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NZ SSF4 National Tournament Commentator !!

Started by Cr8zyK1LL3r, July 12, 2010, 01:49:09 AM

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Our fighting community in SSF4 is getting big and I think it would be awesome to have commentators at our National. I just want to hear people opinions about this.

So, would you like to have commentators for our matches at the National. If so, who do you vote for and why ??

These are the people that I think would be a good commentator:

1. Lenny : everyone knows he understands the game pretty well and he's pretty good at commentating...... The only problem is that he might be too busy running the tournament so I'm not sure if he has time to be a commentator at the same time.

2. Andy : I know many people don't like Andy but we cannot deny the fact that he knows a lot about the game system such as characters match-up, strategies, zoning, what beats what, which move is punishable, etc...... His understanding about the game is a very important factor that any commentator should have, otherwise they don't even know what the hell they are talking about.

3. SimonFish & Smoof : I think they would be pretty good commentators, they love giving comments during player's matches and some of their comments are very funny. But They need to stay neutralize while doing the commentating rather than supporting one player only.

4. Bill & Euan
: I think they are pretty cool.

I just hope that we will be able to find someone and we probably can have him to commentate our 3vs3 first and see how it goes.



My only issue is that there will be multiple games at nats, so we can't really know for sure at this stage whats going to happen. I assume multiple different games will be going on at once, which would make it hard for the commentators.

If we were to do 1 game at a time, and JUST talk about what was being played on the main setup, that would be doable. We might miss some epic moments on the other setups, but realistically we cant comment on EVERY SINGLE MATCH for 2 days.

Also, if we were to just have SSF4 on the main setup, this would work, but i would kind of like to see more than one game up there on the projector. Although i realise most people will be there exclusively for SSF4.

Also, if MVC2 gets any commentary, i have to nominate Ben (Gunsmoke) for it. Marvel wouldnt be the same without his commentary. Hell, without it, BIRRY WONG LITERALLY would not exist.

He's the hero NZism deserves.
But not the one it needs right now.
So we'll hunt him.
Because he can take it.
Because he's not our Hero.
He's a Niuean Guardian.
A watchful poster.


Fantastic idea!

I think Bill, Smoof and Euan would be my first choices, but there's no harm in doing a rotating panel with a few of us is there? Steven & Gunsmoke Ben would be good comedic choices, where as Ben (Toomekke), Fong, Jack, Andy, Lenny and Simon (Mobius) would be great technical commentators too.

Great idea to trial it at the 3v3 too :D


You know what would be cool? An open commentating mike at the 3 v 3. Where anyone who's not playing can get up and commentate. Is this possible?

Also Steven 'I got paid' would be funny as commentator.


Commentary is a terrible idea if the players can hear it. So it'd only be for the camera.

Is it really worth it?
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


its a change, has its pros and cons, we can try it out and see how it goes :)
I also agree commentators must stay neutral and have a good knowledge of teh game and what not.
Sense of humor is another important factor which comes into play, but all in all I think its worth a try.
I also like the idea of free commentating where anyone who wants to do it, they can.
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.

[NIUE] weazzyefff

I like talking about the game with others while watching. But i'm sure it puts people off. I don't really care as i'll most likely be drunk and in a 'i don't give a fuck' pausing kinda mood lol.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!


what if players have an option to wear headphone so that they cannot hear the commentator if they don't want to (just like the main stage at Xlan).

[NIUE] weazzyefff

Quote from: Cr8zyK1LL3r on July 12, 2010, 11:53:26 AM
what if players have an option to wear headphone so that they cannot hear the commentator if they don't want to (just like the main stage at Xlan).
True ay, something so simple evades me yet again.
Bison: [to Guile] Something wrong, Colonel? You come here prepared to fight a madman, and instead you found a god?

Das Right bitch, G Weazal is GAWD!!!



my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.



I dont think the players being able to hear is an issue and good plus funny is important as well


seriously, If I was playing and there are commentators, I won't be paying ANY attention towards them as I'm focused on my game... but I guess not everyone can do that.... its like u put urself in a different dimension? hehe
the headphones are a good idea I guess...
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


One thing that is quite important is that the commentators are not allowed to give away strategies before they come into play. People were complaining alot at xlan about commentators giving away a team's strat/positioning in CS and the same really applies to SF.

Tbh I was quite mad when the crowd started yelling "Super" in the EVO APAC qualifier to me against Kevin, which only helped keep him aware that I was trying to set it up. People could be near Ultra and trying to do a focus dash setup (like Chun through a fireball) and if the commentators/crowd yell that out it gives an unfair advantage to the other player. Also can't say, "his Ryu now has 2 bars and Ultra, I think he will mash it through that block string."

So if the players can hear the commentators, definitely not keen for them to give out important information, gotta be careful with their words.


Not being a dick for once to you Mason, but I don't think the same thing really applies. All the information you need for SF is given to you on screen. You can't really compare something like sending two A and four B to something like a super setup. If the commentator can see your setup, no doubt somebody good like Kevin would be able to tell too.
my mum found dark dawn on the DS.

that game is gonna get raped.