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Weekly Wellington RanBat

Started by jsculls, April 12, 2011, 09:11:34 PM

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It is on again this week at Old Boy(iPlay is $20 per hour for the room with only one set up)) with a different format. I've been talking to a few people about it and I wanna try out a couple of formats to see what will be the most successful and fair.

The format this week is casual play (no tournament). Winner stays style with a maximum of 5 wins before you get booted (gives everyone a chance to have a go against others). Games will be the same.

Moving forward we will look at running one tournament per week and rotating the games to make sure we get the maximum amount of play out of our time there and minimise the cost to everyone. Additionally I'm investigating if this can be run from peoples homes instead to make it really super cheap. The idea would be that if you host you pay nothing and the people that come bring food/drink for everyone so that you get remunerated for use of your house. I'm fine to host them at mine, ideally we'd have 3 or 4 people who were keen to alternate between.

I'm actually in Melbourne at the mo and wont be back until Monday so will miss this weeks one. My brother Daniel is organising it for us this week.


Im unsure if i can make it this week

Will do my best to come down for an hour though, biggest issue is who is gona bring sticks


I'll bring mine... I assume Chuckk will too (if he isn't working?)


Sweet thanks guys, sticks and a 360 copy of MVC3.

Can those who are able to make it confirm here? Just so that we have an idea of numbers etc.


I'll be there.
I don't have a stick or anything tho.


GG's all even though i wasn't even there lolz.

11people turned up for the Casuals Session. with an hour each of Mvc3 & Tekken 6. Street fighter players having the more players ended up taking the rest of the session ;D. Good job nzism. although most ppl i know Forgot (washing is a poor excuse laa!) decent amount i reckon.

hopefully john will be back to set up the ranbats/tourney's next session.

Melty Blood - C-Akiha, C-V.Akiha, C-Nanaya, C-W.len
Dissidia - Squall, Zidaine, Golbez, Frion, Tidus
SSF4 - Makoto, Sakura


I heard this went pretty well last weekend. Good stuff guys!!

This week we'll be moving to the iPlay on Courtenay place for two main reasons 1) more space, 2) it's apparently only $2.50 per hour, per set up if you have a gold membership (which we'll look to acquire).

More details to follow, it also means we can play longer without worrying about time constraints and ensures everyone can get a decent game in.

We'll look to make it a fixed price of $5 per person with the remainder of the money being used as prizes for competitions or up for discussion as to what else it could be used for.


good shit guys who came in again yesterday
it'll be even better this sunday with tourney format and everything and iPlay looks promising :)


had a good time Easter Sunday, couldn't make it this past Sunday due to having to work, but next Sunday I'll def be there. keen.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



Hey dudes, had a good time the last couple of weekends. Good organisation, iPlay sounds like a good place.

FYI I'm Matt, or Chuckk/Moose's friend, or that dirty Rose troll.


Quote from: Coddfish on May 03, 2011, 12:51:15 AM
Hey dudes, had a good time the last couple of weekends. Good organisation, iPlay sounds like a good place.

FYI I'm Matt, or Chuckk/Moose's friend, or that dirty Rose troll.

Long time no see!
Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


Long time indeed.
But I'm back in New Zealand now and playing fighting games again, so it seemed to make sense to wipe the dust off this account.


Hey guys,

Just confirming that battles are on again this week at 2pm. I'll send an email out to all those who aren't on this or TekkenZaibatsu (this will go up on Zaibatsu tomorrow as well). As mentioned in my last post we're going with a location change in order to save us some money. We're moving to the iPlay on Courtenay Place map: http://maps.google.co.nz/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=iplay+wellington&aq=&sll=-41.169351,175.083618&sspn=0.74638,1.231842&ie=UTF8&hq=iplay&hnear=Wellington&ll=-41.291593,174.776902&spn=0.01164,0.019248&z=16&iwloc=B

In order to keep it simple and quick over the next three weeks we will run one tournament per week and rotate the games between MVC3, Tekken and SSFIV. This weeks game will be SSFIV.

We can look at running all three tournaments on the same day in the future if that's what people want. Tournaments will also be double elimination (thanks Rorooze for reccomending Challonge that thing is the best).

The cost per hour, per machine is $4 on a standard membership or $2.50 if we have someone with a gold attend. There are  a few people with Gold's so if they're there on the day it'll be cheap as chips. This obviously means some difference in terms of costs. In order to keep things as simple as possible and because it's not a massive amount I want to keep it at $5 per player, this will mean we'll have a bit left over each Sunday.

There are a couple of options here so I'm keen to get opinions from people:

1) We pay out the winner of the tournament on the given day and 2nd place is given their $5 back
2) We save the money and purchase hardware (first priority would be Marvel since we're currently using Barnstorm's copy)

I'll have a chat to everyone on the day about what they'd like to do as well but if you've got ideas happy to hear em.



Isn't there 2 Iplay's on Courtenay?

It's late so some of this shit is not written in the most logical order;

Anyhow, I was going to post saying I think it's more fair that the left over cash be paid out to the winner and 2nd given their entry back, because at this point, even if the money is invested in copies of games for these tournaments to use, the games will be always end up being someones even though they were paid for equally by everyone (by logic). I'm not against this idea, especially because it's not fair if say Barnstorms copy of Marvel ends up fucking out etc. I think the most important thing here, is if we do go ahead and spend leftover venue fee on first off, a copy of marvel 3, that everyone knows where their money is going everytime it's put towards something new, and where/what/how the ownership of that game works. If we all agree to buy X, and that Y holds on to it and brings it every Sunday etc. Then if something more drastic happens, Y passes it on to someone else to hold on to, or we find a fair way of selling/giving someone/playing for the game.

I have to ask something. If we do rotate "tournaments" for each game, but everyone still pays $5 each week, is it fair that those who don't play said weeks game won't/can't enter the tournament and are not able to have a shot at winning/getting back their $5? Now, I think that it could be ok, considering say next week, your game could come up, and then you would have a shot at winning, and so on and so on, but, what if people decide not to ever show up to any week that their game isn't on?

I still kind of see this as a better solution though, at this point we don't need to have an entity that owns setups and games, we're better off having players coming to play regularly, and if a chance at doing that for free/making a small profit is an incentive, we should use it. Also encouraging people to bring anything of their own that they can would help out. I only have PS3 shit, but I've got a console, Tekken, Marvel, Super, and all the other shit on there, HDR, T5DR, MVC2 etc, and sticks.

I know some of what I have written is fairly anal, and we're only talking about a few dollars here and there each week, but when it comes to money, there will always be an issue with something, I think it just pays to take everything into consideration and think it through and agree on what to do before we do anything.

Food for thought, at least.

"It's only the 360 version that is late.  PS3 version will ship on time."



Thanks Chukk appreciate the feedback.
Updated the link above. There's only one iPlay on Courtenay, The other one is on Manners.

You make valid points. Happy to go ahead with that we can have a quick discussion with everyone on Sunday to see what the popular vote is.

RE prize money and point about one tourny vs three. I was thinking about that last night, it's true that the people whose "turn" it is to play their tournament will have the most incentive to attend. The fact of the matter is still $5 is cheap for 2+ hours of gaming. Running all three tournaments will take approx 3 hours I reakcon (maybe less) so if people are keen for that we can do it.

Prize money would be around $10 per winner (so an extra fiver and 2nd place is gettign their money back) running all 3 tournaments or running one tournament per week prize money for the winner will be around $40 with 2nd place getting their money back.

I certainly dont want anyone to feel ripped off by any of these options hence the democracy.