite a few people! Next time it should be much easier to understand, we were just in a bit of a tricky position this year but I think it worked out well! I know how you feel about uni workload, hopefully when november comes round we can both get more games in.

GENETERROR! Thank you SO MUCH for those posters, not sure what happened to that e-mail but you did those in a short space of time and they came out pretty sweet! Not sure if you heard some of the comments from but I think the general consensus was they were awesome. Definitely need to get some laminated in the future, will be in touch about that another day :D

Time for bed I think, can't wait to see some of the vids :)


Quote from: Skullator on August 22, 2010, 11:51:47 PM
Mason I'm immune to your tier bullshit now that we both even top tier  ;D

haha this post is made of win!!!
abel ultra 2 = the most hated among the community