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Samurai Shodown Tenka

Started by fluxcore, January 22, 2007, 10:15:26 AM

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fluxcore's totally newbish basic tenka stuff

First of all, for a basic explanation of modes and whatnot, go to guardcrush.net, specifically this thread.

I like Ten groove (SSIV) for Ukyo, he has a pretty good Ten starter combo.
Misc notes:
j.B cross up
s.D X super or s.D x qcb+A/B
qcb+A is damn safe on block
Swallow swipe (tiger knee + slash) reflects projectiles
backdash XX swallow swipe is instant overhead
cr.D x df.D
B counter hit, qcb+D, B/D, qcb+A/B or super
B counter hit, qcb+D, A+B ten combo...
Ten: A+B AABBCCxqcb+B pounce (start with cr.C for counterhit punish)

She's really good in either Ten (SSIV) or Ken (SSVI) - Ken is good because super is kept after building it, and because she can connect free super after almost any knock down, it's really useful to store it. However, she has one of the best Ten combo starters in the game, so it's hard to pick which is better...

Misc notes
cr.D is really fast, safe on block, and has good priority
close B hit confirm X qcb+C
f+D hit confirm X air dp+C
You can OTG super after knockdown: Throw, Air qcb+Slash, dp+A, slide, C

Personally I like him in Rei (SSV) groove - he has really slow rage buildup, so is good for building enlightenment meter. And enlightenment is cool, plus issen does loads of damage.

Misc notes
He still has his old tricks like C xx hcf+S, cr.C xx hcf+S, dp+S xx hcf+S.... basically since he has lots of air moves, you can cancel tons of stuff into specials.
jumping d.D is a crossup kick similar in style to Iori's b.B
Err... he doesn't really have a lot of funky stuff, but I like playing as him.

Any sufficiently godlike street fighter technique is indistinguishable from randomness


I seem to find Ten an easy groove to use. Although I haven't actually played around a lot with the others.


yes they put it back samurai...in yifan.... :'( :'( :'( only from blue machine
LiFe iS gOoD wHeN u WaNa Be!