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Auckland - Yifan's Queen St

Started by fluxcore, January 10, 2007, 02:06:10 PM

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Quote from: [8-----D] Toots on March 30, 2011, 11:33:05 AM
The lag is terrible it really feels like you are playing online.

I personally would rather play at yifans if the sf4 setups were up to standard and the pricing was better. Timezone doesn't feel like an arcade to me and the only other fighting games they have are new games like tekken and bb. It used to be cool going down and seeing a bunch of different people playing a bunch of different games  :'(

Wonder why they have this issue but TZ doesn't. Make sure you let the tech guy know. Although he probably is already aware of it.


Quote from: Rorooze on March 30, 2011, 10:13:17 AM
Card is way better than coin imo. Seats aren't great and it is a bit grubby at TZ but TZ staff are infinitely more helpful. It's also only really 90 cents a game if you have a VIP card and only top up when it is double dollars, less than half the price of yifans.

Horses for courses I guess.

[NIUE] B1ackstar Ninja

yeah i do like the atmosphere at yiffans so much more , with all the fighting games , i also like putting your coins up for next challenge over having a swipe card as well  .

shame yiffans screens lag , have nothing like double dollars which rule at tz and just overall helpfullness at tz is alot better .
"Attack me if you dare , i will crush you "


Quote from: DVS on March 30, 2011, 02:08:56 PM
Yifans now has AE for $2 a game, 2 cabs, probably be a 4 cab set up (he was half way through setting up when I was playing). We had a fire alarm go off at work so I was able to sneak off for a few games. Haven't played down at Yifans since last year, so I was rusty, noticed screen lag straight away.

Take it or leave it....

still have no idea why go yifans over timezone, vip card the game is 1.80, plus they have double dollars, lag free, joysticks are mint to the core, unlike yifans fuck i get a good workout from mashing thoses buttons


Also yifans layout feels weird again. I'm pretty sure tz layout is the same as a TE, but yifans I keep missing the buttons... It's still much more of an arcade and lucky that there's still lots of other games being played there like KoF and old school games, or else they might shut down and really it's the best and biggest arcade in the country.


so Yifan's got SSF4 AE now? Might try it...
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Quote from: zos'la on March 31, 2011, 10:55:28 AM
so Yifan's got SSF4 AE now? Might try it...

What did you think?

If they change the price to $3 for two games it would be a better deal.


its just the same as how yifans always is...
I still prefer the TZ setups... though they need to have proper chairs for all 4 cabs ><
Had to sit half my ass today!!
Widen your eyes, there are always mountains higher than the ones you see.


Hey goku were you the Guile and Balrog player from yesterday?


Quote from: xFIST_0F_FURYx on April 02, 2011, 11:52:36 AM
Hey goku were you the Guile and Balrog player from yesterday?

You'll know Goku when you see him.  Imagine the Incredible Hulk, just not green.

NZism 2011 King of Wishful Thinking and Part-Time Hero


...or Incredible. Oh shit I said it. Na jks man, your Guile is real good now.


Quote from: CrazyMobius on April 01, 2011, 07:26:31 PM
What did you think?

If they change the price to $3 for two games it would be a better deal.

still not a better deal than timezone, double dollars means it is 1 dollar a game, better than $1.50 a game!


Quote from: Rorooze on April 02, 2011, 04:06:31 PM
still not a better deal than timezone, double dollars means it is 1 dollar a game, better than $1.50 a game!

$1 a game that's a pretty good deal! So is that all the time now?


Timezone have double dollars day which are the first Sunday of every month (like tomorrow) and every public holiday. If you top up on one of those days they'll double the amount you top up. Which essentially means if you pick it right your games are all gonna be half priced practically. Also when you get $200 spent on your card you get upgraded to a Gold Card which means you get a free game every day (assuming you top up at least $20 that month, obviously do that on double dollars).

Also every Thursday is if you pay $6 you get a temporary card with half price for that day. That doesn't get vip pricing though so each game of SSF4AE would be $1. After the $6 runs out you can top however much you want on on Thursday to keep getting the half price.


Oh yeah double dollars. I remember now. I did that when AE first came out. Now if only TZ had Third Strike...